
Friday, September 27, 2013

Running and being pregnant {my experience thus far}

Remember when I said I would love to maintain 30 (ish) miles a week? Well that hasn’t happened and I am totally fine with that. I have been consistently averaging around 20 miles a week with 3 farmgirlfit classes. This week I have high hopes of hitting closer to 25 miles a week because I have ran at least 2 + miles before every farmgirlfit class. Even though I feel sluggish in every workout, I am still working out 6 days a week. Even when I am tired the workout always makes me feel a million times better.

I am not trying to make excuses, but there are several reasons why I haven’t been running as much as I originally had planned…

1. My left hip AND knee have never recovered from Spokane to Sandpoint. They ache every time I run, making any run over 5 miles on the painful side.

2. I am giving myself an hour time limit for each “long” run. There is no need to run more than that because it isn’t like I am training for a marathon.

3. It has been hot (until this last week) making any weekday run uncomfortable. I know, I could run in the AM, but I have been sleeping 10 + hours every night. Waking up at 4:30 AM is not an option right now. I have been worried about running longer than 30-40 minutes when it has been in the 90s because of overheating and potential harming Bean.

4. I am tired, very tired. There is no running before farmgirlfit AND running after. There isn’t the energy to spend working out 2 + hours every day. I try to get in a couple of easy miles before each class just as a warm up.

5. I have been running very slow. The heat slowed me down originally because I was afraid of overheating, but my OB also said to not run faster than a conversation pace. My old conversation/easy pace was an 8:00 min mile. My new conversation pace ranges from an 8:45-9:30 pace. Now that it isn’t 90 degrees everyday my pace has been more closer to 8:45 or slightly under. Yesterday I even dipped into the low 8s which I was shocked with- the cooler temps definitely help!

What exactly has my mileage looked like the last couple of weeks?

8/19-8/25: 12.16 miles-- Recovery week following Spokane to Sandpoint
8/26-8/31: 10.16 miles-- Tired + achy hip/knee = another recovery week
9/1-9/8: 20.52 miles
9/9-9/15: 14.88 miles-- Hip/knee were really bothering me
9/16-9/22: 19.38 miles
9/23-9/26: 7.56 miles-- With 3 days of running left, I am confident that 25 (ish) miles is within reach

I have a 5k on Sunday that I just remembered about. Obviously I have no race expectations, but to have fun and just run. I will not be running the Leavenworth ½ marathon next weekend. I was pretty bummed about deciding to not run this race, but I felt that it would be bad to leave Tia alone when she is still recovering from her surgery. Don’t even get me started on what her surgery cost- it was a small fortune!

Anyone else racing this weekend????? 



  1. Don't beat yourself up about not hitting your goals... in that heat, that's pretty phenomenal!! As long as you are still active there is nothing to worry about. And enjoy the sleep... your body needs it!

  2. NO racing just a 2nd to last long run before MCM! I feel ya on the humidity and slowing down - it's tough! I can't WAIT for the days I can say "I want to run for an hour" .. not 3...or 4 lol

  3. I am crazy impressed with your mileage and work out schedule in general! The heat really slows me down and I have embraced our very fall temps with open arms. Here in MI an "Indian Summer" is the norm so I love that fall really did coincide with the calendar!

  4. Sounds like you are taking care of yourself! I'm racing tomorrow morning! Have fun with the 5k!

  5. I think this is a time to let yourself pull back and have no need to make excuses for it! You are still getting in way more exercise than the average person and listening to your body when it's tired has to be the right thing to do :)

  6. Good for you for getting the much needed sleep!! It's exhausting making a baby! :)
    You are still keeping in great shape with your schedule and also keeping baby healthy too.
    Hope Tia recovers soon!

  7. You're doing great, Tasha, and good for you for listening to your body! I averaged 15-20 miles per week for much of my pregnancy too, I just had no desire to do more than that!


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