
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Weekly workout review

It rained pretty much all day, but somehow I managed to luck out and get in a 5 mile run sans rain. Yay me! I get double bonus points for not running on my beloved treadmill and choosing to run some massive hills in my neighborhood. I have a feeling my relays this summer won’t be pancake flat so I am making a valid attempt to run outside at every possible opportunity. Hills are for heroes, right?!

FGF was pretty much awesome because guess what?! I had another 20# PR!!!! This time my PR was in the front squat. I went from my 3 RM being 105#s on June 4th to a new 3 RM of 125#s on June 24th. Pretty impressive improvement in 20 days.

FGF for the lovely “TABATA Tuesday” workout. I consider this a brick workout of sorts because I biked to FGF, turned into a sweaty mess at FGF, and then biked home. I even took the long way home so I ended up biking 4.28 miles for the win.

20 seconds of work + 10 seconds of rest- 8 rounds per movement. Only your lowest set # counted:

Rowing Calories
Dips (single purple band)
Lunges (65#)
KB Snatch (26#)
Slam Balls (15#)
*Rowing for calories was a running total for the 8 rounds

10 minutes of core

PLUS- my first swim session! 16 laps in total, but 4 were using the kickboard. Do the kickboard laps count?

The whole day pretty much blew. I hate certain things in my life that I am required to do, but won’t mention AND those things just really made me hate life on Wednesday.  Plus I had a really bad stomach ache all freaking day. Blah.

Running RX:
WU- 10:20 minutes
5 x 1K @
w/ 2:00 minute recovery
CD- 10 minutes

What I did:
WU- 20 minutes, 2.28 miles
5 x 1K in 4:11, 4:00, 4:04, 4:02 & 4:03
CD- 10 minutes, 1.27 miles

12 minutes of core

Rode Laney to FGF again! Definitely loving my bike rides.

Following FGF I rode down to REI so that they could replace the wrong color part that they put on Laney to shorten the handle bars. Ended up riding 7.86 miles in total.

Laney is a legit because she has a water bottle holder now

Went back to the pool for my 2nd swim session, which went much better than the first. The breathing tips that Adrienne gave me really worked!

Swam 8 laps with the kickboard to practice my breathing and then 12 laps without the kickboard. I felt a million times better- no water up my nose or gasping for air.

I never should have hit my snooze button on my morning alarm clock. I wanted to do my long run so that it would clear up my busy weekend. However, I was lazy and didn’t get my rear outta bed. My punishment was running 8 miles after work in 95 degrees. It was awful! I cursed myself every step for being so stinking lazy. I carried Nuun with me, but it was gone ½ way through so I had to stop at a restaurant and ask them for water.

As seen on my run

Somehow I managed to negative split the run, but I am not sure how I did that.

Running RX:
2 mi E
 3 mi @ short tempo pace (7:03)
1 mi E

What I did:
2 mi E in 8:08, 7:56
3 mi in 7:15, 7:09, 6:54 (7:06 average)
1 mi E in 7:52

15 minutes of core


Let's chat:
How was your week?
Is it hot where you live?
Are you finding you need to get up earlier now to beat the heat?



  1. Awesome job on all your workouts!!

    I did my first hot/muggy-weather run this weekend and it kicked my butt! I definitely need to get up earlier for weekend runs especially if they're down by the beach.

    It was my first time running part of my run garmin-less and all I can say is I'll do that more often especially if it's another extremely hot morning!

    1. I definitely am more apt to go garmin-less during the summer. It is almost impossible to keep up a certain pace in the heat.

  2. I LOVE SLAMBALLS! Way to go girl! Um, yea I live in Florida - hot doesn't even begin to describe it ;) I wake up at 5 or so to beat it

    1. I am not sure if I am in love with slamballs, but they are a good workout. :-)

  3. Love the diversity of your workouts this week! It has rained every day all day this week here. The news said it's a record month of rain!

  4. Oh man. I was volunteering at a race from 6am to 11:30am on Saturday, so had to do my long run after it had heated up! I figured that was going training though, because maybe the weather will be hot on race day too!

    1. At least you put in a good deed by volunteering at a race. :-)

  5. I'm in taper mode so my workouts are all boring! :) It is hot here (Portland) - but cooling down slightly which makes me happy!

    1. I head that PDX has been toasty! My mom was even complaining about the heat at the coast.

  6. Beautiful run! You will be amazed at how quickly you can progress with swimming. Before long, you'll be craving those swims..such a great way to work out the running kinks!

    1. I have already made even more strides in my swimming. I am kind of excited about it. I know that my first OWS might be eye opening, but I am ready for it!

  7. Sounds like a great week of sweating! Keep at it Tasha

  8. My mind is blown. You do well at so many things! I love it!

    1. Thanks Presley! I just love working out- a lot!

  9. It is BRUTALLY HOT HERE RIGHT NOW - However, some people love it. I don't do well with heat so I try to stay out of it as much as humanly possible - lol! I wish I would RAIN!

    1. I can only imagine how hot the summers get where you live. I couldn't do it! I am an Oregon girl and don't do heat. Unfortunately I love in E. Washington now. UGH.

  10. I hate running in hot weather :( Your temperatures sound awful at the moment - it does make working out any time after first thing really tough. I'm so impressed with your work outs though! Tuesday and Thursday are crazy :P

    1. The temps are awful, but I am just being a whiner. If I didn't have to workout in them I might not be complaining since our winters can get so cold.

  11. The weather has been great here, but I know it will change soon. The summers in Arkansas are super humid and hot and humid and humid. :)
    Not a fan of running in the heat, but I just try to stay hydrated and eat properly to fuel it.

    1. The south is way too humid for me. I felt like I was stepping into an oven the summer I loved in Kentucky/Tennessee.

  12. Congrats on another strength PR! Snooze button is something of a foreign language to me right now until about October... I keep hunting around our gym for a kickboard, but was unsuccessful. I think it'd help me a lot in the swimming dept.

    1. Thanks Beka! I am surprised your gym doesn't have kickboards. Did you ask the front desk? Maybe they hand them out?


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