
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Run Club success!

Tuesday night was my first run club event at the Lantern Tap House and it was a huge success!!! We had 21 people who joined us. It was great to meet some more people from our neighborhood that I hadn't met yet. They all ran a route that I had selected while I rode my bike. Afterwards a lot of them stayed and hung out at the Lantern. The weather was perfect and it was great to see everyone get out. Even Mr. Healthy Diva came and ran!!!!! I know- I am VERY proud of him (of course he was complaining yesterday how sore he was!). I am really excited for some of the women in the group that are going to start training for their first 5K. It will be fun for me to follow them on their journey- I know that they are going to do awesome.

This was our route for the first night. In our neighborhood no matter where you run you have a hill. Hills are for heroes....right?!

I am looking forward to the run club this coming Tuesday. I hope to see some new faces and I hope to be able to run with them next time.

I have been incredibly busy this week, hence the no posts all week, but I feel like I am getting caught up. I am looking forward to sleeping in this weekend. I wish that today was Friday and not Thursday. My body is definitely still recovering from my whirlwind trip to Palm Springs.

I did a TM run on Monday that went pretty good. I ran 5 x 5:00 minutes at an 8.5 with a 90 second recovery walk in between sets. Since switching back to my Ghost 5s I haven't experienced any foot cramping. That is a huge relief for me. Last night I got brave and ran my entire workout on the road because they were having a late night football practice at the track. I am not brave enough to run around the track during a football practice. I went and ran the loop on the S. Hill that I ran for all of my 3 mile tempo repeats when I was training for Eugene. At one point I looked at my watch and saw that I was running a 6:54 pace. Unfortunately that didn't last long. It was funny to think that in March I was running the same loop at 6:35-6:40 pace. I am confident once I get some legit speed work (and don't have anymore CS symptoms) under my feet I will be back.

Here is my workout recap:
5 x .75 miles with a 90 second recovery walk


Questions for you:

Do you participate in a run club?
Have you ever started a run club?


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