
Sunday, August 25, 2013

First comes love, then comes marriage....

then comes a baby!!! Yep, you read that right. I am pregnant!!!!!

I am still shocked, but I am really excited. Mr. Healthy Diva is beyond excited. I actually wanted to keep this a secret for a bit longer, but by Friday everybody knew so we made it "facebook/instagram/twitter official" on Saturday. I wanted him to be in the picture, but he got a little camera shy on me. 

I honestly had no clue I was pregnant. I have been pretty tired the last couple of weeks. I am generally a morning person that gets up around 5 am, but the last couple of weeks it has been a huge effort to pull myself from bed by 6:30 am. I thought I was tired because of the extra running I was putting in for Spokane to Sandpoint. I mentioned to my mom on Thursday how tired I was feeling she immediately asked if I was pregnant. I said no because I thought there was no way that could be possible. Other than feeling tired, I felt great! I got to thinking after our phone conversation that I was also late, but never thought to take a test when I got home. Thursday also happened to be our 4 year wedding anniversary so I was in a rush to shower and get ready for our dinner date. 

Half way through dinner I really wondered IF I was pregnant. I decided to hold my pee for what seems like ages until we got home so I could take a test. When we got home I ran to the bathroom and took the test. It was +++ within seconds. I was shocked! I started to shake and then I started to cry because I was happy/shocked/elated and whatever random emotions you feel when you find out. I walked out into the hallway and yelled for Mr. Healthy Diva to come look. I held up the the test and he just stared at me. He had no idea what I was holding or what it meant at first. I said "Happy Anniversary, I am pregnant!" It then registered with him what I was holding and then he was elated. I waited another hour and took another test just to be sure. It was also +. All night I couldn't sleep and even went into work early so I could see if my primary care physician was working so I could make an appointment to get my pregnancy confirmed. I was able to get a lunch appointment which made for the longest 4 hours of my life! 

The appointment just confirmed that I really am pregnant with an anticipated due date at the beginning of April. I will know more when I meet with my OB physician on 9/10. April is also a special month for us because it was the month we met in college and the month we got engaged. 

So if you were wondering the little pea inside of me has already ran 1 half marathon, 1 Ragnar Relay, 1 triathlon and 1 ultra relay. Looks like my little pea is going to be a runner!



  1. Congratulations!!!!! That is awesome and how perfect to find out on your anniversary!

    1. Thank you Tamara! It was definitely an anniversary to remember. The look on my husband's face was priceless. He totally thought I was playing a joke on him. He was so excited he was telling everyone instead of keeping it a secret. Men, what can you do with them?

  2. Congratulations! I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  3. YEAHHH! So excited for y'all <3 xoxoxoxoxoxo

    1. Thanks Krissy. I am ecstatic, but still can't believe I am actually pregnant. It is crazy!

  4. Holy moly that baby has accomplished a lot! Congratulations!

    1. Ha, it has accomplished a lot Rachel. I am sure it will be in running shoes in no time!

  5. I am SO thrilled for you!!!!! You're going to be a GREAT mom :) I can only imagine the shock of your hubby. What an anniversary to remember :)

    1. Thank you Raina! It was definitely an anniversary to remember. He seriously thought I was pranking him. LOL.

  6. CONGRATULTIONS!!!! What an amazing wedding anniversary discovery :) I am so happy for you Tasha, and what a great start to life for your little being to have done all those runs!

    1. Thank you Kari! It was quite the anniversary gift that's for sure. The look on my husband's face was priceless! I am for certain the baby will be a runner now. :-)

  7. that is so awesome! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you Beka!!! We are both so excited. I am freaking out about everything that has to be done, but I know that everything will fall into place when it needs to. My poor husband is going to be busy around the house!

  8. Congratulations Tasha! :) That is awesome news!! :)

    1. Thank you Brandi. We are both really excited :-)

  9. Congratulations!!!! What great news! Your starting its future marathon training at an early age :)

    1. Thank you Danielle! I feel like the baby will be running a marathon at this point in no time! It has already accomplished more than most babies do at this age. :-)

  10. I am SO excited for you!!! Congrats again!!!

  11. SO SO happy for the two of you Congrats again!!

    1. Thank you Kat! It seems so weird to think I am pregnant. Who would have thought? LOL

  12. OMG!!!!!! WOW, so exciting (and yes, scary at first, especially if it is a bit unexpected). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Also, I'd love to see your half plan if you don't mind sharing. I can message you my personal email. I am going to post what I have put together thus far today or tomorrow, but, love having other inspiration!

    1. Trust me, if I have questions I will ask!!! I have already been googling stuff. My neighbor that I am good friends with is also pregnant so she has some books she is going to share with me.

      I saw your email earlier and will respond when I get a chance...probably tomorrow. I don't have a plan on computer, it's handwritten.

  13. I love that you are pregnant! Being a mom is such an amazing experience and you and Mr. Healthy Diva are going to be rockstar parents!!!

    1. I sure hope so! Our dogs think we are pretty awesome so I am sure that our baby will too. :-)

  14. WA HOOOO!!!!! SOOOO exciting~!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Meagan! Who knew we would BOTH be pregnant?!

  15. SUCH amazing news!! I am so thrilled for you, Tasha. So funny how much running that baby has already done! April is a fantastic time of year to have a baby. :-)

    1. Thank you Laura! I think that my baby has already accomplished a ton for how old it is. It might want to run a marathon in the next year or two. :-)

  16. Congrats!!! So excited for you!
    April is a great month to have a baby--my son was born April 1st. When my husband called my mom to tell her, at first she didn't believe him thinking it was an April Fools joke! :)

    1. I know a lot of people born in April so it must be a good month. :-)

      That is funny your son was born on 4/1. He has a birthday that nobody can forget!

  17. Yay! So excited and happy for you! And how much fun that it was a surprise to you. Yep, that exhaustion is a sure sign! The first trimester is tough that way, but it gets better. Congrats!!!

    1. Thank you Amanda! We are both really excited about the news. I think the shock has worn off for the most part, but it still seems weird to think I am pregnant. My poor husband now has a really long "to do" list at our house. It isn't baby friendly at all right now. Big changes are in store!

  18. Tasha I am so so so excited for you!!! Congrats-- what an exciting new phase of your life :) !!!

    1. Thank you Katherine! I am really excited, but still can't believe that I am actually pregnant. I was just thinking that this time next year I will have a baby. WOW! This year is definitely going to be a memorable one.

  19. OMG so, so, so happy for you!! I can't believe you did all of that running and had no wonder the tired caught up with you :) congrats!!

    1. Thank you E! I can't believe I had no clue what was going on. I seriously should have figured it out, but I didn't. I still probably wouldn't have known today if my mom wouldn't have said something!

  20. Thank you Abbi! I am so excited! Nervous, but excited :-)

  21. AHH! Congrats! That's amazing news! :) Glad to meet someone else who had no idea. ;)

    1. Thank you Katie! I always thought I would know the minute I was pregnant. I am still in shock I went so long without knowing. I was thinking I was just tired from the ultra...I even thought I had mono from stress, etc. Who knew! Thanks to my mom for even asking if I was pregnant in the first place. It was the LAST thing on my mind!

  22. Hooray for the new "little healthy diva"! Congrats!!

  23. you are insane!!! Can't believe you kicked so much ass while pregnant! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  24. I LOVE that photo of you holding the jar of prego :) so incredibly happy for you and the Mr! Gosh lady you and the little one have been kicking so much arse lately! So inspiring :)

    1. Thank you chica! I had some other cute announcement ideas, but this way just seemed the easiest. Especially since my husband could not wait to tell everyone. :-)

  25. CONGRATS!!!!! And PS: you'll still be faster than me at 9 months ;) haha but really... this is so exciting!

    1. Thank you Presley! I doubt I will still be faster than you at 9 months though. I have already slowed down a lot, but that's okay. Baby Bean is much more important then running for time right now.

  26. I just love this!! It reminds me of when I found out except I only had 1 half marathon run with my little bean and she is such a runner now :) Soo excited for you guys and this wonderful emotional and beautiful beginning of the journey of parenthood. You will be a great mommy!! :)

    1. That is good to know that you have a little runner now. I have a feeling my baby bean is going to be a runner too! How can they not be a runner?

  27. I tried commenting the other night so I'm happy I can finally get it to work tonight! Yay! Once again, my most sincere congrats to you and your family! What an exciting time and the little bean has quite an accomplished running resume already! Love the spaghetti sauce!

    1. Thank you Amy!!!!!! We are both so excited!!!! :-) :-) :-)

  28. Awwwww, how exciting for you guys!! Congratulations!! :D

  29. Congratulations Tasha and Mr. Healthy Diva! You will be AMAZING parents!

  30. I am SO happy for you! also I cannot believe you were able to run the relay while pregnant. You go girl!

    1. Thank you chica!!!! Looks like our babies will be about a year apart. :-)

  31. Eeeeeeeee... Congratulations girl!!!!! So excited for you! Praying for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby!! :)


    1. Thank you Karina! So far everything has been great. I have had zero morning sickness- HOORAY!


    Tasha, that is amazing exciting!! I got goosebumps reading about it! You are amazing, this baby is going to be amazing!! :)

    1. Thank you Jennifer!!! I am so excited, it feels like yesterday we just found out. I have been feeling fantastic other than being tired so far. I am hoping that this means I will have a somewhat easy pregnancy. My fingers are crossed!

  33. How did I miss this! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is so fantastic!

    1. Thank you Kayla- we are both very, very, very excited!


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