
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Random Thoughts

I have only had a couple of mini freak outs, but nothing serious this week. My race is 11 days which really is hard to believe. I am getting a little concerned about the weather. It has been abnormally warm in Spokane. Over the weekend it was in the 80s, Monday it was 85 and yesterday it was 87. Not typical weather for this time of year. 

On Sunday I watched the elites finish at Bloomsday. Talk about impressive and inspirational. It was something great to see two weeks out from Windermere. 

My last long (ish) training run was Monday. 10.73 miles of being a hot sweaty mess. It was 85 degrees and I felt like I was going to pass out. As soon as I got done I stuck my head under the kitchen sink faucet and sucked on ice cubes. I felt awful.

I think I only have 7 running workouts left. The hardest will be this Saturday, but the rest are fairly easy.

My training plan was 6 pages long because it started on November 11th. I am now on my LAST page. YIKES.

Last night was my last Farmgirlfit class until after Windermere. It was a tough one too, I actually debated NOT going. 50 BEARS using 55 #s for time. It hurt. 

What is a BEAR?!

Now imagine doing 50 of those suckers!

After the BEARS fun we had 3 x 10 box squats. My quads were shaking. Today I am sore. Lovely. 

I felt like after FGF I earned a treat so Mr. Healthy Diva said if I would go to Home Depot with him he would take me to Fro Yo. DEAL. My fro yo was awesome: cake batter, cherries, strawberries, coconut & cream cheese bites. 

I dropped my Brooks singlet off at the screen printer yesterday to have printed for Windermere. I hope what I had envisioned turns out. It should be ready next Friday. Nothing like cutting it close!!!

I tagged this video for Mr. Healthy Diva on facebook the other day. I know that he watched it, but I hope that just remembers to be gentle with me in the coming week. 

Questions for you:
How is your week going?
What is your favorite frozen yogurt combo?
Ever done a BEAR?



  1. Lol you're silly ;) I'm enjoying a metabolic conditioning clss I'm taking at the gym - crossfit but not as heavy of weights - as it's helping with my strength and endurance! Never did the bear...probably wont :)

    1. Don't do a bear, they hurt. My quads are toast right now. Probably shouldn't have gone to class on Tuesday. Your metabolic class sounds interesting.

  2. Sounds like a deal that anyone would be silly to pass up! haha. So excited that the race is quickly approaching...though that weather does seem nuts!

    1. It was 90 today! UGH. I haven't looked at the 7 day forecast yet. That would at least give me an idea, but I am too freaked too look!

  3. Fingers crossed that you get a nice, cool race day... I know how awful it is running in the heat!

    1. I ran in 90 degrees today and I almost died. UGH. I am keeping my fingers AND toes crossed!

  4. I love all kinds of froyo and I have never done a "bear"!!!
    Cheers! Tara

    1. Isn't froyo the best?! I can't get enough of it.

  5. I have never heard of a bear until today reading your post and seeing someone post it on IG earlier. My go to yogurt is usually salted caramel with some sort of crunchy topping and cheesecake bites or vanilla with lots of fresh fruit. I leave for my cruise this week so I've been super busy!

    1. I love salted caramel yogurt! That is usually what I get when they have it, but they didn't. The next best thing was the cake batter.

  6. New reader here! Your fro yo sounds delicious - I can't pass up anything with cake batter in it, that's for sure! And you're right about the weather - I did Bloomsday on Sunday (my first!) and couldn't believe how hot I felt, ugh! I hope the heat breaks before Windermere for you!

    1. Hi Annie! I see that you have a blog as well. I will need to go and check it out. I can't believe the weather- 90 degrees today. YIKES. I really hope that it breaks by next week. This weather is nuts!

  7. I just had the most delicious froyo flavor EVER today...chunky monkey! PB, banana, chocolate. It made me so happy to be alive!

    At pinkberry, I'm an Original with mochis and raspberries girl, and when I'm trying to be healthy, I imitate this at other froyo places with the tart flavor.

    1. OMG, Becky that yogurt combo sounds amazing!!!!!! They even had PB yogurt at Fro Yo. Maybe they will have it next time and I can try a chunky monkey! I have never been to a Pinkberry, but almost did in SF. Now I am sad I didn't try it.

  8. I have never heard of Bear :) I really wish that workouts like that were close by so that I could try them..
    I am gearing up for my first race this weekend! Feeling kind of sick this morning due to an inner ear thing and hoping it clears up by Saturday... Eeek!

    1. Exciting about your race Brandi! Good luck and I hope that you feel better soon!

  9. Haha I think I'm counting down the days to your Marathon more than you are! Keeping my fingers crossed for some cool weather with no winds for ya ;).

    I'm a plain fro-yo girl. Tarty original is all I need in life.

  10. I love that video--she is so spot on! May Dan have his big boy pants on to make it through!

    Hoping the weather takes a turn to cooler for you.

    1. Thanks Amanda. It was 90 today so maybe the weather will break and get cooler. I am scared to even take a glance at the 7 day forecast. :/

  11. i miss fro-yo! trying not to get it right now-but i love a peanut butter/chocolate combo or pumpkin in the fall. summer i tend to go with pomogranate or blueberry.

    1. I love fro yo so much! I made my hubby take me last night and I made the same concoction, minus the cheesecake. I was trying to be good. I would love to try pomogranate- that sounds good!


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