
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tri (ing) to make it official

I have been saying this repeatedly the last couple of days, but watching Ironman in Coeur d'Alene gets me every year. It is beyond inspiring. I can’t even begin to describe the atmosphere that surrounds the race. The energy from the athletes and the crowds just sucks you in. You can’t help but feel excited for all of the competitors and celebrate with them in their athletic achievement.  To become an Ironman is a feat that not everybody will obtain in their lifetime. It is, in my opinion, the greatest athletic achievement anyone can obtain.  I have had numerous friends compete in CDA. To follow their training and then watch them on race day has always been a huge motivator for me. This year was no different.

So what am I trying to say here?

You might remember my 2013 goals I made public in January? Was there a triathlon listed? I think there was- yes, there was.

There were a couple of all female races in my area that I thought would be a good starter race for a newbie like me. However, the one in July was already sold out in January and the one in August fell on a weekend I already committed myself to an ultra relay. That didn’t leave me with a lot of options so I put the triathlon thought on the back burner. Of course everyone kept asking me if I had found a triathlon yet so I couldn’t just forget about it.

Really, I have no excuses.

For Christmas this last year Mr. Healthy Diva bought me a road bike because I had been subtly mentioning that I wanted to do a triathlon. For those of you that know me well, being subtle is not my strong suit. Poor Mr. Healthy Diva.

Once the snow thawed and it was warm enough to ride outside I started taking Laney for weekend spins on the Centennial Trail. After a couple of rides I was feeling fairly comfortable on Laney and enjoying the change of pace that cycling brings. I found that I loved riding long (long for me) and gradually 20 miles at time felt easy. I even feel fairly comfortable clipping in and out of the pedals. One spill is all it takes for you to get more comfortable with those dang clips. Trust me, I am speaking from experience!

Okay, I need to get back on track.

What I am trying to say is that Ironman inspired me so much that I finally bit the bullet and found a triathlon to participate in August. I actually found two triathlons that will work with my schedule which is slightly exciting. I haven't officially selected "THE ONE", but I am leaning towards a smaller race that I know a few women from Farmgirlfit are doing. It is close to my house and fairly inexpensive. The second race is about $40 more and is in CDA. I think that the compeition at the CDA race might make me nervous. There are some VERY serious triathletes in the Spokane area. It is intimidating!!!!! I know people that have completed Ironman CDA just for fun and hardly even trained for it. That's is how freaking awesome they are.

What are my concerns?

Swimming. The swim scares the heck outta me. I can swim, I am just awful. BUT, I can run and I can bike. My Nuun friend Arielle pointed out to me on facebook the other day that nobody is ever good at all 3 disciplines when they start. She also has happens to be an Ironman so I value her opinion. Everybody has to start somewhere, right?

My friend Erika who is another Ironman has agreed to help me get ready for my first race. I couldn’t be more excited to have her guidance and expertise. Trust me, Erika is downright amazing. I stayed up to watch her cross the finish line at IMAZ last year and got all choked up. I followed her journey and couldn’t help but be inspired by her hard work and dedication.

I have another friend, Adrienne, who has already given me great swimming advice that I am excited to apply. I did go for one swim session the other night and will attempt a second session today. If I can just get through the swim it should be smooth sailing- I hope. 

So, there you have it. It is official. This lady is doing a triathlon in less than 6 weeks! Let the freak out commence!

Let’s chat:
Tell me about your first triathlon if you have completed one.
What were you most worried about on race day?
What do you think is some good advice for a newbie like me on race day? Like what I should AND should not do to embarrass myself.



  1. I just did the Boise Half IM, and had only done one sprint tri prior(last summer). It worked out well, but only because I can swim well and my running fitness carried my bike. I think when you enter a distance like that, you need to train your weaknesses (which I didn't because I had Leadville to train for, which was priority). When doing a sprint, though - I think it depends on what your goals are....if you want to do really well, then train your weaknesses (get the book 'Total Immersion' which is full of swim stroke drills. I have clients get in the water and will ONLY have them do 2000m of drills for 2 months so they can perfect their stroke)....but if you just want to have fun and are a adequate enough swimmer to get the job done, then I wouldn't worry too much. I have a client doing a full IM and she's losing her running speed to get faster on the bike, because that's her weakness.... so it's a balance, I think, of what is important to YOU. :)

    Sounds like a blast though...I'm excited for your first tri!

    1. Thanks for the tip on the swimming book Jill. I will definitely be looking into that because I think it will come in handy with my long term goals. I want to have fun for this first one and just see what it is like. I am sure I will make tons of novice mistakes, but I am excited to learn. I want to eventually be in the position where I can be competitive within my AG. In Spokane that is hard because there are so many crazy talented triathletes in the area. The swim will always be my weakest discipline, but I do know that hard work pays off and practice makes perfect. I love the bike and the run will always be my best area.

      I was really excited to read about your Boise IM experience. I am super proud of you for finishing it. Definitely gives me a lot of inspiration.

  2. Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure. I look to people who do triathlons in awe. I love the idea of it, but realistically do not enjoy either biking or swimming enough to commit. Maybe one day I'll get the desire to try those two other sports!

    1. Thanks Abbi- I am really excited to dabble in something different than just running. I think that it will be a good change of pace for me. I am really looking forward to learning as I go. I am sure I will make a lot of novice mistakes in the beginning. I have found some great blogs that have helped fuel my motivation.

  3. I think the smaller race sounds like a great way to start! Don't worry about the swimming, and if you need swim related tips, I can definitely help you out! My biggest piece of advice is to not set expectations and just have fun with it!

    1. I have zero expectations for my first one. I just want to have fun and finish. I need to get the triathlon goal crossed off of my 2013 list. :-)

  4. What distance will you be doing?

    Love that you are going to do a tri...I think you will find you will be come addicted. For me I was most worried about having all my stuff in the right places and enough fuel for the race.

    Advice? hmmm, I think training your weaknesses is good but do not let that take away from training all three disciplines. They all are important and all need attention. Be sure to do a few brick trainings and work on transitions. Fueling during training is so important because you will be working your body harder then you are right now.

    Mostly Tasha, have FUN!!! Your goal on race day should be to have fun and make your first tri enjoyable. You'll rock it no matter what!

    1. It is just a sprint triathlon. Actually both of the triathlons I found in August are sprints. I think that is a good place to start since I have no idea what I am doing. Everyone tells me that I will probably become addicted. At this point I am sort of just expecting that will happen. LOL.

      I am going to attempt a short brick workout in the morning and see how it goes. I have no real training plan per say, but I need to work on the swim. I can swim, I am just not great at it.

      My only goal is to finish and have fun. I honestly haven't felt this excited about a race in a long time so that has to mean something good!

  5. Yahoo! So exciting.

    Thank GOODNESS the swim of my first tri was cancelled (due to hurricane force winds the night before). I had some help, but I certainly did not get my swim down to where I would have done well.

    I was worried (and still am every.single.time) about the swim. I just don't like open water. I have resolved to change those post-baby....and take my booty to the lake at least 3 times a month!

    RELAX, your first race is kind of a practice/trial run deal. You've never done all the transitions, etc, so just relax into it! You can practice transition on your own of course. I LOVE sport legs for the bike (and even for running sometimes). Umm....use the bike to get most of your nutrition if it is an olympic distance (ie. have a gu or two, gatorade and some water or whatever on the bike, so it kicks in on your run).

    Another bit of advice I found helpful: always tuck an extra set of goggles in your top for the swim. Sometimes you get kicked and your goggles get cracked. Best to have a backup pair.

    Don't forget your sunscreen....or your riding glasses.....or a visor for the run....and a small towel for your feet in case you want to dry them a bit before putting your socks on. Some people go sockless, I can't do all!

    You'll find what works for you after 2-3!

  6. Oh! And most importantly....don't forget, the swim is not even 1/3rd of the race (not even 1/2 really by time)! not for any of the triathlon distances!!! So, get your stroke down to where you feel comfortable, but don't stress about it. Unless you are a super-pro...the swim really will not make or break you. I personally only swim 2x per week max, because I like to put in effort where I know I can get maximum gains. Google about it, many triathlons say the same about the swim.

    1. Crystal thank you so much for all of your great advice!!!!! I needed to hear things like this from people who have all been where I am at right now. It is comforting for me and everyone has had such great words of wisdom.

      My plan for the race is to have fun and probably laugh at myself along the way since I have no idea what I am really doing. Luckily this race is super small so that will make it not seem so intimidating. At least I hope that is the case.

      The swim will be the hardest for me, but I am feeling more comfortable in the water. I do realize that the swim is a very small portion of the actual race. Thank goodness for that! I love the bike, but the run will carry me.

      I am sure I will make a race day list of what to bring two weeks out from the race. I would hate to leave anything important at home.

  7. I'm doing my first one in 2 weeks and hoping not to drown. =(

    The swimming part is scaring me too much.

    1. I am excited to hear how it goes Liana. I am sure that you will do fine. You are naturally talented!

  8. I hear you on the swimming part. That is one reason I fear the idea of a tri. I am a terrible swimmer. Have never had official lessons and doggy paddle is my style. I would love to give a tri a try someday though. You can do this!! You will rock it!! You have some great mentors helping you out. I watched Erika cross the line last year too and it was completely inspiring. She is a rock star.

    1. I am pretty terrible at swimming too, but each time I go back to the pool I notice a difference. My co worker did the same triathlon a couple of years ago that I signed up for and she said that she doggy paddled the swim. :-)

  9. How exciting! I did a couple of sprint triathlons way back when I was living in FL...I was a little concerned about the alligators in the lakes that we had to swim in, but I don't think you'll have that problem! =)

    You will do great, I think you will enjoy the variety, both in training and in the race itself. Looking forward to hearing about it!

    1. Alligators potentially being in the water would freak me out and make me swim super fast!!!!!!

  10. I got that same burst of motivation watching the Australian Cairns Ironman recently, and started thinking 'what if' about a tri. I was put off by the swimming too though, so haven't got much further than thinking! With regard to the Ironman, I agree that it's pretty much the ultimate athletic achievement. I don't know if I have it in me to ever get there - I'd like to just get through a marathon first! - but I wouldn't say never at this stage.

    Best of luck with getting more into the triathlon training and I'll look forward to following along!

    1. I think you should do one Kari!!!! Isn't it crazy how inspiring watching an IM can be? I have friends that have been inspired by them so much that they registered having ZERO experience with swimming, biking or running. Literally zero experience and they have since finished 3 IM!

  11. Hey! I live in Walla Walla (not many eastern Washington bloggers) I forget that we've done all the exact same marathons, pdx, Eugene, and CIM. We have good taste ;) your not doing Missoula in 2 weeks are you? I almost went to watch IMCDA but kinda glad I didn't because its hugely inspirational and I know I would probably be one of those who plops done the visa totally obliviously. A few weeks ago I ran in Spokane along the river an I can totally understand how the triathletes could be intimidating! Hey...everyone starts somewhere right?!? Good luck!!

    Trying to leave a comment from my phone but it's getting all screwing. Becca:)

    1. Very cool Becca! I have been wanting to drive down to Walla Walla for wine tasting. We were just in Napa Valley and a lot of the wineries down there raved about Walla Walla which I thought was odd, but pretty cool!

      It sounds like we do have good taste in selecting marathons! There are so many great ones these days to sign up for. Makes deciding tough.

      There are some INCREDIBLE athletes in the Spokane area. Makes placing at races difficult sometimes. Do you come up often?


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