
Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Favorites: Swimming?

I decided that before I officially registered for my first triathlon I needed to make sure I could handle the swim portion. On Tuesday night I was anxious to get it over with. I wanted to wait until the pool at the gym wouldn’t be so busy so at 8:00 pm I decided to give it a go.  

The good news: I didn’t drown.
The bad news: There is work to be done.
The good news: I still have plenty of time (I hope) to be ready to tackle the swim by race day in August.

Here is the deal, I can swim. I just don’t have the breathing concept down. I swam 8 laps pretty much in a row. I did take some “breather” breaks because at points I was gasping for air. I swam an additional 4 laps with the kick board and then finished with 2 more laps. 16 laps total. The lap conversion chart on the wall at the pool said that 18 laps was a ½ mile. If my math is right, I believe I swam more than I would need to swim for my triathlon. Although the 4 laps with the kickboard probably shouldn’t count. 

Later that night my friend Adrienne gave me so great breathing advice that I was excited to apply. I found when I was swimming by mid lap I was completely breathless and had a nose full of water. This was because I was breathing through my mouth which you aren’t supposed to do. She told me to watch my hand as it comes out of the water on whatever side I am breathing on. As my hand comes of the water, start breathing and when my hand reenters the water face goes back in. It made perfect sense to me.

I took Wednesday off from swimming, but went back to the pool last night (Thursday). To say it went a million times better than Tuesday is an understatement! I got to the pool a little before 8:30 to see that all of the lanes were full. Crap! I have to share a lane?! Some of the people appeared to be “serious” swimmers so I didn’t want to try and share a lane with them. There was one creeper guy kind of floating around and doggy paddling so I hopped into his lane. I secretly hoped that he would just leave, but he hung around for about another 15 minutes.

I started off with the kickboard to work on applying Adrienne’s breathing advice. I completed 8 laps just practicing watching my hand, breathing through my nose etc. By the end of 8 laps I was feeling pretty confident so I ditched the kickboard.

I ended up swimming an additional 12 laps (slowly) practicing my breathing. Each lap got easier and things just started clicking. I even felt like I was swimming at a fairly good clip (for me). I am by no means a wonderful swimmer, but I started to feel more comfortable and I know that with everything- practice makes perfect.

The triathlon I have my eye on is August 3rd. That is 5 weeks from this weekend. My plan is to hit the pool at least 2 times a week and swim for 30-40 minutes. My co-worker’s parents live on the lake where the triathlon will be held and she has offered to let me swim from their dock on the weekends. I would love to get in at least 2 OWS before 8/3 so I will be taking her up on that offer.

Swimming will be the weakest discipline for me, but I feel a million times more confident about it then I did 5 days ago. To say that I am freaking excited for my first triathlon is an understatement. I am ecstatic about it. I haven’t been this excited about a race in a long time!!!!

Let’s chat:
What have you learned that has made you a better swimmer?
What is your favorite discipline in the triathlon?



  1. Yay! Confidence in the pool is half of the battle! Make sure that you are breathing in above the water and breathing out under the water. Try breathing every three strokes if you feel comfortable with it. That is called bilateral breathing, and it keeps your body in line and even through the water!

    1. I am definitely learning that confidence is the key. I felt much more comfortable once I wasn't gasping for air. Might have to try the bilateral breathing when I get a little bit better. Thanks for the tip!

  2. I feel the exact same way! I am glad I am not alone! My first ever lap swim in the pool was last week and I felt like a fish out of water! Thank you for posting the tips! I am going to shoot for 2 days a week as well and hopefully it will get easier. I am a new reader and have enjoyed your blog! I am looking forward to following your training!

    1. Thanks Britton! You will have to keep me posted on your swimming. Are you going to do a triathlon too?

  3. Nice job! I swam in high school but started out not really knowing what I was doing. Practice really does help so that comfort level you talked about will get better and better. I started swimming again as part of my cross-training and I am always surprised by what a good work out it is. You are such a natural athlete I'm sure you will have no problem with the open swim!

    1. Practice makes perfect, or something like that. I am going to try an OWS in a week to see how that goes. I have a feeling it is going to be much harder than swimming in the pool.

  4. What's the breathing advice she gave you?!?! I need to know!!

    My favorite part of the triathlon is the bike, but don't tell the BF that! :)

    1. I posted it above- about watching your hand come out of the water and then breathing. :-)

      I am really enjoying the bike too. I won't tell your BF that is your favorite part. Your secret is safe with me.

    2. Ha, thanks! Can you clarify about the not breathing with your mouth part?

  5. Swimming is so tough! Good for you to get out there and start figuring it out. I hate sharing a lane!!! It's so difficult to join in when someone is already swimming. And, I always bump...oh well. Thanks for sharing her breathing advice. I need all the help I can get, although I am doing better than 6 months ago. It gets easier.

    1. Swimming is super tough! I think that running is a million times easier. Let me know how the breathing advice works for you. It seriously worked wonders for me! I need all of the help I can get too!

  6. I am a terrible swimmer! that's why i just run :)

    1. Ha- I think running is a million times easier than swimming. I don't think that Missy Franklin needs to worry about me beating her anytime soon. ;-)

  7. It's so great you got that advice early in your training - I do remember breathing be really key when I swam more in my younger years, and it certainly shows soon if you aren't getting enough air efficiently! You clearly have great stamina already too so I'm sure you'll be in a great place come race day :)

    1. I sure hope so! I wish that I would have started swimming a little bit sooner in the summer, but I honestly didn't think I would find a triathlon to fit in my crazy schedule. Now that I have found two I am super excited!

  8. Good job on the swimming. The whole breathing thing is my issue too. I always make it to the end of the pool gasping for air because I didn't take enough breaths. Part of that is because in my head I have to get there as fast as possible haha. I just need to relax and slow down. Easier said than done right? ;)

    Excited to see how you do at your tri!

    1. LOL. I have the hardest time on my lap back when I can see the end of the pool and just want to be there now. I usually lapse on my breathing then which screws me all up. Tons of practice will hopefully make that go away.

  9. I love this, hats off to ya!

    I needed to hear this. I WANT to sign up for a triathlon so badly but am terrified of the swim :-(
    I, like you can swim but don't consider myself amazing at it! I've swam a consecutive 6 laps with my breathing more like a dying animal and get discouraged, and stick to running BUT this gives me hope. I will follow your journey to Aug :-)

    1. Thanks Marissa! Don't be afraid of the swim. I think that if you have the basic concept of swimming down you should just go for it and find a triathlon to sign up for. When I was debating back and forth about registering for one I just had to remind myself that everyone has been in my shoes. Plus, nobody is ever perfect with the swim, bike and run. We all have to start somewhere. :-)

  10. You have time. You can DEF do it! =)

    There are drills you can do that (in my opinion) really help when you are starting out. You can google "finger tip drill", one arm drills, and floating drills. These will help you get the proper "feel" of how your body should be aligned, etc. This also has some good pointers.

    Everyone will say something different, but a coach I used had me go from breathing every 3 strokes, to every 2 and it helped me a ton, but I still practice breathing on both sides, in case I need to!

    Kick Butt and just keep practicing. It'll get better, and if tri ends up not your thing, at least you'll know you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to!

    1. After my old running coach told me I could do this tri without even really practicing my swimming I figured I would be good. He knows the race I am doing and didn't seem to be too concerned with my lack of swimming skills. :-)

      Thanks for sharing that article too! Great tips! I have a feeling I will really need to practice sighting. Who knows where I might end up if I am not paying attention? LOL.

  11. I am the same way with the swim- but the breathing makes a huge difference. And lots and lots of practice!! You'll get it!

    1. I hope so! I can't wait to hit the pool tonight and see how it goes.

  12. So exciting for you! I felt the same way watching the IM. We watched if for the first time this year and then my husband and I both were looking for a sprint triathlon to sign up for. Small details- I don’t even own a bike and have not swam in long time! I may sign up for one though just to try it! Which one did you decide on? I could not find any close by other than the CDA?? Good luck- and so great to read your training tips!!

    1. I am sure you could find a bike to borrow from someone or look on craigslist? Maybe post something to the FGF facebook page? There is a sprint tri on 8/3 in Medical Lake that Jeni said was super small and fun. I am trusting her opinion on that one! They have the information about it on the bulletin board in FGF right now. It sounds like their will be a group doing it. That is the one I am going to do for sure. I did see the one in CDA, but it was more expensive. I wish that they weren't on back to back weekends too.

  13. So excited for you that you got some great advice that you were quickly able to implement! AND - Oh my word! Having the ability to swim in the same water that the Tri will be at is score there!

    1. Thank you Marnee!!!! So many people (like you!) have had great advice for me.


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