Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 7: My Garmin is a $%*#$

I was still feeling blah and wasn’t sure if I would swap my Mon & Wed workouts or not. Matt even suggested that I could take this entire week off and it wouldn’t hurt me, but I didn’t really think that a week off was necessary. Once I got warmed up, I decided to go for the mile repeats.

4 x 1 mile repeats with 5 min recovery

My recovery time was spent mostly walking & jogging. Usually I would run those just a touch slower than my easy pace.

Total workout with warm up & cool down totaled 7 miles.
15 minutes of core

This typically would have been FGF, but I just wasn’t feeling it. I felt like I really needed another day off. I know, what is wrong with me?! Instead of FGF I went and picked up Mr. Healthy Diva’s Valentine and then took Tia & Maisy for a walk. After the walk I made homemade lasagna for dinner and read my book. Sporadic recovery day was a success!

Do you ever take a sporadic recovery day? I asked this question on my facebook page the other day and got some great responses.

7 miles E pace. On a whim I decided to go home during lunch and grab my running clothes to hit up one of my favorite spots to run after work on the south hill. All was going dandy until mile 4.18 when my garmin died. Not a dead battery kind of died. Losing satellites, turning off & on by itself etc. I was beyond annoyed. Luckily I had my cell phone with me so I left the stupid watch on and set the timer on my cell phone and took off lickety split not knowing my pace. I was almost back to my car when the stupid watch miraculously came to life. I stopped the timer, noted the time on it, started my watch and took off to run another full mile. Needed to make sure I hit my 7 miles!

Came home still super annoyed with my watch and did 15 minutes of core work.

After my core I went to my garmin map to figure out how many non garmin tracked miles I ran. I was pretty impressed when I saw that I had run exactly 2 miles. How did that happen?! In the end I ended up with 7.10 miles. PERFECT.

I got to FGF in time to do a short stride workout outside. FGF isn't located in the best of areas, but it was light enough outside that I felt safe. Ran a couple of blocks, walked for about 10 seconds and repeated for 1.8 miles.

I loved the workout in FGF because it included 200 meter sprints. My favorite workouts always incorporate running.

Came home and did 20 minutes of extra core work + some additional stretching.

Day off.....
After work Mr. Healthy Diva helped me with a little photo shoot for a Brooks product review that I am working on for this week.

I decided to run my long run on the Windermere Marathon course for some marathon training inspiration. It was a little brisk outside, so I layered up. My goal was to find a happy medium from the 19 E I had on my training schedule and the make up for my 16 mi fail the previous weekend. The run was going to fantastic. Miles 1-10 were sub 8:00 average. My goal was to run 18 miles in total, with the last 8 miles being marathon pace (7:30-7:35). Miles 10-12.44 were right on target, about a 7:30 pace. Then my Garmin decided to be an a-hole again. I tinkered around with it for what seemed like a long time and could never get it up and "running" again. By this time the weather had changed and it was raining/hailing. I decided to just ran back to my car and figure out what my mileage was when I got home.

I ended up with 17 miles, but unfortunately I don't know how long that took me or what my pace was because the a-hole Garmin decided to delete all of my history back to January 26th 2012. Awesome. I did a software update on the Garmin so hopefully it will fix it's issues. If not I might need a week to calm myself down before calling Garmin.

Saturday wasn't a total debbie downer though. I got a surprise in the mail from my blogger friend and Brooks ID athlete, Kat who blogs at Sneakers and Fingerpaints. I seriously love the mustache, haha. Thanks Kat! :-)

With the roads clear of snow and ice I was hoping that I could take my new road bike out for quick spin. I woke up super excited until I looked outside and saw the fresh dusting of snow on the roads. I figured if I was patient enough to wait then maybe I could go out in the afternoon....Just in case I wouldn't be able to, I completed a quick 45 minute spin session with 20 minutes of core. My abs were seriously burning  They were on fire!

After the lunch the roads looked pretty clear so I got the chance to take my little beauty out for the first time!

Maiden Voyage February 17th, 2013

Let's just say that a road bike is a lot different from a mountain bike!!! I am a complete novice. I got 100 feet away from my driveway and the chain slipped so I had to stop and fix it. Embarrassing! It took me a while to figure out the gears, but I was catching on towards the end. Covered 5.16 miles and used the Garmin with no problems. Keeping my fingers crossed that the software update did the trick! I am really looking forward to getting out and riding my bike more. Now I just need to come up with a name to call her......

Total miles ran: 33.4
Total miles biked: 5.16
Core total: 70 minutes
Weeks until Windermere Marathon: I don't want to think about that right now :-)

Questions for you:
How was your weekend? Do anything fun?
What was your favorite workout this week?
Do you name your fitness equipment (treadmill, bikes, etc.)?



  1. I love Brooks! Those mustaches are awesome :)

    1. Isn't the mustache totally hilarious?! I can't wait to put it on my key chain. :-)

  2. I have been taking more rest days (2 extra this week!) but I think that if its not a long run day and I get close enough on my weekly miles, I will be ok on race day.

    1. Yes, you should be fine. Rest days are pretty important. I don't think a few extra hurt anything as long as you got your core workouts in the bank.

  3. OMG I hate hate HATE when Mr. Garmin decides to start drama. It's just terrible.

    And YES, unplanned rest days just have to happen sometimes. I try to keep a high bar for them (ie, really, truly feeling like it would be worse for me to go for a run than not to) or else I fall into the trap of just being lazy. I am extremely leery of the phrase "listening to [one's] body" because my body is a lazy lazy wench who will choose drinking wine on the couch over running every day of the week & twice on Sundays, but I understand the sentiment and there are times when you really are better off for it.

    1. Ugh, there is nothing worse than a dramatic Garmin. I swear that mine hates me!

      You seriously crack me up. I can't count how many times my body would have chosen drinking a bottle of wine over torturing myself through a grueling workout. I can be very lazy and I love my wine. Wine is simply amazing.

  4. How frustrating with your Garmin! Argh. I hope it gets sorted out. That is impressive run timing without it though :)

    I am absolutely hopeless on racer bikes. For a start, I find the seat and handlebars being approximately level seriously challenging and am inclined to topple off! I don't own one (probably for the best...) and my bike is a hybrid model, but Mr B has a racer and every now and then we amuse ourselves when I try to ride it ;) Good luck with getting fully used to yours!

    1. Thanks Kari! At least I had some sort of long run redemption yesterday.

      I have a feeling it will take me several more neighborhood treks on my my bike before I feel super comfortable on it. I probably looked really comical today. :-)

  5. That mustache is so cute! haha And so glad you brought the bike out :)

    1. The stache cracks me up. I want to find a coffee mug with a stache on it. I have seen them before and thought that it was hilarious.

      I was thrilled that the weather was nice enough for me to take my bike out. It has only been staring at me for months now.

  6. Great workouts, Tasha! Good for you for listening to your body and taking an extra recovery day. I think I may need one of those this week.
    But argh on the Garmin! Mine has been acting up, too. It says it's saving my data but has an error bringing it up, I have no idea why. Need it fixed!

    1. Thanks Laura. I can tell how much more refreshed my whole body feels today. It is awesome. So glad I didn't push the workouts when they weren't necessary.

      Why are the Garmins being so cranky lately?!

  7. Joo are so welcome ;) now if you can package up some of your speed and send it this way, were super even haha xo

  8. Those Garmins are soooo annoying most of the time! My ex-coach (I just fired him last week) always always always told me to run by PE (perceived effort) and stop fixating on the watch. I actually really liked that. Just not him. Hahah. Hope it's working had a very solid week - I can't believe how quickly you have jumped back into training, you are on fire!!! :)

    1. Oh no Jill! What happened with the coach? Everything okay? My coach says I rely on my "gadget" (what he calls me garmin) too much. I feel as if it is one of my body parts though! I will admit that as I am getting back to the grind of training I don't rely on quite so much. So far I feel like training is going good. I am excited!!!!

  9. I have had some trouble with my garmin when it gets too "full". Then I have to delete laps on the spot, (clear data) which I finally know how to do. Also, sometimes I hit lap or stop and forget to restart it. That's not the garmin's fault though :))
    Your mustache is marvelous!! How perfect for you :) haha. What a sweet friend to send it!

    Great job on the workouts this week! Bike miles, even!! Always inspiring, my friend. Can't wait for the fashion post. :)

    1. I sometimes hit the lap button on accident too. Operator error! I used it tonight for my mile repeats and it seemed to work. Hopefully the pesky brat just needed the software update.

      Isn't the mustache hilarious?! I love it.

      I am hoping the weather continues to get nice so I can get some more bike miles in. :-)

  10. love the stache, haha, I hate when my Garmin acts up or takes forever to load satelites ack. Looks like you had a pretty great week, nice job taking a rest day Tuesday and listening to your body. So hard sometimes!

    I keep thinking I should bike more, I just cant learn to love it.

    1. I think the mustache is pretty funny. :-)

      I used to have a shoe pod that would allow my garmin to work without a satellite. However, it has a dead battery. Getting it replaced is on my to do list before my race this weekend. God forbid the garmin be a pesky brat on Saturday. I might have a melt down if it does.

      I am so glad I took those extra rest days. My body really benefited from it. I feel fantastic this week.

  11. Stupid Garmin! Sometimes those darn things just don't behave!

  12. Annoying on the Garmin, but awesome that you still figured out the distances! Hopefully your paces were spot on too.

    As you get better w/ the bike, you'll drop your chain less. But when you do, you can quickly get it back on by switching to the big ring asap while still in motion--big time saver!

    1. I hope so too, but if the paces weren't spot on at least I got the miles in. I feel pretty good about the run.

      Good to know about the bike chain. I felt like such a dork!

  13. It sounds like you are doing better! That sucks about the Garmin...I have pretty much ZERO patience with things, so I would be freaking out. I use Runtastic and one day it decided to freak out and was calling out 1 mile about every 500 feet. After running a mile it had me logged at doing about 8 miles and then it told me my pace was too fast. Really? Running a mile in a minute or less is too fast, Runtastic?! LOL...I was so irritated though.
    Love the mustache from Kat!

    1. I am doing much better this week Michelle. I don't know what my deal was the last two weeks. My body was very cranky with me.

      You should see my patience level. My patience is pretty much zero as well. There were multiple times that I actually almost took off my Garmin to throw it as far as I could!

  14. Glad you got your mojo back sweet friend! This was a fun recap to read. I get the Garmin fail, happened to me on one of my races....gahhhh Nice thing about Garmin though, they take care of their customers. They sent me a new one out after I did all the things they told me to do (software updates, etc) But my honey just bought me for Christmas the Garmin 910! OH MAN that thing is AWESOME!!! I can swim, ride and run with it...Saweeet!

    1. I am so glad that I got my mojo back too! I was a little worried because 13 weeks out from a race isn't typically when this happens. I had to call Garmin finally on Tuesday and then again yesterday. They are also sending me a new watch. They really do have great customer service. Glad that you are loving your 910. It sounds like an awesome watch. Your hubby did a good job!

  15. My old garmin was a complete jerk. My dad got me a new one for Christmas - it's the 110 I think? Anyway, it's more of a simplified version and so far it's been amazing. And it's pink - win. Your workouts inspire me! Can't wait to hear what you have named your bike :)


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