
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Race Recap: Spokane to Sandpoint {an ultra relay}

Forewarning- this post is long so I could get it into one summary.

Spokane to Sandpoint was the big event of the summer for me. It was the relay I had been looking forward to since December and was also the event I was most anxious about. Being responsible for running over 34 miles is a lot and I was just worried at how I would feel towards the end of the race.

I couldn’t have done this race without 5 other amazing women: Jordanne, Amy, Rose, Kaitlyn & Robyn. They were all rock stars during this race. The conditions were less than ideal with temperatures in the 90 degree range, but they were troopers and killed each of the legs that they ran. I also couldn’t have done this race without Luke. He was the best van driver a group of women could ask for. Even when we appeared to be getting delirious, he remained encouraging and supportive. Thank you to everyone for making this race a fun and a memorable one!

Left to Right: Myself, Robyn, Kaitlyn, Rose, Jordanne & Amy

Luke was the best van driver ever. The guy drove over 200 miles without a wink of sleep #RockStar

On to the good stuff….

We left my house at 5 am on Friday morning and immediately hit up Starbucks. We were all a little groggy and antsy about getting the race underway. Since I was runner 1, I was already in my running clothes and in the “zone” trying to get mentally prepared for the half marathon distance that awaited me.

We started at 7 am and had to be checked in 45 minutes prior to our start time. Due to the timing I wasn’t much assistance with the van decorating, but the ladies and Luke did a fantastic job. Before I knew it, it was go time and was running down a mountain!

By mile 5 of my first leg I was running through the first exchange point. I felt like I was flying down Mt. Spokane! I decided to just let my legs carry me down because when I did try and slow down it seemed it hurt more.  By mile 6 I started thinking I would rather be in bed or enjoying another cup of coffee. My quads were burning at this point. My left big toe was being jammed into the front of my running shoe which I knew might cause problems further into the race.

Weeeee...Flying down a mountain. #NoBigDeal

Leg # 1
7:00 am
13.10 miles
5 Roadkill

My 2nd leg was on a familiar part of the Centennial Trail in Post Falls, ID that I have run on before. It was my shortest leg of the entire relay. I felt fine minus my left big toe that was really starting to bother me. Towards the end of my leg I started to unravel. I just felt exhausted and my toe hurt so I started to really slow down. There was a lady who was about 100 meters behind me the whole time who kept on shouting out encouraging things to me. I really didn’t want to be her roadkill so I pushed it the last mile as best as I could. At the exchange when she came she gave me a hug. Just proves that runners are awesome people!

The start of my 2nd leg in Post Falls, ID

Leg #2
7:24 pm 
5.12 miles
1 Roadkill

*In Coeur d’Alene at the next major exchange I ended up going to the medical tent so they could wrap my toe in tape. It seemed to help keep my sock from rubbing on it.

I am not going to lie- I hate running in the dark. It freaks me out! This leg was no exception; I was petrified to be running in the dark, especially in North Idaho. It was VERY dark, there was hardly any shoulder alongside the highway, trucks were driving VERY fast, I ran past some sketchy bars and trailer parks, and saw lots of real roadkill alongside the road. I ran alone until the last 1 ½ miles were I passed 3 runners. It was a good feeling to check this leg off of my list!

Leg #3
2:00 am
6.65 miles
3 roadkill

My last leg was by far the worst leg of the entire race and one of my worst runs ever. It was awful. I hurt so bad and I had no energy (would have been nice to know I was pregnant then!). I walked a lot. I actually would run 2-3 minutes and then walk 15-30 seconds. I really just wanted it to be over. My team mates were awesome and kept on encouraging me and giving me cold water along the way. I don't know what I would have done without my Nuun! It was a real lifesaver.  I could not have finished without them. I wanted to stop and kiss the “1 mile to go” sign because I was so excited to see it!

The start of my last leg. That first step hurt.

The final hand off to Jordanne

Cooling off in the sprinkler at Priest River High School

For the record my garmin lied on the elevation. This leg was much hillier in person!

Leg #4
9:35 am
9.17 miles
1 Roadkill

It was fun to cheer on my teammates as they completed the last legs of our journey into Sandpoint. It was a long race and we were all excited for Kaitlyn to do the final hand off so that Robyn could run us into the finish line.

Playing team photographer, which I absolutely LOVED!!!

Group high fives! (Minus Rose who was kicking asphalt on her last leg!)

After we crossed the finish line we were elated to find out that we won the women’s ultra division. Some huge celebrating definitely ensued! Robyn gave each of us our medals which was a definite highlight and wonderful way to cap off our 201.7 mile journey from the top of Mt. Spokane to Sandpoint, ID. 

Crossing the finish line

Team hug

We won!!!!

Getting my medal from Robyn

Group photo at the finish line

My favorite photo of everyone
Left to Right: Kaitlyn, Rose, Robyn, Amy, Jordanne & Myself


All done :-)

Thank you Girls Just Wanna Run for a truly memorable weekend. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to meet everyone and form new friendships. You were all an inspiration to me, including Luke who is an Ironman! I hope to be able to run races and even more relays with everyone in the future. 



  1. Wow, sounds like one awesome experience!! Great job on all your legs and congratulations on winning :)

    1. Thank you Lindsay! It was a fun race with great people. :-)

  2. NICE JOB!!! After running down a mountain at Hood to Coast I have NO idea how you ran so many more miles after that, I was hurting so bad during my last run. Not to mention you were running with a little something extra in your belly ;)!

    1. Yikes- I am playing massive catch up on my blog. That is what I get
      for being lazy for a couple of weeks!

      I am STILL recovering from Spokane to Sandpoint. My left hip and knee
      ache every single time I run. I am blaming my first leg for that. I
      give huge kudos to any runner who volunteers to be runner #1 when they
      have to run down a mountain. It hurts more than you orginally think it

  3. Awesome!! I'm so impressed by all of you. What an incredible feat! I'm feeling pretty unimpressive as I'm only kind of training for a half marathon - nothing ultra this year... :-/

    I haven't met Kaitlyn or Rose, but Jordanne, Amy, & Luke are awesome.

    SO, so proud of you - especially doing all that while not knowing that you were pregnant. Wow. :)

    1. Thank you Lindsay! I didn't realize how hard running an ultra relay was going to be. It was super tough! I am in awe of people that run ultras. I definitely have a new found respect for that distance!

  4. So cool Tasha! Truly amazing accomplishment you all made and how cool that the little one was able to come along with you! Something to be proud of for sure. You are amazing.

    1. Thank you Marnee. I had a blast with some wonderful women and came away with a new found respect for people that tackle the ultra distance. Running beyond 26.2 miles is no joke!

  5. awesome possom! So funny how I just saw you finish this and then BOOM with child ;)

    1. Haha. Who knew I was pregnant? That was one of my last beers, lol.

  6. YOU are an inspiration. So honored to run with you girl. Here's to many more adventures!

    1. YOU are an inspiration too sweet lady!!! I am so glad that we got to run S2S together. Can't wait for more running adventures with you in the future.

  7. Wowzers! First place! Congrats! What a fun way to "end" the summer. I can't believe how fast you all ran this. I also am not a big fan of running in the pitch dark - it IS scary!

    1. S2S was a great cap off to a fun and busy summer. I also agree that running in the dark is scary. I thought I was going to pee my pants!

  8. Congrats Tasha. Having just run HTC I can't imagine doubling that distance and to think you did it pregnant. That just blows my mind! By the way, some of my HTC teammates ran this relay the weekend before and one of them said they met you. :)

    1. The ultra distance is no joke- not sure if I want to tackle an ultra relay again anytime soon. I am still recovering and it is almost October!
      I sent you a FB note, but I am curious as to which of your teammates has met me before....?

  9. This is such an amazing achievement, and even more so given you ran it pregnant! What an incredible distance and day. Thanks for the recap and congratulations on your win!

    1. Still playing blog catch up, but I am winning the battle. :-)
      Thanks for the note of congratulations. It was a fun weekend, but I am still shocked I didn't know I was pregnant. Ha. No wonder why I felt like death and could barely keep my eyes open.

  10. Girl! You are too cool for school. I am looking for a good relay to run. The one I really wanted to do is this October (too long to be away from baby), and then of course H2C since my girlfriends live in Portlandia.....but, not sure that works for me next I may do a less beautiful one that ends here in Houston in May (it follows the battle path from when Texas got its independence).

    1. Relays are so much fun- you would love HTC if you ever get the chance to run it. Even if the relay in May isn't as scenic, I am sure you will still have fun. I love, love, love running relays!

  11. You are a pregnant rock star! What a fun story to tell your baby someday. :)

    1. Thank you Laura! I am going to hang up the medal that the race directors sent Baby Bean in the nursery. Makes for a fun story. :-)

  12. That is a lot of miles run! So awesome that you are pregnant for this one and didn't know it, probably explains a lot of the tiredness now! I love that skirt you wore for the last exchange too, super cute.

    1. It was a lot of miles to run. Now that I think about it, I had a lot
      of fun, but I don't think I would do another ultra relay again. My
      knees and left hip are still sore from the pounding down the mountain
      on my first leg.

      The skirt was lululemon. They had shorts in the same print. I just
      love how colorful it is and how many different tops I can wear with
      it. It is a very versatile piece.

  13. Another great race! Relays sound like so much fun, I hope to do one someday :)


    1. Relays are beyond fun- they are my favorite type of race to run. I hope you get to run one someday.

  14. This is a great recap Tasha and congratulations on the baby on the way! I am so impressed that you have done all of this racing while pregnant, wow!

  15. You are such a ROCKSTAR!! Amazing Tasha!! All while prego is amazing!!! I remember when I was prego I was HOT ALL THE TIME and right before I found out I went running just for 5 miles at 7 am in 75 degree weather and just about died...I walked A LOT and that was only 5 the fact you ran 34 in sweltering 90 degree weather means you have a little IRONMAN/Ultra runner in there :)

    1. Thank you Kris! I definitely think that baby bean is going to be a runner. No doubt about that. Especially after seeing the first ultra sound and seeing the little feet kicking around.

      I have been very hot while running, I am so glad that the weather has finally cooled off. Now I don't feel like I am going to die on a 30 minute run anymore.


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