
Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Favorites: 2nd 2013 Goal check in

Here is my 2nd check in to my 2013 goals that I set for myself. I like the the occasional check up because it helps hold myself accountable. I am currently dragging in some areas, but excelling in others. Marathon training has definitely taken precedence in my life lately! For the most part I feel like I have been pretty good at juggling everything in my life right now. I took a mini break from blogging/social media recently which was something I needed. I typically blog early (around 5:00-5:30 am) so I used that extra time to catch up on sleep and snuggles with Tia and Maisy.

Run 2000 miles.

I came to the very sad realization in the first week of January that this will probably not happen. Am I bummed? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No.


Last May I only ran 37 miles so I am pretty sure I will triple that amount of mileage this year.

Bike 1000 miles.

Um…this goal probably won’t happen. It has been hard to ride my bike AND train for Windermere. I am hoping to ride more this summer, but I think that 500 miles might be more realistic.

0 miles
19.98 miles
26 miles
18 miles

Spinning workouts completed:

3 hrs 7 min
2 hrs 15 min
1 hr

Train for at least 1 triathlon.

Still haven’t figured out if I can make a triathlon squeeze into my schedule for this summer. I am not counting one yet just yet though!

Compete in a crossfit competition or two or three.

Already completed. Boom! If there was another opportunity to compete in another competition this summer, I might be down to sign up.

Get my marathon PR that I have been dreaming about all year. I don't even care if it is by 1 second. I want that PR. 

Still working on this goal. My marathon is on May 19th. Realistically I don’t think that it will be a PR race for me, but I should run a decent time just the same.

Continue my progress on the elusive six pack.

My core feels really strong and I have more definition so I am going to say that I am winning the battle! Thankfully I still have some time before swimsuit season officially begins.

Have a professional revamp of Healthy Diva and sign up for self hosting.

No update on this. This goal has definitely been put on the back burner.

Once a month have a date night that doesn't include just a quick dinner at Qdoba.

Um, date night? Hasn’t really happened much lately. We occasionally hit up some of our favorite neighborhood hangouts and we did go to San Francisco for a mini vacation. Other than that we haven’t really had many date nights.

Read at least a book a month.

Remember when I said in February I didn’t foresee a lot of reading in the future? That was definitely a correct assumption. Training for this marathon has taken every ounce of my free time. March & April look a little sad!

Firefly Lane
The Storyteller
The Winter Ghosts
The Weight of Silence
Sharp Objects
The Castaways
Dark Places
The Perks of Being a Wallflower

A Life Without Limits
Let’s Pretend This Never Happened
Wildflower Hill
Time is a River
The Four Seasons
Handle with Care
Here I Go Again
Gone Girl
Drinking & Tweeting
Silver Linings Playbook

Really make a dent in paying of our debt. I would like to have my credit card paid off by this summer.

Still working on the debt. Would have been nice to have received a tax refund this year instead of OWING money. Boo, IRS, Boo!

How are you doing on your goals for 2013?????



  1. I need to get ALL sweets out of my house so that I can work on my core too! I've been planking a TON more and working on enjoying shorter runs so that I can incorporate more crosstraining...AH i hate swimsuit season!

    1. Doesn't FL have swimsuit season year round??? Sweats are bad, but so freaking good. After my marathon I am cutting out a lot of carbs and eating more protein.

  2. I keep flirting with a goal for a tri, but it's so hard to balance distance running goals with anything else!

    Great job on the books, I keep trying to read 1 a month but failing! I have a good habit of starting 1 new book every week and not finishing. That should be an accomplishment.

    1. Liana you would do great in a triathlon. You are so athletic. It is hard to figure out how to squeeze in the additional training though.

      Reading helps relax me. I am a total bookworm. :-)

  3. Gosh darn IRS! Looks like you're making pretty decent progress on the goals! Just because you don't run 2000 miles doesn't mean you haven't been treating your body probably and avoiding injury! You've done a GREAT job with that so far!

    1. Thanks Nikki! I do seriously dislike the IRS right now. I do not understand why Tia and Maisy couldn't be used for deductions. Furbabies should count!

  4. I hate doing my tax and owing money - and because of the way my employment is set up, I always do! It certainly puts me off doing it with enthusiasm...

    I hope you get some more time for reading and date nights soon, but in the mean time, you are rocking your training and focusing on running well without the extra pressure of *having* to get a PR in Windermere sounds like a great way to go in to things :)

    1. Owing $$$ is never fun. Boo!

      I think I am doing pretty good in the reading dept. this month. I am already on my 2nd book! Love the free time that I have now. :-)

  5. my running goals went out the window! oh well. life happens, right? Did you love sharp objects and dark places? i liked them better than gone girl for sure!

    1. You are in the exact same position I was in last year. 2014 will be the year of you kicking some booty!!!!! I really liked Sharp Objects & Dark Places too. Gone Girl kind of freaked me out. It was the first book I read so I was skeptical of the other two, but loved them.


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