
Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 16: Thisclose

I had another solid week of training. Now that I am training a bit less I am in that awkward phase of trying to keep myself occupied. I have used this spare time spending far too much time on social media, BUT I have also been productive. Tia and Maisy have been getting extra long walks every night and I got back on the reading wagon and have been reading more books to occupy my marathon brain. I am currently on my 2nd book since May 1st.

2 x {20 min E pace + 20 min T pace}
Covered a good distance of 10.67 miles. Followed up with 15 minutes of core and stretching + foam rolling.

Just when I thought I could call it a day, I got drug to the gym. I used the opportunity for some excellent people watching while I rode the stationery bike for 5.45 miles. Seriously, have you ever taken the opportunity to people watch at the gym???? WOW. That is all I have to say.

I didn’t run before FGF because I really wanted to give my legs a break, however, running was involved in our workout. Nothing like having the warm up include 8 x 200 meter sprints!  I didn’t run them all out. They are on a sidewalk that is full of holes that makes sprinting a bit dicey. My last one was the fastest at 53 seconds. Still about 15-20 seconds faster than everyone else.

166 reps for the first 4 rounds
39 pull ups for max effort

1 mile E pace {3 x 800 I pace + 800 recovery} 1 mile E pace
E pace- 8:00- 8:15
I pace- 6:00- 6:15

800 recovery
800 recovery
800 recovery

I was pleased at how easy the 800 repeats felt. I never ran the 800 in college, but I think my 800 PR in high school was in the 2:40 range.  

After seeing my splits from this workout, of course I was curious to see what my previous 800 repeat times were. Matt said that I wasn’t allowed to compare times until 2 weeks out from race day, but I figured 18 days out was close enough.  I didn’t list the recovery time because I didn’t have it noted for each workout. However, my recovery jog was faster on Wednesday then it was in my previous 800 repeat workouts.



Followed up with 15 minutes of core and an extra time with my foam roller.

My shoulders felt really sore from Tuesday’s Farmgirlfit workout so I wasn’t sure what I would be able to handle. This class was a benchmark class so it was important to do as best as we possibly could (that really is the object for every class, but a benchmark class is super important to gauge your progress).
1000 meter row for time:
7x1 clean + jerk to max:

Clean + jerk is a lift a really struggle with. After I tried 90#s four times and was thisclose to getting it I finally threw in the towel. Afterwards, Jenni, came and helped me and gave me some tips/tricks for next time. My problem was I wasn’t getting under the bar enough and was trying to jerk AND lift the bar over my head. What I should be doing is really getting under the bar so you aren’t really lifting it much.

I still had 7 miles to run after class. I left my stupid garmin at home, but wanted to get in a few easy miles right after class. I ended up running down towards Gonzaga with a friend from class. Afterwards I went home and ran another 5.5 miles to get in my 7. It was really hard running after FGF. I don’t recommend it. I really struggled!

OFF. I contemplated busting out my 15 mile LR before work, but my legs felt really heavy the night before so I just decided to take it easy. I didn’t have to be at work until 8 am (instead of 7:30) so I slept in until 6:30 and snuggled with my two favorite girls.  

15 mile LR. Started later than I wanted because my body requested more sleep. Slept in until 10 am! It was wonderful. Was supposed to run at MP, but I started out too slow and missed the mark. Each mile was faster and my last mile was a 7:22. I will say that it was a fairly solid run.

Active recovery day! I decided to take an extra day of rest and not really do anything active. I went and cheered on all of the Bloomies running Bloomsday, went for a drive with Mr. Healthy Diva, read my book, napped, and snuggled my girls. It was the perfect day!

How was your week?



  1. Lol I love people watching in the gym. Especially all of the male grunting - unnecessary. great week, I feel awesome and not sure if it's new supplements (joint stuff - Neocell collagen) or just resting and sleeping more! ;)

    1. People watching in the gym is my new hubby. Seriously the stuff people wear is ridiculous! Haha.

  2. I missed on my long runs because I slept in as well this week.

    Sometimes relaxing days are just as good for the body as a long run.

    I think you had a great week of training.

    1. I think you can miss a long run Liana. You run so much, I am always super impressed with your training. You are my inspiration!

  3. Awww - my heart was a bit jealous when I read you ran down towards Gonzaga! You can do 39 pull-ups?! That's awesome! Someday I WILL run Bloomsday!

    1. I run by GU a lot actually. It is a nice little loop to GU and past EWU and WSU. You NEED to run Bloomsday someday. It is fun, just not my favorite race. :-)

  4. Wow! Super speedy 800s and an all around awesome week- nice work, Tasha!!

  5. Sounds like a solid week! Glad you took the extra time for yourself on Sunday. Did you see my instagram message about my friend competing in the bloomsday run?

    Praying for your next week to be trouble free!

    1. Yes I saw it AFTER the race! I saw that your friend won the master's division too which is super cool!

  6. Your Sunday sounds lovely :) I laughed at you people watching at the gym too - it is a funny activity to do!

    1. Gym people watching is the BEST kind. Haha. :-)

  7. I love that your training "a little bit less" is totally still rocking it in my opinion. I'm envious of your running. Teach me your ways, please. Or at least force me to get my butt out the door!!

    1. Thanks Nikki. The extra time not spent training sure is nice. I am already on my 2nd book for the month of May! I think you do a good job with getting your rear out the door. You do a lot of early am swim sessions that I would never be able to do. I used to workout in the morning, but I just don't have that kind of motivation anymore.

  8. Awesome training week! You're so close to your goal! :) Keep up the great work!


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