
Monday, July 29, 2013

Workout rundown: The balancing act

The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind and a touch on the chaotic side. I haven’t been posting weekly workout recaps because I was so behind on race recaps.

Spokane Indians Pennant 5K 
Negative Split Half Marathon
Missoula Half Marathon #1 and #2
Ragnar Northwest Passage #1

My first triathlon is quickly approaching on 8/3 and I would be lying if I wasn’t freaking out about it. I also have an ultra relay the weekend of August 16th & 17th. It has been very hard to balance all of my workouts with a 40 hr a week job. I am tired. Very, very tired.

To give you an idea of what my typical day looks like here ya go:
5:30-6:00 am     
Wake up at some point. Have breakfast, blog if there is time
7:30 am               
Work day starts
4:00 pm
Work day ends. Run or bike to FGF
4:30 pm
Farmgirlf it (Monday, Tuesday & Thursdays are my typical FGF days)
6:00 pm
Blog, hangout, clean house, run errands etc.
7:00 pm
Cook dinner, make lunch for following day, get work & workout clothes ready for next day
8:00 pm
Run and/or bike (Monday & Wednesday)
9:00 pm
Pool session (Tuesday & Thursday)
10:00- 10:30 pm
Lights out!
I figure on average I spend at least 12 hours a week just working out. Add that to 40 hours at my desk job and I am on the go for 62 hours a week. Don’t forget that I still have errands to run, a house to clean, meal prep/cooking, time with the family + time for myself. If you have some suggestions for balancing please share them!

Here is the quick rundown of the last 3 weeks of workouts:

Week of July 8th-July 14th
Ran- 31.17 miles
Biked- 37.55 miles
Swim sessions- 1 OWS at Medical Lake (first OWS ever!)
Farmgirlfit- 3 classes
Races ran- Missoula ½ Marathon (recaps #1 & #2)

FGF highlights-
I improved my 5 RM on the bench press by 4 reps
I completed my first mini triathlon practice session the women of FGF AND survived
Had a clean & jerk 5# PR and lifted 95#s. Almost had 100#s….thisclose!

Week of July 15th- July 21st
Ran- 36.12 miles
Biked- 6.12 miles
Swim Sessions- 2 pool sessions (30 laps on Monday 7/15 and 20 laps on Wednesday 7/17)
Farmgirlfit- 2 classes. I was bummed about this, but needed to also have some rest time before Ragnar
Races ran- Ragnar Northwest Passage relay

FGF highlights-
For the first TIME IN MY LIFE I did a rope climb!!!!!!

Week of July 22nd-28th
Ran- 15.81 miles
Biked- 37.36 miles
Swim Sessions- 1 session (26 laps on Tuesday 7/23)
Farmgirlfit- 2 classes
Races ran- None

I had goals to run 40 miles this week, but that didn't happen. On Wednesday during FGF it felt like I had a kink in my neck. That kink turned into full blown neck and back pain hours later. At 8 am on Thursday I was in so much pain that I called in sick to work and drove myself to urgent care. I found I was having muscle spasms in my right trapezius. I opted to have muscle relaxing injections in my back and took a prescription for a muscle relaxer and a massage. By Thursday night I was feeling better, but not perfect. Went to work on Friday and was only able to work a couple of hours before I was in so much pain I had to leave. Most of Friday and literally all of Saturday was spent sleeping in bed. On Saturday I was probably awake for a total of 3 hours all day. On Sunday I woke up and still felt like I had a kink in my neck, but the pain had lessened. I still took Sunday off to be on the safe sad. Now I am worried about my first triathlon and my upcoming ultra relay. Taking 4 days of rest definitely was not in my plan.....I am hoping that what fitness I have will carry me through the next couple of weeks and that having to take 4 days off will be a non issue.

Let's chat:
How do you balance your fitness life with your professional life?
Have you had to take more unplanned rest days before a big race? Did it end up being a non issue?
Can you do a rope climb?



  1. 1. I go crazy! summer is my lowkey time of year, but unfortunately it's worse running season

    2. I've been taking just unplanned rest days period. Just too many things happening in the summer, or the weather too hot or the pool closed for thunderstorms. I just breath and try to remind myself, working out isn't my full time job. I'll be okay.

    3. haha nope!

    1. I think that summer is the most difficult time to plan for any type of race. I always feel like things come up mid day which require me to either miss a workout or cram something in.

  2. Wow Tasha! That is quite the busy schedule! I definitely have to do a lot of balancing although I'm sure I have more flexibility than you since sometimes my workout can be done from home with my kids around. Hopefully the muscle spasms will also double as some good mental and physical down time that will reap dividends going into August. You sure have a lot of races planned. I think your level of fitness will definitely be enough going into them. Good luck Tasha!

    1. Thankfully the muscle spasms have gone away. I am going to take it fairly easy this week. I even modified my workout in FGF tonight so that I didn't irritate anything. Thankfully after my ultra relay in a couple of weeks I have no races planned until my half in October.

  3. You sure do pack a lot into your days! No wonder you are such a successful athlete :)

    1. Aw, thank Nikki. I really wish that each had a couple of more hours. It sure would be helpful!

  4. Wow! That's a lot to balance. I bet that some of the working out helps to relieve stress and make it manageable. I often sacrifice my blog during the school year to make sure I can get in what needs to be done and still keep up with training, but there are still times when running is not possible.

    You are fit enough that you'll do fine in the race. If anything, it's an extra boost because your body will have taken a break. You may have an advantage over others who have over trained.

    1. Working out is my huge stress reliever. I am not sure what I would do without it. I am hoping that my time in the swimming pool will be good enough for Saturday, but I am sure that I will be fine. I tend to over analyze everything. I am not concerned with the bike or the run so I guess I will just go with it. What happens, happens. I just want to finish. :-)

  5. Sorry about your neck friend. I can guarantee you have not loss any fitness in four days you will be just fine! Your body was telling you to rest and so you did and now it will work well for you again :) I ended up having to take a week off before one of my 70.3 race because my body literally shut down; I had worked it too hard. Wasn't the prettiest of races but I did it.

    My whole life is a balancing act but I love it!

    1. I felt pretty good on my run and at FGF tonight. Nice and rejuvenated even though I didn't want a fitness break to be spent flat on my back for almost 4 days. That was lame! I am so very thankful that it did happen on a weekend where I had nothing planned. Got lucky with that.

  6. Wow, you are SO busy! I don't really have tips for balance either, other than letting some things go and being okay with it!

    1. I need to learn how to let things go and be okay with it. That has always been hard for me. I am such a planner. I don't do well with deviations.

  7. Killer schedule! Life balance is SO hard...sometimes something has to give. You'll be just fine with a little bit of downtime. Might even be better for the rest.

    Deep breaths!

    1. Life balance is so difficult. Some weeks it comes easier than others. I am hoping after this weekend I can focus on running for my ultra relay and then take some down time. Last week was royally awful with my back spasms. Worst pain I have ever experienced. If that wasn't my body crying for a rest then I don't know what it was. I am just worried that I am over training again. Main reason why I had hired a coach was to reign me in. Might have to revisit coaches in the fall if I can ever decide on a goal race for next year.


  8. Your schedule is intense for sure. The rest days will not affect you negatively at all. If anything I think it will help:) I hope you feel 100% ASAP!

    1. I definitely feel a million times better today. I even felt rejuvenated from the extra rest. Everything happens for a reason and sometimes when we least expect it.

  9. Dang girl! You are definitely on to go! I think I would be afraid to write out how my days go. I was just offered as new job on Friday and I am very nervous about trying to fit that in. We really have to be Super Women, don't we?
    Sorry to hear about your neck. Did they say anything about moist heat or anything to soothe it?
    I totally can NOT take muscle relaxers...I am knocked out for hours and hours and then feel like crap when I do wake up. Ugh! My body does not love that stuff.
    Could your neck be stress related?!
    I mean...look at that schedule, babe!
    {Hugs!} You are amazing and such an inspiration to me...
    You've got the matter what!

    1. Congrats on the new job, that is fantastic news!!! I am sure that you will figure out how to fit into your schedule. It just might take a couple of weeks before you find a good rhythm, but I am sure that everything will fall into place.

      I did do a heat and ice pack a few times to help with the pain. On Saturday I was so out of it, I was literally only awake for maybe 3 hours the entire day. It was so bad when I was awake I almost had my husband drive me to the ER. The pain was literally paralyzing.

      I am not really sure what caused the pain to begin with which is what I think is the most bizarre thing. It started out feeling like a kink in my neck Wed afternoon. Within a few hours, the pain was already down my back. Very weird.

      Thanks for your kind words, you are so sweet.
      Can't wait to hear about your new job too!

  10. WOO HOO to the rope climb! How cool :-) Congratulations!

    I liked seeing this break down of your week because I really relate to the challenges of fitting training in around work. With that said, my training takes much less time than yours - about 6 hours instead of 12 in fact! (Or a bit more if you factor in the getting ready / shower time around the actual work out time.) I get my exercise in first thing so am also impressed at you doing things after 8pm; I am pretty exhausted by that stage. I imagine with so much to do, you just have to slot things in somewhere though.

    1. Thanks Kari! I was so excited that I was able to complete one. It felt awesome to be cheered on by other women at FGF too.

      I would love to be able to get in all of my training in the AM. I really need to work on just going to be earlier so that I can get up, but then 2 hours in the AM isn't enough. I also can't go to FGF in the AM which means I have to go after work. Maybe someday I can just quit my job and workout? Wishful thinking...I know.

  11. congrats on the rope climb! don't think I could do it :( but you're giving me hope!!!

    I wish I could break down my week...great ideas to keep you focused and on track!!

    1. It only took me since elementary school to figure it out, LOL.

  12. Running has been something I can stick with in no small part because I can do it whenever--I just go out and run. If I get out of work early or late, it doesn't matter. No cancellation fees, no late fees, no monthly fees... Granted I'm single and childless, but so far it works well.

    1. Being childless definitely helps my workouts. I cannot imagine having to juggle childcare and still workout. Moms get huge kudos from me!

  13. Your day is scheduled similar to mine in that you start early and don't finish until bed. Like last night I needed to get my miles in and since I was up at 4:30 in the morning to get ready for work that meant running at 8:30 after the kids were in bed. I think it's crazy sometimes to see it planned out like that--every hour accounted for, but in the end it's the only way I will hold myself accountable! And really when it is mapped out by the hour it helps you see where you may have time when you think you don't! Great job lady!!

    1. The only way I can get anything done is be writing out- if it is once a week or everyday. Makes me not forget anything and lets me get my errands and workouts in. It is crazy to see everything written out though- seems like a lot of stuff in writing. I can run late at night, which I have been doing lately, but then it is hard for me to fall asleep. I hate being wide awake at 10:30 at night. You get huge kudos from me for juggling two kidos while training for a marathon and working. You are a SUPER MOM Dani!

  14. 1- I feel like I there is NEVER enough time to do everything I want to do. Working full time,spending time with my kids/family, friends, etc does not give me too much time for working out. I try to get workouts all in in the am and at lunch...but then again I am not getting in nearly as many hours working out at you! Have you ever tried the 5:30 am FGF class? I go to those and love being able to be done by 6:30- in time to rush home shower and get the kids to daycare and me to work!
    2-I think I may OVER rest. I always get worried that if i do too much before an event I will be too sore.
    3- Yes..with legs..which means I know have a huge burn on my leg from the rope :-)

    1. 1. I totally agree with you. There is not enough hours in the day. I would love to try the 5:30 class, but since it is offered only 2 days a week I haven't tried it. Typically I go 3 days a week so one day would still need to be at night.

      2. Most of the time getting lots of rest, even close to a big event is good. You should have already put in the work so anything done a week or so before won't benefit your overall fitness. I missed a lot of workouts prior to one of my marathons and I was freaking out about it. I don't know how many times my coach told me to take a chill pill.

      3. I did 5 rope climbs tonight- you should see my poor leg! YIKES!

  15. You have quite the schedule! 12 hours a week of working out is impressive :) I think im averaging around 6 right now.

    Everything seems to work in my life because my man is supportive (and also training for a marathon) and because i dont watch tv :) Although keeping it all in balance is a challenge sometimes...

    I took some unplanned rest days before my marathon last year because I had injured my ankle. The rest helped the ankle a little and I ran a great race- but I was still injured and underperformed because of the pain..

    rope climb sounds scary :) I must work on my upper body strength!

    1. I love that your man is so supportive and shares your love of training. You are VERY lucky to have that. I don't hardly watch TV either which helps get my butt on the road to run or ride my bike. If I do watch a show it is on Hulu while I am running on my TM. Makes the TM seem not quite so awful with entertainment.

      6 hours is a lot. I am sure that you are actually working out more than you think. Long runs take up a lot of time. Marathon training in general is hard work!

  16. I hear ya! I'm really struggling with the work-life-exercise-sleep balance these days! I think the key for me may be getting enough sleep. I need to get my sleep under control. (I haven't been sleeping enough lately), so that I can get my workout schedule back under control. It's hard!

    1. I need at least 8 hours of sleep to function everyday. If not the whole world better be on the lookout!

  17. I have yet to run a marathon that didn't have a bunch of unplanned rest days before it. 2 weeks before #1 I got really sick, & barely ran between then & the race. 3 weeks before #2 I hurt my foot & was terrified I had a stress fracture, so I didn't run much. In May I had all the hip flexor drama. I don't think it ever affected my fitness or time -- if anything, it probably made my legs fresher!

    1. Oops, apparently I was more behind in blog commenting than I had thought. :-(
      I think that unplanned rest days are part of training. I find that when I do take one, my body usually thanks me later. Or my body is begging me to take a break and waves the white flag by giving me muscle spasms or a sickness of some type. Most of the time it does end up being a non issue even though at the time I freak out about it. In my case this last round of unplanned rest days was a complete non issue.

  18. Your runs make me tired! LOL! I balance fitness with life by getting my fitness taken care of first thing in the morning, I am typically done by 8:30 am so then I have the rest of the day to accomplish everything else that I need to!

    1. I wish I didn't have to be at work by 7:30 am, it would make my life a bit easier because I could do more in the morning. Oh well, gotta do what works best. Hopefully my schedule won't always be like this.

  19. Ha, balance. Clearly not since you think I've been working out more than you! :) But wow, yeah, busy schedule. All about planning and fitting it in where you can.

    Let's see - rest days? Well, I haven't had any "big" or "A" races lately, so no? The week of my Wild Woman Trail Race, I didn't run at all, but I swam and cycled a lot that week.

    And no, I can't do a rope climb (that I know of), but I haven't had to try since elementary school.

    You are SO rocking this summer. I'm super impressed, and your running is killer as always.

    1. I am so behind on blog commenting, but I am finally getting caught up tonight. Loving my "down" week this week!
      You are rocking this summer too! I can't believe how much swimming you have been doing and the weekly improvements are awesome. I need to be motivated to hit the pool like you are right now.

      PS- tonight I did 5 rope climbs and rubbed my entire shin RAW. It hurts like a you know what. YIKES.

  20. when you find an answer, let me know! I have struggled with this job becuase I can continue to work throughout the night (and I often do). I always make time to workout. That is a must. But balancing work, working out, socializing (attempting to date), errands, blogging and reading blogs, I AM EXHAUSTED.

    1. I am so behind on blog comments- eeek! I am super impressed with your juggling of everything. I find right now if I right everything out that needs to be done in a week or that day I can prioritize. I definitely make time for my workouts. I would go crazy without them. I can go pretty good for a couple of weeks and then I usually have a day where I completely crash. It might be a Saturday where I sleep in until 9:30 or 10 am which isn't typical of me. It happens and I just have to adjust at that point.


I love your comments & inspiration