
Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 9

Last week was week 9 of my pregnancy. Baby Bean was the size of a cherry which is really hard to fathom because it is so tiny! I have been reading "What To Expect When You Are Expecting" and I have the "I'm Expecting" app on my cell phone to keep my up to date on all of the changes my body is going through. So far I have had zero morning sickness and haven't experienced in other symptoms that I have read about. Other than being tired and hungry, I feel pretty good! Thankfully, my energy is starting to come back too which has been nice.

I started to look online at nursery ideas over the weekend. Can you say overwhelming?! I have no idea what kind of theme to even begin to think about!!!! I know that I definitely do not want an owl theme because I think that they are creepy. I pinned some ideas on pinterest, but it will be much easier to start making decisions once we know if Bean is a boy or girl.

Monday 9/23:
Ran 2.06 miles before Farmgirlfit
1 x 400 meter run followed by 4 rounds: 12 squat thrusters (65#) & 12 pull ups
1 x 800 meter run followed by 4 rounds: 12 wall balls & 12 box jumps
1 x 400 meter run

*box jumps & pull ups keeps getting harder for me.

Tuesday 9/24:
OFF—had a much needed 80 minute massage scheduled

Wednesday 9/25:
Ran 2.11 miles before FGF
For time—40, 20, 10, 5 (KBS, Goblet Squat & Oblique Twists). In between each set, 5 per side Turkish Get Ups (Used 26# KB).

This was a really hard workout. The heaviest weight I have used for a TGU has only been 20#, but we had to use the same KB for the entire workout.

Total workout time- 19:43

Thursday 9/26:
Ran 2.39 miles before FGF
15 min AMRAP
7 Bears (55#)
1 rope climb

*I didn’t do the rope climbs even though I can because I am afraid of falling. Instead I did 5 knees to elbows + one 30 second “L” hang each round
Total- 47 (5 rounds + 7)
Workout was followed by 50 slamballs for time (15# medicine ball). My time was 1:36.

Friday 9/27:
Ran 5.37 miles

Saturday 9/28:
It was pouring so I did my “long” run on the TM. Ran 7.036 miles in 61 minutes.

Sunday 9/29
Duck Waddle 5K!!!! First Female, 3rd OA. Ran a 23:54. This was the fastest I have had energy to run in over a month so it felt good. Thankfully the weather was on the chilly side so I didn’t feel like I was going to overheat. Mr. Healthy Diva walked the 5k so when I finished I ran back to find him and then walked the last 1.5 miles with him.

My goal for the week was to start increasing my mileage. My knee and hip still ache, but not as frequently. I wanted to be in the ball park of 25 miles which would be my highest mileage week since the week of Spokane to Sandpoint (8/12-8/18). I came in right on target of my goal- 23.906 miles.

This coming week I would like to hit 25-26 miles with the goal of eventually hitting 25-30 miles on a consistent basis for as long as I can. Wishful thinking at least. :-)

Questions for you:
Do you have any great nursery ideas for me????
Did you race over the weekend? If so, how did you do?



  1. Obviously I think my nursery is pretty amazing. I am not sure if I posted pictures or not, but I can share with you. It was a globe/safari theme. I wanted something a little more chic, not too baby'ish. We have a huge wall map like you see at school, and framed it, then we have some animal prints, and we had this linen african-ish, safari-ish fabric with greens and blues in the design made into drapes. Anyhow, I can tell you what NOT to do...pick your theme before the bedding. I did that, and then couldn't find bedding, so had to get some semi-custom stuff that cost a fortune! Find your bedding with a theme in mind, but lock your theme in after you get bedding. Who knew finding basically solid green/blue bedding would be hard?! It was a debacle. We even had to send some bedding back because it wasn't the right colors. BOO. But, now I love the room, and the baby does too. I swear he is always most calm in his room!

    1. I like that theme, it sounds really cute! I definitely want something on the chic side as well. I am sure I will do some more online research eventually. Pinterest just really overwhelmed me. Who has time to put together those nurseries on there? Some of them are so over the top, it is ridiculous! Great advice on the bedding tip. I will definitely pick out bedding first and build a theme around that.

  2. Yay! Pregnant and running some killer pace! You are a freaking rock star!
    I swam my entire pregnancy and I think it made a huge difference in delivery. Plus, it felt amazing to be weightless! Haha...I'm sure my neighbors loved to see me and my belly back stroking every day in my regular bathing suit (I refused one of those tent-like maternity suits!)
    Definitely wait until your cherry sized bean shows you the goods - Haha!
    I went pretty basic primary colors and kind of a teddy bear, circus thing. I didn't go crazy. It is easy to get overwhelmed with all the 'stuff'.
    Yay! So excited for you!

    1. Thanks Michelle. :-)
      I would love to get into the pool sometime, but my gym membership that has a pool expired last month. I am hoping to renew a membership soon because I think that swimming would feel good. I will probably wear my regular swimsuit too. :-)

  3. I think it's crazy that the baby is that small and wreaking that much havoc on your body!! :) As for nursery, I think simple is best... it will come to you when you are least expecting it! You have plenty of time to figure it out :)

    1. I know, seriously! It is insane! I think that simple is good too. I definitely want simple and chic. Something fun that Bean can grow into.

  4. I have no doubt you will figure it out! Enjoy the process

    1. This whole process has been fun. I am loving it!

  5. I did race this past weekend - my first 1/2 since the Disney world marathon. It was tough but I am thrilled to have completed it and gotten rid of some of these demony-doubts! Congrats on the finish! I've seen some cute themes that are basically color based. But honestly, if I were in your shoes I would be overwhelmed as well! Oh - what shoes do you run in again?

    1. Hooray for you!!!!! Completing a half is such a rewarding experience. Oh and I think I commented on your blog about my shoes. I always wear Brooks, but switch up the models between the Adrenaline, Ghost and some of the Pure Connect shoes.

  6. You rock 3rd OA for a 5k and pregnant!! Love it!! I really like the jungle type theme or I did ocean. I didn't buy a matching set or anything but pieced together elements I liked, Miss Beans bed set was a cool turquoise from Petunia Pickle Bottom and I painted the walls sand and have pictures of the ocean, beach and mommy and baby otters swimming(from the Seattle Aquarium). Just personalize it with your style, you'll do great at it, I'm sure :) A website I like is

    1. Thanks Kris! Thanks for sharing the website too! I am going to start collecting nursery ideas and themes so that I can hopefully make my decision by Christmas time. I definitely want something that Bean can grow into and something chic looking.

  7. Your race is amazing given how low your energy had been prior to the day! Congratulations :) How fun to be picking nursery themes too!

    1. Thank you Kari! I am going to put off deciding on a nursery theme for a while. I have plenty of time to figure it out and I am sure I will collect lots of great ideas in the meantime.


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