
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Should I have said something?

Last night I had a track workout. Nothing long- just 6 x 400s with a warm up and cool down. It was 88 degrees when I got off from work at 4:00 pm so I opted to just head home and hang out for a while until it cooled off a little. It really never cooled off per say so I decided to head over to the track at 6:30 pm. By then it was only 83 and I knew that the track would be clear of the high school/Jr. High practice.

I arrived just as the Jr. High kids were leaving so I did my 1 mile warm up through the neighborhood. I got back to back to my car and grabbed my foam roller, water and Nuun and headed to the track to stretch out. I brought my foam roller hoping that I could roll out my super tight quads. As I was finishing my stretching a girl was walking/jogging around the track in lane 1 with HER DOG. She had HER DOG on the track. Just as I stood up the dog (who was on a super long extender leash) got all tangled up around my right leg. You can only imagine what I wanted to say. Instead I politely asked her to move to the outside lanes since it is track etiquette you leave the inside lanes for people actually doing a workout, running fast, etc. She gave me the total stink eye and said that she was using the track too and that she shouldn’t have to move. Keep in mind I still never said anything about her having a damn dog on the track. I just replied that I was doing an interval workout and that the inside lanes were for faster people and that I would really appreciate it if she could just move a couple of lanes over. I was incredibly polite even when I didn’t want to be. She responded with “whatever” and kept walking in lane 1 with her dog taking up 3 lanes because of the extender leash. I stood in lane 1 just watching her until I saw her turn around and glance at me and then move over. There were about 10 other people running or walking around the track too and they were using lanes 2-4 and keeping lane 1 open. One of the couples commented on how rude they thought the “dog girl” was and that she needed to learn some track etiquette. Once I saw her move over I started my first 400 repeat. EVERY TIME I ran by her, her damn dog almost tripped me. I am not even joking. To say that I was livid pissed off is a HUGE understatement.

When I completed my workout it was all I could do to not say something. I wanted to lash out at her so bad, but since I use that track all of the time I wanted to be as polite as possible. Who knows when we might be there at the same time? I wanted to ask her if she was freaking blind since there are multiple signs about “NO DOGS ALLOWED” and additional signs asking walkers/joggers to utilize the outside lanes. I am not trying to be a track snob and I understand that she was also there to workout. I felt like my request asking her to move was polite and justified.

On happy note from the track, one couple clapped and cheered for me every time I ran by. Never had that happen before, but it was really sweet of them.

Questions for you:
What would you have done? Would you have asked her to move a couple of lanes over too or would you have run around her and her dog on every lap? Would you have said something to her about her dog and how they aren’t allowed on the track?



  1. I would have said something .. I have a hard time doing it with tact though ;)

  2. I don't think I would have said anything, but certainly do not blame you for doing so!

    1. I suppose I don't like confrontation so I never brought the "dog" subject up. :-)

  3. Oh man that would have REALLY pissed me off. I'm not sure what else I would have said that you didn't besides going as far as calling the cops which probably wouldn't have done anything. Maybe something like "you do realize dogs aren't allowed ANYWHERE on the track, but if you wouldn't mind moving to the outer edge of the track I don't be tempted to call the cops"...hehe ;)

    1. Where were you when I needed you last night Lauren! That is exactly what I should have said! I sure hope that I never see her again. I am totally all for exercise and I love dogs, but there is a time and a place. Last night was not the place.

  4. Having been bitten not once but twice by dogs, I would have used my cell phone and called animal control. I love dogs and have one, but being a dog owner requires the owner to behave appropriately. Sorry you had to experience that, but yay for the clapping!

    1. That is one of my biggest fears with running- getting bite by a dog. I know people that have unfortunately experienced it. The thought petrifies me! I also love dogs and have two sweet little pups. Calling animal control is actually a great idea. Thanks for sharing that info, I don't know why I didn't even think of that. I was told that it is actually against the law to have dogs on school property like that. Who knew?

  5. I absolutely would have said something. I already find it hard to bite my tongue when people are walking in the slow lanes, opting to 'buzz the tower' instead (getting up close and personal as I run by them). But someone with a dog? They're getting a mouthful. People feel so entitled sometimes, disregarding common courtesy and etiquette. I wouldn't hesitate to say something and I wouldn't be nice about it either.

    1. I was really biting my tongue towards the end of my workout. She was being really disrespectful to everyone that was at the track last night. We shouldn't have to dodge her and her stupid dog every lap where she is "wogging" (walking/jogging) around and not paying attention to her surroundings. I don't understand the thought process of some people. Argh!

  6. I think I would have DECKED her hahaha. Oh man, in reality I probably wouldn't have but I would have wanted to. FOR SURE. Gosh, that's incredibly rude of her!

    1. LOL, Nikki I didn't want to get arrested! I mean, have you seen my "guns" lately? :-)

  7. I think what you said was appropriate. It sounds like you were direct and courteous. How frustrating that she would not extend the same courtesy to you and the other users. I'm not even sure how I would have handled that one.

    1. It was a tough call. I am glad that I said something, I was just caught off guard at how rude she was back to me. I wasn't trying to be a princess or a show off by any means. I just told her I was doing interval work and would be in lane 1 which is designated for RUNNERS. ARGH.

  8. I think you handled it really well; I might have lost my cool after a while! On the other hand, pissing her off by pointing out that dogs aren't allowed might have resulted in her just taking lane one and not giving an inch. No matter what--she's extremely inconsiderate!!!

    1. I thought she was inconsiderate too. You should have seen the look she gave me, it was not a nice one! I love dogs and I love people being active. There is just a time and place and last night was not the place. The track is less than a mile away from two huge parks that she could have jogged/walked her dog in. The parks would have even provided a lot more shade for herself and her dog. I figured it was
      best to not really get into with her just in case we happen to be at the track again at the same time. I actually had to call my mom on my cell phone to get her to calm me down. :-)

  9. Hahaha oh I can feel your rage in this. I would have been a former track runner, I'm a stickler for proper etiquette. Sounds like you did the right thing. And if she keeps bringing her dog, someone (hopefully someone of authority) will call her out on it. Also, who chooses to walk their dog on a track? Sidewalk! Park!

    1. I know, the track? Walking a dog on track? It was hot last night, wouldn't the poor dog's feet be burning?! We were so close to TWO parks with tons of grass for her to walk her dog on. I am huge stickler for track etiquette too. UGH. I am still all fired up about it. LOL.

  10. You handled it well for sure. What a jerk! If that happens again maybe you could run with your Nuun bottle and just happen to leave the top open and accidentally spray her as you go by. Oops!

  11. I would have said something and probably wouldn't have been very nice about it. But chances are - she probably wouldn't come back to the track any more thus relieving any future possibility of awkwardness. I like beth's idea too, lol.

    1. I think IF I see her again I might not be so polite. I liked Beth's idea too! Very funny :-)

  12. Ew! As much as I would have loved to have said something, I probably wouldn't have because I'm pretty non confrontational. However, with the attitude she gave you I might have been more likely to say something then.

    1. I am pretty non confrontational too which is why I never mentioned her stupid dog. I could see it potentially getting ugly if I brought that up.

  13. I believe you did the right thing even though it was hard. It doesn't sound like she was a very flexible person and just the fact she had her dog there means she probably doesn't understand nor respect the track. I probably would of handled it the same way or not said anything because sometimes I can be a little timid around people that are difficult to deal with, which I am working on at being braver. You were Brave and Kind and handled the situation gracefully. :)

    1. Aww, thanks Kris. I am still a little fired up about it. If I would have tripped over the dog I really would have flipped out. It was bad enough it wrapped it's leash around my leg when I was just standing there. UGH. People amaze me.

  14. Reminds me of the time I went to the track and some family had their kids there with their bikes - riding on the inside lane. I should have said something, but I didn't - just like yourself. Most people don't understand track etiquette and I'm not sure they would even if you told them. Clueless. There's a million places a dog can walk, a track is not one of them. I would have just been irritated too and not said anything...but, ugh, it's hard.

    Great workout though :).

    1. She was totally clueless! I was biting my tongue the whole time. Spokane is small enough that I wouldn't want to say something bad and then see her at the track again. OR find that she goes to the same crossfit box or even gym as me. That would be embarrassing!!!!

  15. Oh my goodness. I am a track novice (since I don't have one near by) but even I know that a dog on a track, in the inside lane no less, is just crazy! What on earth was she thinking?! What sort of dog wants to be walked on a track anyway?! Geez. You did well to control yourself I think :P

    1. I have no idea what she was thinking. Obviously she wasn't. UGH.

  16. I hate it when people break rules, but would just be annoyed. I'm too shy to say something!

    1. People that break the rules annoy me. The honestly ruin it for everyone else IMO.

  17. Seriously?! How frustrating!! I would have been so annoyed as well, but I am not one to actually say anything, so I would have done what you did... but grrrrrr.

    1. It was beyond frustrating. GRRRRR. Even today I am fired up still and it's Friday. Ha. Can you tell that I don't forgive and forget easily? :-)

  18. oh gawd I know this feeling. People in miami used to take up entire roads with their dog leashes I swear and if I would something like excuse me they acted like I was a complete moron for wanting them to move...can you tell it still makes me angry.

    I think unfortunately you probably wouldn't have gotten a much better response than you did even had you asked her to leave. I might have said something else about the length of the leash...but to what good? Impressed you stuck with it, I may have gotten frustrated and just left

    1. Oh my gosh I would get so frustrated with that too. You don't need to take up an entire road people!!!! Then when you do say something, they do look at you like you are an idiot and that you are disrespecting them. Some people just don't think that the rules apply to them and it honestly ruins it for the those of us that do follow the rules.

      If my workout would have been longer than just 6 x 400s I might have left. There was another track about miles away or I could just just went to the park where the dumb lady should have been walking her dog in the first place.

  19. I own a dog and I would NEVER do that! It's so frustrating when other dog owners act like their needs are a higher priority than sharing public space. Particularly on a track!

    When I'm on a shared use path and people are letting their leashed dogs wander all over, I usually say a quick (and sometimes annoyed) "ON YOUR LEFT!" if coming from behind them. And I definitely have shot some dirty looks at people allowing their dogs to roam free on paths where they should be leashed.

    If I had been in your position, I would have attempted to be empathetic but stern - something like, "I have a dog myself, but when I come here to work out on the track, I leave him at home, because the signs here are clear about no dogs allowed."

    1. I know I would never ever take my dogs to walk on the track. How boring for them! It is super frustrating when people think that rules don't apply to them. I like what you would have said. It shows that I am not being a dog hater, but a rule is a rule. Having a dog at the track could be dangerous for both the dog and the people working out.

  20. How annoying! Was she young? If the signs say no dogs, that means no dogs. Especially with that leash being so long, that's dangerous. Not sure what I would have done. You know how I react with confrontation;) Unless I am protecting my kids, I try to be pretty mellow (try).

    1. I would say she was around my age. She definitely wasn't in high school or anything. It was just rude. I don't understand why people think that rules don't apply to them.

  21. I can't figure out why some people don't read the signs and then get all angry when the serious runners are upset. Makes no sense! Sounds like you handled it very well..
    On a different note. There is a great running place in Eugene that has a dog park next to it. I was there running when this guy put his dog in the park, closed the gate and took off for his run! The dog just kept barking and barking for him. I have been desperate for a run, but don't understand that kind of thinking.

    1. Oh poor doggy! He was probably so confused and upset. I don't understand why the guy couldn't walk/run his dog before he went to the track? I don't understand some people...

  22. OH YOU BEST BELIEVE I would have said something! I don't care how much I like dogs - NO ONE or NOTHING gets in the WAY OF MY WORK OUT! NOTHING!! Ah ha ha!

    1. LOVE this!!!!!! I completely agree with you 110%. :-)

  23. (popping over from Mommy Run Fast)

    I DEFINITELY would have said something. That's very dangerous! Plus, what if the dog pooped on the track? Ewww.

    1. I thought about the dog pooping on the track too. YUCK. Luckily it didn't, but that would have been super gross because it didn't look like she had doggy bags with her to clean it up with.

  24. I think you handled it very well! How annoying... I hate when people think that they rule the world and aren't considerate for other people. I feel my blood pressure rising just thinking about this happening, ha.

    1. Thanks Lora. It took a couple of days for my BP to go down. I definitely get riled up in situations like that. I just get annoyed that people think that rules don't apply to them. Didn't' their parents teach them anything?

  25. I would have said something I think on the 3 lap. I would first try to control myself, but that has too short of a limit for me and my big mouth. I do think you handled it well though. Some people are so rude & selfish!

    1. Some people are beyond rude and selfish. I really wanted to scream at her, but I figured since she was rude in the first place it probably wouldn't have gone over well. Plus she was a bit bigger and I didn't want her to beat me up. Haha.

  26. i would've said something-but i have no filter. so rude!

    1. It was beyond rude! I was secretly hoping I would see her at the track on Wednesday, but I ended up doing strides in front of my house instead. The neighbors probably thought I was nuts.


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