
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Race Recap: Reardan Mule Days 5K

I got the brilliant idea to run a 5K 13 days post Windermere Marathon. I figured my legs would be okay, but it wasn't the most brilliant idea I have ever had. I thought that the "speed" from the race would be a good workout for the Helvetia 1/2 Marathon that I was running the following weekend. I ran a little over 10 miles during the week so definitely had low mileage. Feet were feeling pretty happy with my temporary met pads so I figured to go ahead and attempt a 5K PR.

I have participated in this race two separate times. The first time I ran it, I completed the 10K in which I was the OA female winner. The following year I came back and was the OA female winner in the 5K. I definitely had set the standard high. I was going for a win and a PR.

I took Friday off as a recovery day and went to bed early. I was up at 5:30 the following morning to get a light breakfast and some coffee in me. We got to the race about 45 minutes before 8:00 am. The registration clearly said that the race started at 8:00 am SHARP. I got registered and then Mr. Healthy Diva and I left so he could go find a coffee stand.

My neighbor Sean ran his VERY first 5K. I am super proud of him!

I did a quick 1 mile warm up and stretched out. I had my warm up timed perfectly for the 8:00 am race start. However, at 7:55 am there was a line about 25 people deep still waiting to register. There was no way the race would start on time. The race eventually got underway about 8:10.

The start was a freaking cluster nightmare. Each race had someone leading the way on a quad. The 10K guy was ready to go, but the 5K guy was standing off to the side, clearly not paying attention. The lady who was starting the race also clearly wasn’t paying attention to see that both lead guys were not ready. All of a sudden she started the race and we went barreling down the hill towards the lead vehicles. The 5K guy yelled (no joke), “oh sh*t!” as he scrambled to get his quad started. I had already passed the 5K lead guy and then realized that they said they changed the start of the course so I had no idea which street to turn on since the course wasn’t marked. I was sprinting straight ahead when I heard “5K turn right, turn right 5K!” There was a huge cluster of people elbowing & stopping and acting confused by which direction they had to go. Not the ideal race start by any means!

I finally get into my groove and then glanced down at my garmin to see I was running a 5:45 pace. Clearly not the pace I had in mind. I figured I needed to average a 6:30 (ish) pace to PR. I tried to make myself slow down, but I went into the first mile at 6:30 instead of a 6:40-6:45 which I had intended so that I could negative split. 

The damage was done at that point. The way out to the turnaround point had a pretty strong headwind that I was fighting. I slowed down to a 6:45-6:55 pace going into the turn. I wasn’t too worried, because I knew that going back the wind would be at my back and hopefully I could dial in my pace. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Mile 2 was 6:56. My wheels literally fell off. I got about ½ mile from the finish and just stopped. My legs felt like bricks and I couldn’t breathe. Mile 3 was a 7:21. There was no way I could PR, but I was still mad at myself for stopping so close to the finish line. I could even see the stinking finish line and I still stopped. I only stopped for a couple of seconds, but it was enough for me to not break 21:00 minutes and for 2nd place AG/OA female. My official finish time was 21:07. Less than a minute off of my PR, but the fastest 5K I have run since February 2012. I will celebrate the little things.

Finishing on a very empty tank

My final thoughts:
I like the 5K even though it hurts. It is definitely a race I can see myself bettering my time in.

I probably could have been in closer range of my PR if I would have kept my pace at the beginning in check. I started out way too fast, which killed me at the end.

I really need to figure out my pacing. I used to be really good at pacing myself, but lately I am awful at it.

I think my legs felt heavy because I was only two weeks post marathon. It was a bit premature of me to think I could PR.

I had FUN which is something I haven’t experienced with running in a while.



  1. You're SO SPEEDY! Can I drift behind you ;) that's so awesome seeing friends run their first races!

    1. Sure, you can drift behind me anytime Kat! My neighbor has since completed his 2nd 5K and has some more lined up for this summer. He is even planning a 10K for September. I think he might have the running bug now. :-)

  2. Having fun is the best part!! Still a very speedy marathon and to think you were so close to the marathon

    1. Thanks Abbi- having fun is the most important part.

  3. That's a bummer about the start. You had a great plan going into it. No worries, you did run pretty quick and it's impressive that you were able to run that well so quickly after the marathon! You'll get the PR soon!

    1. I sure hope so. I am definitely in a PR drought right now. It's okay though, running really shouldn't be entirely focused on a PR every single race. If I don't get a PR this year, it means that next year will be my year.

  4. Look at you go!!! You had fun and that's what matters and you still did what you love! Which was run!! :)

  5. Congrats on the run. I keep telling myself I have got to get out there for some more 5k races....I've only ever done 1....and it was on the 4th of July in 100 degree weather! Sometimes I feel like a 5k isn't worth the effort to get out of bed....but, I know working on some shorter distance speed could help my long distance running! Hopefully next spring!

    1. Yikes! 100 degrees?! I would have died!!!!! I think that 5Ks are tough, but fun because they are over pretty quick. It is a good chance to get in a speed workout.

  6. YAY for having fun while running! Switching to shorter races seems like it's a really good transition for you right now! And congrats to your neighbor on his first race!

    1. Thanks Nikki. I am definitely loving the shorter races for the time being. My neighbor officially has the running bug. I love it!

  7. Wow- I would not have done that well 13 days post marathon!! Yes- it's funny how something as painful as a 5k can become addictive, I am determined to beat my time, too!

    1. And you will beat your time Laura. Your running has been on fire lately. Can you pace me? LOL.

  8. Congrats on the 5K Tasha! And Congrats to your neighbor for running his first! I hate it when I run with heavy legs...:)

    1. Thanks Brandi. My neighbor has the running bug now. If only I could get my husband to have it too....

  9. Glad you had fun! Nice time too:)

  10. Hi there- my name is Raelean and I have to admit, I am pretty clueless when it comes to blogging. I started following you a month or so ago after I joined FGF. I think there was something on their website or something with a link to it. Anyway, I have tried to respond to a post a couple times now and could not figure it out. Then today I saw the picture of Sean and was like OMG I totally know Sean! So I thought I would try to reply again. I totally just wanted to say that I have been loving FGF too and am also try to be a runner. You are totally inspiring and it has been really fun to read about you how you incorporate the running and FGF and everything else you do.

    1. Hi Raelean! Thanks for the comment. You went to the Lantern Running Club too, right? I think you emailed me when I was still in charge of it. I think we might even both live in Perry?

      I showed Sean your comment the other night, small world. He is my next door neighbor who got inspired by my marathon training so he decided to start running too. He is doing a great job and has some races lined up for this summer.

      I am obsessed with FGF. Glad to hear that you enjoy it as much as me. Maybe I will see you in a class sometime.

  11. I think the cluster at the beginning also played a big role - whenever something like this happens to me, it gets me all anxious and then I can't find any sort of center! I can't wait to see how fast you can run a 5k. I am amazed with your speed!

    1. Thanks Amy. The races was a complete cluster and it was annoying how late they started.

  12. I relate to being annoyed at (objectively) small time differences, but am still going to congratulate you on what is a great 5K time :) I also imagine that if the start was different your whole race would have been different, which in some ways probably makes it more frustrating, but at least it reflects more on the race organisation than on you!

    1. Thanks Kari! The beginning was frustrating, but it is a small town race and they do typically put on a good event. I think that the lady at the registration table was overwhelmed with all of the people registering day of.

  13. Considering you haven't been running short distances in quite some time, THAT IS AWESOME! Congrats :) I'm glad you had a fun race - that is most important over times!

    1. Thanks Beka! Definitely looking forward to running some more 5ks during the summer. Luckily for me there are 5ks pretty much every week. Not that I would want to run a 5k every week, but at least I have some options. :-)

  14. 5ks, 10ks are painful, but it's nice that they're over soo fast compared to marathons =)

    Great race! I hate when races start late, they through off my whole routine haha.

    1. They are super painful! I will say that after my 10k on Friday I think that distance takes the cake for the most pain. UGH.


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