
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Yes, I am alive :-)

I have been a bad blogger. In between work and sleeping a ton, I just don’t feel like blogging. This baby is stealing all of my energy right now. If I could take a 2 hour nap every day, I would without hesitation.  Amongst being prego things have been a wee bit stressful with my Sweet Tia. She ended up having an emergency surgery this last week. Thankfully she is doing better, but I will save that for another post.

I have been managing some workouts. The running is going pretty slow, but I know after the first trimester it will get better. I was pretty paranoid about how much effort I should be running at and wore a HR monitor for about a week before several people and my OB said that the information on running at a HR of 140 was outdated. According to my OB, running at a conversation pace is a better gauge. It is more important to keep letting my body do what it was used to before becoming pregnant. You don’t know how glad I was to hear this! In order to keep my HR at 140 I was running about a 10:15/mile. That is slooooow for me. I wanted to scratch my eyeballs out!!!! I can run easily at around a 9:30 pace and not feel winded or fatigued so I am sticking to that for now. Of course I would love to run at a faster pace, but right now that isn’t as important to me as just being able to run and stay healthy for myself and baby bean.  I am also sticking to my treadmill so that I can drink some Nuun every ½ mile or so.  On average I have been running around 5 miles a time, but I am only running a couple of days a week. On average that is about 20-25 miles a week.

I did have a running scare last week when I fell. I don't even know how I ended up falling, I just ate crap! Thankfully my knees and hands caught me so I didn't land on my stomach. It was chilly so I also had on capris which saved my knees from getting too bloody. Definitely need to be really careful from now on and watch the ground in front of me!

Farmgirlfit is going good. I am still going 3 days a week and hope to continue that. My lifting hasn’t changed- I can still lift about the same as before. I am much slower. It is very apparent in class how much slower I have gotten. I am easily winded by the end of the warm up. During the workout, I often have to stop and catch my breath before continuing on. I still keep up with most of the women in class, but people who used to be slower than me are now kicking my rear. I always used to stay for the extra workout, especially if it contained running, but now I usually skip it.

I am hungry all of the time. It isn’t just a hunger pain, but more like I am starving feed me now or else I might pass out feeling.  I mostly snack on healthy things, but I will admit I ate out a lot over the Labor Day weekend getaway we made to my parent’s house in Oregon. Oh well, you only live once and those fresh fish & chips and Tillamook ice cream were totally worth it!

I was originally supposed to see an OB on 9/10, but I changed my appointment to 9/23 because I really wanted a specific physician and she didn’t have an opening until then. I will only see her on the 23rd and then I will have to see my primary care provider (who also does OB) for two months while my OB is on her maternity leave.  Even though I haven’t seen Dr. Lessman yet, she has been wonderful and has answered all of my crazy exercise related questions through email. I am really glad that I was able to get an appointment with her! I am also glad that she “gets me” and my active lifestyle and has been really encouraging to keep up my running and crossfit. I have been forwarding our email correspondence to Mr. Healthy Diva so that he is in the loop and won’t get on my case about running and going to farmgirlfit.

I promise to start catching up with everyone and writing more. I am very excited about our OB appointment tomorrow so I will definitely be writing about that!



  1. Understandable girl - Sleep for me, I miss it! ;)

    1. I sleep 10-11 hours on weeknights and at least 12 hours a night on
      weekends. CRAZY!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. It was great and exciting at the same time. Everything is real now!

  3. It sounds like you're doing really well! I hope that Tia recovers quickly!

    1. Tia is such a little trooper and is recovering quite nicely.

  4. Sorry about your fall:( I was always starving throughout my entire pregnancies. Probably why I gained 50 pounds with each one;)

    1. The fall really freaked me out until I got home and sat down and
      really thought about how I probably did nothing to hurt baby Bean.
      Thankfully, I don't feel quite so hungry anymore, but dang I can eat a
      lot! I hope to not gain a ton of weight, but it is what it is. :-)

  5. Us mom's "get it" no need to apologize. Glad to hear all is going well (for the most part) Sorry to hear about Tia but glad to know she is recovering and will be okay! Blessings!

    1. Thank you Marnee. Last week was a little rough, but I think our little family is over the worse part and Tia is recovering like a little rock star.

  6. I think pregnancy gives you an excuse to do what you need, and nothing more (it's a shame we need an excuse for that actually!). Running in a low key way, eating what you need, and taking a break from blogging - all sound fully appropriate :)

    1. I feel so behind, but starting today I am making it a priority to
      catch up on everyone. I think it feels easier to catch up now that I
      am getting some of my energy back. I can't lay on my couch every night
      after work. :-)

  7. I will not get mad at you if you don't post at all until the baby is born if that means you are staying as stress free as possible. :) Just make it up to us with 1000000 pictures when the 9 months are over ;)

    1. Nikki, I missed everyone so much (including you!) so I promise to keep up posts and updates with photos. :-)

  8. Glad to hear from you!! And glad to hear things are going well. :) And I agree, we will need lots of pictures in 9 months... :)

    1. I promise that I am back up to blogging and catching up with wonderful people like you. :-)

  9. Great that you got some solid information about heart rate / exertion level / etc. while pregnant! From what I've heard from my runner friends that have been pregnant recently, they were mostly told the same thing--that they could do almost everything they were doing before they were pregnant as long as it was comfortable, and just to avoid SUPER hard efforts like intense speed work. Glad you're doing well!!

    1. Thank you Kristen. I haven't felt pregnant except for being super tired and hungry (zero morning sickness) so seeing the ultrasound really just made it seem real. :-)

  10. Thanks for answering my e-mail! Haha, I know it may have been a bit odd but my paranoia sets in with people I care about! I'm sorry to hear about your sweet pup - I hope she is feeling better!


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