
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Random thoughts part two

I stopped using my dailymile account last week and I don’t miss it. I thought maybe I would so I am glad that I don’t. I decided to just journal my workouts. I like how it will let me easily keep track of what weight I am lifting at Farmgirlfit.

Twitter is driving me nuts. I don’t even know why I have it anymore. I have a couple of huge Twitter pet peeves, but I am not going to rant about those today. Twitter could potentially be deleted from my life in the near future. Of course Twitter could just be a victim of my current “taper tantrums”.

I am having serious Farmgirlfit withdrawals right now. I am also petrified of getting my rear kicked when I go back. I am trying to decide what I am most afraid of: marathon aches and pains OR Farmgirlfit aches and pains. I think I am most afraid of Farmgirlfit.

I am not much of a game person (I have zero games downloaded on my cell phone), however, I am freaking obsessed with this study game called “Candy Crusher”. Literally obsessed with it. I am finally on level 56. Mr. Healthy Diva is stuck on level 20-something. HA!

I have been trying to decide what my post race eats will be. Is that bizarre? I can’t decide! Cheeseburger/french fries, pizza, cupcakes, ice cream….the list goes on. After the Eugene Marathon I inhaled a large BBQ Chicken Pizza and a beer.

I signed up to run an ultra relay this summer. After Windermere I think I will need to get my rear in gear and pull some doubles to get prepared. An ultra really sounded like fun months ago, but now I am like whoa. An ultra relay is the real sh*t. I will be running 14 miles more in 24 hours than I have ever ran in a relay before.

I officially have a scar on my leg from when I fell of my bike. It looks like a bear attacked my calf muscle. It might be a good topic of conversation when wearing summer clothing. How do you admit to someone that you fell off your bike because you forgot that you were still clipped in?

Last year when I was training for Eugene all I could think about was food when I was running. This year all I can think about is how many more miles I have left. Is this a sign that I shouldn’t continue to run marathons?

I had probably one of the best weekends I have had in a long time. The weather was fantastic, the girls played outside all day and we became great friends with our new neighbors. I have a feeling that this summer might be an epic one!

I finally found out that I got the Honey Stinger sponsorship for this year. I applied for it back in January and I found out on Friday that I got accepted. I am really excited about this. Love their products! The protein bars and energy chews are fantastic tasting.

I am already plotting my summer training/race schedule. I hope to be able to squeeze in Farmgirlfit at least 3 days a week. The next year (depending on how Sunday goes) will probably be the year of chasing a half marathon PR.

I mentioned last week that I dropped my Brooks singlet off to get screen printed on Tuesday. I told them I needed it be this Friday the 17th. It was done the following day. I think that it turned out great! The only bummer is that I found out AFTER that I got the Honey Stinger sponsorship so their logo is missing...Boo.

Questions for you:
What is random in your life right now?
Do you have a twitter account? Do you like it? Love it? Hate it?
What do you think about when you are running?



  1. Planning the post race meal is always the best part! I'm good with Twitter, it's easy to just ignore it or look at it when I'm bored! I will say I used to use dailymile (a couple years ago) eventually deleted it and am glad I did!

    1. I love planning my post race meal. I really look forward to it, but I can't decide what I want on Sunday. Other than Fro Yo. I want that!

  2. I think twitter is kinda silly, but I don't think I use it all that much! Just pretty much if I'm bored! It seems pretty harmless to me!

    1. Twitter is silly. I mostly use it to interact with my close blogger friends. Other than that I don't get the concept of why everything thinks it is so great.

  3. You are too funny! 1) please don't delete twitter...I would be so sad!! 2) Umm...not only do I plan my post race meals, I think about it while I am running and mentally bribe myself with it! Hmm, maybe I have a food issue!? haha! Congrats on the honey stinger were the one who turned me on to them at the Portland RnR, and they have been my favorite ever since! GOOD LUCK this week...can't wait to hear how you totally crush it!

    1. You are one of my favorite twitter tweeps Holly. I might just keep it for you. :-)

      I might need to mentally bribe myself on Sunday. That is actually a good idea. I need to decide what I want to eat first.....

  4. Haha Love the singlet! I LOVE TWITTER but that's just me maybe? I love chatting with other peeps who I can't sometimes catch otherwise - makes it easy to hop on and off. I use Hootsuite which helps me stay more organized with all of the people I follow etc.

    1. Maybe I don't like twitter because I am not organized on it?! I do know that you LOVE twitter Kat. Haha.

  5. 1)so much randomness I don't know what is normal
    2)yes but I'm barely on it
    3)how many more miles I have to go and why on earth I choose to not my favorite.

    any twitter decisions should probably be made post marathon :) Good luck this weekend Tasha, you are going to rock it!

    1. I agree, I probably should avoid any major decision making this week. Thanks for the great advice. :-)

  6. I was on daily mile for a week... I prefer to keep a detailed journal as well for all of my running. The only games on my phone are for my husband... I did get a free download for an awesome crossword puzzle app though!

    1. I had daily mile for almost two years. I do miss seeing my weekly mileage tallied (even though it was always rounded). I think I would like daily mile better if you could keep your account private.

      I love crossword puzzles too! I am just not very good at them.

  7. I've never done daily mile... I am old school and prefer tracking my training in a journal- one more online thing to do every day would stress me out, I think. :) Congrats on the HS ambassadorship- love them!!

    1. I think that old school tracking is better. Easier to keep track of your progress. :-)

  8. I'm totally feeling the "out of sorts" business as well even though I am not tapering for anything. Maybe it's in the air - in WA and MI! I do think going back to FGF is going to painful but not the "hate my life" kind of pain. And maybe giving your muscles a bit of a break will allow you to hit it harder than before. Super excited to hear about your training and your ultra-relay! I really want to do one someday!

    1. Something could be in the air Amy. We have had the most bizarre May weather ever. I am having massive farmgirlfit withdrawals right now. It is bad. My coworker goes and tells me how great the workouts have been. Makes me excited to get back and throw some weights around!

  9. Love planning my post-race food! haha I'm currently in recovery mode after my 3 half marathons and its killing me - all i want to do is run miles and miles (weird?) but my legs say different
    I don't mind twitter, but a few things do annoy me sometimes!
    When I run, I usually zone out to the point where I don't think of anything and sometimes I don't realize my ipod is on repeat (yes, this happened in an 8 miler!) - towards the end tho, I start planning my post-run meal ;)

    1. Rest up and enjoy your 5 days off. Your legs will tell you when they are ready to run again.

      I am glad that twitter annoys other people too. :-)

  10. I understand your love/hate relationship with twitter, I feel the same way from time to time...and I have an even more HATE relationship with facebook :). The only reason I actually enjoy them is to keep in touch with the running/blogging/nuun community.

    1. I don't mind facebook- but if you annoy me or send me a game request you get deleted. I go through all of the time and delete people from my account. I am sooooo mean! I do like twitter for the same reasons as you. I love keeping up with the running/blogging/nuun community.

  11. So now I want to know your twitter rants;) Sad you are not on Dailymile:( Although I don't really read other people's stuff, I like to use it to track my mileage:)

    1. I have some good twitter rants. I will have to share them sometime. :-)

  12. What is random in my life? Um, everything!?!?

    Have Twitter. Some days I like it and some days, I feel like I am SO out of the Twitter loop that I don't belong. It's a nice outlet for short snippets of my life that don't belong on Facebook or are more relevant to my blog/Twitter friends.

    Congratulations on another sponsorship! That is great. Also, the taper will be over soon. You will make it. I promise. Can't wait to hear all about the marathon!!

    1. I think we all have random moments Lindsay.
      I always feel out of the twitter loop too so I can relate. I feel like some people just spend all day on it. I don't know how they do it! I like it to keep up with my favorite bloggers and the Nuun community. I think that is the reason why I haven't just deleted it yet.

      So far I have survived the taper!!! Hooray!

  13. I played candy crush until it told me that I couldn't play any more without paying :( SO SAD. I barely tweet, so I don't really know why I have it. I am too busy these days to type out what I think all of the time. Though it is a good busy!

    1. I am guilty of paying to keep playing. Ha. It was only $0.99 to continue, but since then I have had to pay 2 more additional times. I am on level 62 now. :-)

  14. I do have Twitter and I won't lie to you - HATE IT!!! But... It does keep me occupied every so often and it does help me catch up on all my favorite blogs ;)

    1. I have a love/HATE relationship with twitter. We can relate. :-)

  15. I only joined daily mile recently, but I'm already thinking about deleting it because it's just an extra hassle to remember to log things in it. I already have my own system for recording things, plus I use map my run, so it was too much!

    Your random thoughts made me smile :)

    1. It was such a hassle for me and some people annoyed me. I eventually deleted them and then they kept friend requesting me again. UGH!!!!!!

      Glad I could make you smile. Have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  16. I am totally like you in that I would rather just journal my workouts then have to log them into daily mile. One of the things that I learned running my first race was that Nike Plus isn't accurate. :/ The course was 3.2, but the app said it was 3.63. Really really want a Garmin.
    I love this random post! You are going to do amazing at Farmgirlfit!

    1. I have heard from a ton of people that Nike Plus isn't accurate. That is such a bummer! Went to FGF tonight...I survived, but I will probably be sore tomorrow!

  17. I have love/hate with DailyMile. Once I learned how to remove anyone that called a 20 mile run meditative, I felt a ton better! For weights and nonrunning I use my blog and a spreadsheet to track, (not that I do much of that anyway).

    I've run countless marathons and all I can ever think about is food or a good IPA afterwards.


    1. I bought a chipotle ale last night from Rogue that I plan on drinking tomorrow after the race. I sure hope that it is good. I love IPAs though- they are my favorite!

  18. i should clean out my twitter, but i don't . too lazy. it would take too long. i like it better than FB though. congrats on the honey stinger stuff! random in my life-hmm. i feel like it's all the same at the moment...nothing over the top or random.

    1. Thanks E! I need to clean out my twitter, that might be my main problem. Just the thought of doing that seems daunting! :-)
      Have a fabulous weekend!

  19. I want to hear your twitter rants! I never really get on twitter often, I Just use it to push instagram photos and blog posts and an occasional interaction...I'm really bad at it!

    1. I have mostly just been using twitter for instagram too. I like twitter to keep up with my favorite running peeps and the nuun community and that is about it. I really just need to clean it up and categorize everyone.

  20. I've never done Daily Mile--sometimes it just feels like another thing to check. blech. And I'm a very sporatic twitter person. Somedays I'll tweet a ton, some days nothing, some days just blog stuff and then I kind of feel bad, but you only have so much time in a day and twitter just isn't a top priority for me either!

    1. Daily Mile was just another thing to check. I honestly feel so much better knowing that I have over an hour of free time every week that isn't dedicated to checking another online social media platform.

      Twitter has become a very low priority of mine. It happens.

  21. I have a Twitter account but I look at it maybe once or twice a week. To me, Twitter usually ends up feeling like the ADD kid of the social media world. It makes me tired.

  22. I have twitter but I am so not consistent with it. I've made some great friends on there but I'm sporadic with posting so they've probably forgotten me by now ;) I always think about iced coffee when I run. And I use daily mile to keep track of my miles yet I'm about 2 weeks behind in plugging my miles in. So yeah.

    1. I have met some great people through twitter too! Iced coffee is a yummy thing to think about when you are running in the summer. :-)


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