
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Post marathon ramblings

Before I right a recap on what went wrong (and right) at Windermere I just want to thank ALL of YOU for your kind words, encouragement and inspiration. To say that I am disappointed about what happened is an understatement. My time was not indicative to my fitness level. I should have run a much faster time, but talking about that is for another post. For now I need to learn to love the run again.

Without going into too much detail, I honestly wish I would have trusted my gut instinct months ago when I was struggling with my training plan. The plan that Matt put in place for me didn’t feel realistic for where my fitness level was. I struggled every single run and it was not fun. What I should have done was switch training plans months ago and go back to what worked for me and that was the philosophy of “Run Less, Run Faster”. Since Sunday, I have decided to not continue working with Matt as my coach. No hard feelings, I just don’t think that his philosophy of training was right for me. This decision didn’t just come about because of what happened at Windermere. It was something I have been thinking about for months now. I think that feelings were mutual on both sides.

I need to figure out why my feet hurt so bad. I get 3-4, sometimes even 6 miles into a run and each foot starts aching and throbbing. I wonder if I am not meant to be a midfoot runner? This week my goal is to do some more research and try to get to the bottom of what is causing the pain. I have tried 4 different pairs of shoes, tons of different socks and nothing seems to help.

So, now what?

I don’t think I have another marathon in me. At least for a couple of years. Maybe, just maybe, the marathon isn’t my distance. My happy place seems to be the half marathon so I am going to focus on that. I am running the Helvetia Half Marathon on June 8th which is one of my favorite races.  It was the race where I had my running “ah ha” moment a couple of years ago.

I intend on throwing myself into Farmgirlfit for the summer. I want to go 3-4 days a week and continue to build on my strength.  

I do have some races on my schedule that are coming up over the next couple of months. No real goals in mind, but ideally I would like a half marathon PR sometime this year.

To end on a happy note, Nuun is offering a 20% discount
from now until June 7th.  (click here)


  1. Girl I feel ya. I mean, I haven't even marathon trained or ran yet but I kind of know I want to just say I did it and then do the distances I love - that let me focus on other areas of my fitness without killing me ;)

    1. I am excited to focus on other areas now. I had a blast at FGF tonight. Can't wait to really get strong.

  2. Sorry to hear it did not go like you wanted it to. I'm coming off several months where I've been trying to learn to love to run again and can understand!

    1. It's okay. I needed my pity party, but now it is time to move forward and see the positive. :-)

  3. Helvetia is a great half! Way to take control of your training.

    1. I LOVE Helvetia! This will be my 3rd year running it. Last year it was the first race I missed. Are you running it this year Kim?

  4. Sorry to hear it didnt go as expected, but it seems like you've found some valuable lessons in the process. Happy to hear you're excited about the half in a few weeks- especially one that has some meaning to you :)

    1. It's okay. I am really excited to focus on half marathons. I really like this race coming up. Plus I get to see my bestie too which always makes for a fun weekend.

  5. I think you've put in your time as far as marathons are concerned. You've conquered them; now focusing your goals elsewhere is not a bad thing! I am happy for you to get to focus more on strength :)

    1. I agree. I would like to focus on shorter distances now and having fun with FGF. I also will have time to ride my bike more. Yay!

  6. hugs!!!! Marathons are tricky beasts (my times vary by an hour given my mood). Enjoy the summer, I'm going to take mine off from training too.

    Good luck with the feet. Maybe get a scan to see that nothing is strained or fractured? I had a mild injury from hiking a year ago that created terrible foot pain in top part of mid my foot. I went to a foot doctor who tried to tell me my running form was the problem. Finally went to a different doctor who did an xray and said I had what looked like a healing fracture.

    1. Thanks Liana. I am looking forward to this summer. No pressure, just fun running probably until next year.

      I am almost positive I don't have a stress fracture and that is because my feet hurt in the exact same spot. I am going to the doctor on Tuesday. He seems to think I could have metatarsalgia (?) or something like that.

  7. Marathons are so tough and fickle, you train so long and so hard and one thing can ruin it all. I have only done one and odn't have any planned for a long time. Halfs are more my style I think too.

    Hope you get the foot thing figured out, injuries suck.

    1. Half marathons are so much fun, at least for me. I know that you enjoy that distance too. :-)

      I am going to the doctor on Tuesday to get my feet figured out. He was so nice and is going to try and get me in this week if he can.

  8. Sweet Tasha, it sounds like you are really looking into the whole aspect of what running is to you. If the relationship is not working with your coach it seems wise to move on instead of force something that isn't there. I'm sorry it was not the outcome you were hoping for but I pray you will continue to work at finding the love of the run like you used to have! You are a treasure. Super excited to see how your body will change in the coming months of dedication to FG! *hugs*

    1. It is weird to admit how much better I feel about running in general the last couple of days. Obviously I am still disappointed in what happened on Sunday, but I can live and learn from it. I wish I would have made some tough decisions sooner, but it is what it is. It is almost summer and I want to have some FUN!!!!

  9. Sometimes you just need to chill on training & get your head out of it for a while. I know that feeling you're talking about & I always feel like I need to not make any big decisions until I've had a little while to just do whatever I feel like & start feeling good again. Glad you made what you felt like was the best decision for you right now. :)

    1. I really do feel like I made a good decision. Part of me is freaking out about doing my own training plan, BUT I trained myself for CIM and that race turned out pretty good. :-)

      I think that taking the summer and chilling out and having fun will be good for me. I don't plan on running anymore than 35-40 miles a week and hitting up Farmgirlfit as much as I can.

  10. Super Bummed :( to hear you didn't achieve you're desired result especially since you have been training sooo hard. Maybe a different training schedule would help you meet your goal better(I really can give no advice since I haven't ran a marathon and I still am impressed by your times). You do kick some butt at the half marathon distance so I'm excited to see what you do at your next half :)

    1. Thanks Kris. It really is okay. I swear that my pity party didn't last too long. :-)

      I am really looking forward to running some half marathons and having zero pressure on myself. It will be fun.

  11. OH NO, my dear!! So sorry to hear this didn't go as planned... the marathon is one mean beast... curious to hear the details. For now, rest and take care of yourself. XOXO

    1. It's okay Laura. It wasn't meant to be for me on Sunday. I will work on a post this weekend...not sure what to say yet. It pretty much was a struggle for the last 16 miles. Not fun, but I managed to survive.

  12. I'm so glad you're coming out the other side of this and able to look to what does work for you, and what you want, rather than get stuck on the challenges that have been. You've proved your capacity to run a marathon multiple times over - you don't need to make it your distance if it isn't :)

    1. I had a hunch for months and months that my current plan wasn't working and no matter what I tried to tell Matt it never came across as right. I should have moved on months ago when I really knew that the plan in place was causing me more frustration then it was supposed to. It is weird how much more calm I feel about running now. I really have a great thing with Farmgirlfit and they are starting up an endurance program with running and cycling on the weekends. I hope to be able to participate in those activities this summer. I need to focus on what makes me really happy instead of focusing on the negative. For now my happy spot is the half marathon distance and FGF. :-)

  13. I'm so sorry Tasha! I think it's really smart of you to make the decision that you did. When something doesn't work, you change it. I think it's also smart of you to listen to your body. I'm excited to see what you plan is when it comes to the half's! You are a smart trainer! :)

    1. It's okay, it is what it is. :-)
      I am looking forward to relaxing and having some fun throwing weights around.

  14. No matter what, you are amazing! I think you have to take the time to figure out what works and what doesn't regardless of what distance you are running.

    ... and get a new coach. *Wait, should I have said that?!?!?!*

    1. Ha! I think you and a ton of other people are probably thinking the exact same thing. I hate it when you have a gut feeling, but then you don't act on it and then when you look back you see what a train wreck you have been living through. The last 5 months have been the hugest running disaster and it blew up on Sunday. Oh well, live and learn. Right?

      BTW, I think that you are pretty freaking amazing too. You did awesome at Windermere despite wanting to quit at mile 10 too! I swear that Windermere is cursed.

  15. I'm so sorry that you are feeling this way Tasha. :( I have heard that many people have struggled after becoming a midfoot runner. If you are feeling pain, it may not be best! I recommend seeing a physical therapist if you can for advice. They are the best people to help you figure out what shoes work for you.

    1. It's okay Lora. :-)
      Transitioning has been pretty tough for me. Some days it all feels really natural and some days it doesn't. I am going to see my sports medicine physician on Tuesday for my feet. He thinks I might have matatarsalgia or something like that. I am also going back to the shoe model that worked and see if my feet feel better. Not going to run until this weekend so we shall see how they feel then.

  16. sorry it was a tough one. I know how bad that can hurt. But I also know you are such a stud athlete and that something was off for you not to hit your numbers, whether it was the training, the nutrition or the day. Don't write off marathons entirely. Give yourself time to have some great, shorter races, find your running mojo, and then reconsider down the road.

    And fingers crossed on the right shoes...

    1. It's okay Amanda. Sunday just was not my day. The struggles and frustrations I had with my training just came to a huge blow on the wrong day. I think that if I give myself the summer and fall to try shorter distances and build up my confidence then maybe I will reconsider the marathon distance. I am a little nervous about making my own running plans, but I think it will be for the best. I just don't want to lose my fitness or over train myself. I am going to do a crossfit endurance program through FGF through the summer so that should be good for me.

      I am going to my sports medicine physician on Tuesday so maybe he can help me with my feet. He thinks I might have matatarsalgia. We shall see.

  17. Just really enjoying your blog, so wanted to say "hi".

    Sorry to hear your marathon didn't go as planned. You have to love it to keep doing it, and if you don't, hey....stick with halves or shorter distances! Whatever makes YOU excited and gets YOU moving. =)

    1. Thanks Crystal. Half marathons do make me excited. I get giddy thinking about how much fun this summer is going to be. Running my favorite distance with no pressure. :-)

  18. Sorry this didn't go as well as you had hoped:( It is still a great accomplishment and I think Farmgirlfit will be a good place to be until you figure things out:)

    1. It's okay Rachelle. It is what it is. Stupid marathons. :-)

  19. Sorry you feel like this but believe me when I say that you are a champ! You finished yet another marathon, which so many of us haven't one yet! You rock girl don't forget that!!


  20. There are definitely things in life that we must do even though they are not fun, but running is not one of them! I agree with learning to love it again!

    Also, I took a look at Run Less, Run Faster, and the plan didn't fit me very well (too long of training plan), so I looked at SMART training, which fit much better and still follows the 3-runs-per-week plan. If you really like Run Less, Run Faster, then that's just great, but if you want to check out something similar but different, I'd look at SMART training.

    1. I might check out the SMART plan too. Thanks for suggesting it. I don't have a clue what type of program I am going to put together.I figure I will run a couple of times next week and then do the half on June 8th. After that I will work on a summer running program.

  21. Tasha, I wish things had turned out differently! It sounds like you have done a lot of self-evaluation and made some decisions about what you future training will look like. Also reconnecting with your love for running is so important. I know you will get there and cheering for you from MI!

    1. It's okay Amy. It is what it is. Marathons happen. I just happened to have an awful day on Sunday. I do feel a lot better since then and I have a new found excitement for what is to come. Thanks for being such a great cheerleader for me! :-)

  22. I totally feel you too! After Windermere last year (ironically) I pretty much decided fulls are out for me for a few years. Not just because I'm prego either! I really prefer the half distance! I think the Farmgirlfit is a GREAT idea! Maybe you can look into a PT about your feet and not just the running store?

    1. EVERYONE I have talked to that has done Windermere has had an awful experience. I really do think that the race is cursed!

      I am going to my sports medicine physician on Tuesday. I really trust him a lot. He is the guy who was the only one who could figure out what was wrong with me last year. IF he has a cancellation today or tomorrow he is going to squeeze me in. If not I see him first thing Tuesday morning.

  23. Man do I feel you. I know what it's like to have all of your training go so right, you just know that PR is in you...then race day is like someone peed in your cheerios. There is nothing wrong with a break, sorry it was not the day you planned for!

    1. You are so right. My cheerios totally got peed in! UGH. Thanks for making me laugh though, your comment made my week! :-)

  24. I'm so so sorry to hear that you had a bad race, particularly after all your hard work this spring/winter. Hopefully your sports doc will give you some good insight too and it sounds like you are doing some good self-evaluating right now. Hang in there!!

    1. It's okay Annie, it happens. It's all part of training and racing. Sometimes life doesn't go the way you expected on race day. Hopefully I can find my love for the run in the half marathon.

  25. finally catching up-i think you are making very smart decisions! you will figure it all out.

  26. Yikes. SO much in this short little post!
    I would certainly try to find out what the foot issue is.ASAP. It's hard to imagine not running another marathon. I hope you change your mind on that!!


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