
Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 1: Run Less, Run Faster

I didn’t post a weekly workout recap last week, but you didn’t miss much. I ran a little and went to Farmgirlfit 3 times. Capped off the week with the running of my 3rd Helvetia ½ Marathon.

This week, I picked up my running and ran 3 days using RLRF. I had originally intended on training hard for 4 weeks and then using the Negative Split on 7/6 as an “A” race and ½ marathon PR attempt. Since making that statement, I have since changed my mind. My updated plan is to use RLRF to maintain my fitness through the summer and then maybe depending on how I feel shoot for a fall ½ marathon PR. If not, I will run easy through the fall and then look at “A” races in 2014. After having run for a couple of weeks after Windermere I can tell that my body is still pooped out. I need time to rest and recover.

I did publicly admit on my facebook page the other day that I was in love with crossfit more than running right now. I love the change of pace that crossfit gives me and I love the friendly competitive atmosphere. It has been a good addition to my training.

Wanted to take an additional “easy” day following Helvetia
Ran to the gym after work- .5 miles
35:29 on the spine bike for an even 9 miles
15 minutes of core
Ran back to my office- .5 miles

Ran 3.12 miles before FGF.

BEARS get me every single time. Those suckers are tough and I usually feel the lingering effects of them for days after the workout. Stepped up to level 4 and used 65#s. Got really tough during the last couple of rounds because I was rubbing the skin off of my back from the bar. Even the planks in between were super tough because my arms were shaking. completed 37 BEARS.

The 3 rounds for time about killed me. Having to do elevated push ups off of the 20" inch box + burpee box jumps are insane! My total time was 11:06. I think I might of had the fastest time of the day. 

Early AM run at 4:30 for 7:00 miles with warm up/cool down and some mile repeats thrown into the mix

Completed level 3, but used a 25# dumbbell and 125#s for the deadlift. Completed 2 rounds + 65. 
10 minutes of core


I had a 5 # clean & jerk PR, lifting 90#s. I was thisclose to 95#s! This is one of my least favorite lifts so to be improving on it makes me happy.

I got a little overzealous and did 75#s on level 3. I thought I was going to have to take weight off of my bar after the first round, but I stuck it out. The hang squat cleans are what got me. It is hard to clean with the bar starting above your knees. Total time was 19:27.

The RX was 1 mi E + 2 (1 mi E + 2 mi MT) + 1 mi E.


The RX was 12 miles at HMP + 20 seconds- roughly a 7:47 pace. I may have had too much fun the night before and then made a coffee date for 8:30 with some girlfriends. Ended up not running before coffee and then had to go straight to lunch from the coffee date. Got home from lunch and passed out for close to 3 hours. When I woke up it was about 3:30 and 90 degrees outside. I literally did everything I could to talk myself out of going. I eventually told myself to just run 6 miles and call it good. The 6 miles turned into an hour which turned into 10 miles. At that point I couldn't not skip out on the last 2 miles. It was hot and I was a sweaty mess, but managed an average pace of 7:49. A little bit slower, but in 90 degrees and at 4 pm in the afternoon, I will take it!

Let's chat!
How was your week?
Anyone race this last weekend?
What is the hottest temperature you have ran in before?



  1. Ugh the temps here are awful - been running in around 80-90 degree weather ALREADY. Hydration is my friend ;)

    1. Yes, hydration has been my friend too. I sucked down a whole nalgene bottle of Nuun yesterday and was still thirsty.

  2. Ugh - 90?!?! I've run in pretty hot weather but I always scale my expectations way back! I don't do well in heat! Great job!

    1. I do not do well in heat either. Even after having lived in Spokane for almost 11 years. I will always be an Oregon Coast girl.

  3. The temperatures on vacation were much hotter than I'm used to (yet). It was discouraging to see how much it affected my pace, doesn't sound like it affected yours too much!

    1. It usually does bother me more. I guess I was hungry so I ran faster? :-)

  4. Nice job getting out there for your long run...I'm almost 100% positive I wouldn't have made it :). I thought 65 and sunny was "hot" on my long run Saturday...I have it bad here in Seattle I know ;)

    1. 65 can feel pretty warm on long runs. I think ideally 40-50 is perfect running temps. :-)

  5. Hottest temp I've ran in was 92 degrees. It was the last portion of my half triathlon...nothing like running a half marathon in 92 degrees after biking 56 miles and swimming a mile...oh yea that was fun! Each station I would take ice cubes and put them down my sports bra in the front and back, my goal was just to keep my core temp as low as possible. I managed through it but it was u-g-l-y. I wish we had a cool crossfit place in the Couv like FG

    1. 92 is pretty freaking hot! I just don't do well in hot temperatures. I am an Oregon Coast go through and through! I was pouring water over my head on Sunday. I know that I have ran in hotter temps, but not that often. I think it was close to triple digits when year when I was running HTC. I got to the end of my leg and my team had NO WATER for me. I was pissed!

  6. You always have such awesome weeks of workouts! That long run sounds weather and I don't get along well when it comes to running! hah

    1. Thanks Nikki! I had some motivation because I knew that some other women in the area had gone for a run so I didn't want to be a slacker.

  7. Wow, looks like a great week of workouts and awesome job on that long run! I was complaining to myself about starting my Saturday run at 9 am instead of 7 am, so I am really impressed that you got out there in the afternoon. So are you still going to do the Negative Split 1/2 just for fun? That is a brand new race isn't it?

    1. Yes, first year for Negative Split. Just doing it for fun because I am going to have a busy month and I am just trying to focus on shorter distances and more lifting right now. Are you running Negative Split too?

    2. I'm not doing Negative Split, but I'll be looking forward to your race report to hear how it goes. There is a trail relay run in Hayden the same day, was thinking about doing that if I can pull our group together.

  8. Awesome week! I definitely fall in and out of love with running. Taking a huge cut back in May helped a lot... I think I'm ready to tackle marathon training!

    1. Exciting Laura!!! Which marathon are you thinking about? I am assuming it won't be in TX since you will be moving soon.

  9. Totally ok to have "another love" right now in should always be about loving what you're doing, right? And your running plan sounds great, too. Good job figuring out where you want to be, when!

    1. Exactly! I just think I maxed out on my running motivation for the moment and since I am still so new to crossfit I have tons of untapped potential. I will admit that RLRF makes me more excited about running because I don't have to run 4-5 days a week. 3 days is a happy medium. I have been throwing in a 4th day, but it is super easy and slow. More just to stretch out the legs.

  10. wow beyond impressed with your afternoon long run! I am totally an am long run gal

    1. Thanks Amanda! I bet that you have to run early in the AM in Florida. I am not used to humidity so if I lived where you live I would have done everything in my power to run earlier.

  11. Since I live in Houston.....I have run in much hotter/steamier weather than most people in the country. I don't think many places get much worse (maybe New Orleans compares, but even people around the coast in Alabama think Houston is worse!). I would say, probably haven't run in over 100 degrees straight temperature, because I get my runs in EARLY. However, with the humidity, the heat index (what it feels like) can easily be over 100! YIKES, but...lets look on the makes those fall/winter marathons all the easier after training in this shite summer.

    1. I can't imagine having to run in humidity. I would die!!!!! Part of the reason why I loved training for the California International Marathon a couple of years ago was that I would miss most of the hottest days of summer for long runs. I grew up on the Oregon Coast so really anything above 80 degrees still feels warm to me. Even though I have lived in Spokane with the heat + elevation for almost 11 years now.

  12. ugh, i cannot handle the heat when I am working out, it makes me want to cut my work outs short - I give you credit for braving the heat!!

    1. Thanks chica! I definitely know what you mean by wanting to cut the workout short. :-)

  13. You are killing it! Especially in the heat. S2S is going to have nothing on you :)

  14. Last year in Ragnar Chicago it was REALLY hot and about 3 pm. This may have been the hottest I have ever run and I still can't believe I made it! Nice work!


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