
Sunday, December 9, 2012

A so-so week, a craptastic 9 miler & WINNING

I mentioned earlier, that last week was pure craziness for me. I was exhausted on Monday night after work, and it was only Monday. Definitely not the way to start off the week. It was also the 2nd week of the Elf 4 Health Challenge. Despite my best effort, I failed miserably at the challenge last week (read about it here). I did do really good with the #FrostyFitnessChallenge during the week which was squats. I lost count of how many I did, but it was a lot!

Workout wise, my week was so-so. 

Monday- Farmgirlfit
3 rounds- 1 minute each lift, count your reps
Pull ups
Sit ups
Release push ups
double unders
Rowing for calories
Round 1: 107
Round 2: 111
Round 3: 120
Extra was some core work

2 x 1.5 miles at an 8:00 minute pace w/1 minute recovery. This run was not a very good one. I had to run it late (about 7:00 pm) and it was after a 90 minute massage. My legs felt like jelly and then I felt like I as going to throw up my dinner. I finished and right on pace so I will say that the run was a success.

Wednesday- Farmgirlfit
5 rounds
10 squat thrusters + shoulder press (30 #s)
10 Knees to elbows on the bar
10 pull ups (red + blue band)
10 oblique twists on each side (25 #s)
17:25 total time (level 3)
Tabata workout was last
8 rounds
20 seconds of ropes + 1 burpee

Thursday- 2nd speed work out
1 mile easy (8:28)
4 x 30 seconds at 6:00 min pace w/2 minute recovery
2 x 60 seconds at 6:00 min pace w/4 minute recovery
1 x 2 minutes at 6:00 min pace w/8 minute recovery
2 x 60 seconds at 6:00 min pace w/4 minute recovery
4 x 30 seconds at 6:00 min pace w/2 minute recovery
My recovery pace was between 9:30-8:30 minutes per mile

Friday- Farmgirlfit
5 x 5 deadlift (in between sets 15 stability ball crunches and 10 mtn climbers each side)
My max deadlift was 145 #s which is a 5# PR!
5 x 5 push press (in between sets 15 back ext. on stability ball & 10 chair squats)
My max push press was 75#s which is way more than I thought I was capable of!

I participated in a rowing clinic at Farmgirlfit. It was fun and informational. I am glad that I went since we will be rowing a lot this winter. Has anyone rowed before? It is hard!

Sunday- Long run
9 miles from H**L. Technically I should have run this on Saturday, but I had too much going on to fit it in. Right after the rowing clinic we headed out to watch the EWU playoff game against Illinois State. Whenever there is an afternoon game, my whole day is shot.

When I headed out the door it was 19 degrees and it was cold (don't ask me why I didn't just run on my TM). I was not feeling the run at all. I felt like a slug! About mile 4 I started warming up and thought I needed to take off some layers (I had on arm sleeves & 2 long sleeve shirts). I stopped and stretched out for a minute and took off my top layer and my gloves. At that point it started snowing. Once I resumed my run the wind picked up with the snow and after two blocks I was freezing cold. I stopped and quickly put on my additional long sleeve shirt and my gloves. After another mile the snow was really coming down. With 3.5 miles left I was down mentally. I wanted to be in my warm house. I stopped and took a picture and then asked for some encouragement on twitter (BTW thanks for the support everyone).

It was worse by the time I got home and it was super slick!

Once I resumed I actually felt pretty good. Then I biffed it. I stepped on a piece of ice that was covered in the snow and did a little dance trying to catch myself before I went down. Luckily I sort of caught myself so I didn't fall all the way down, but at the same time it didn't feel wonderful. The think that irritates me is that I SAW the ice and I still freaking stepped on it. After regaining my composure I only had about 3K left that included two downhills. I opted to walk/jog the downhill portions since it was getting slippery out and I really didn't want to fall again and break or strain something important. About 1.5 miles from my house I got sprayed by de-icer which was not a pleasant experience. I was so glad to be done and to be home and to have a hot bath!

The highlight of my weekend (besides EWU creaming Illiniois State on Saturday) was getting a present in the mail form Meagan from Managing Meagan. Last week on twitter I may have mentioned that I wasn't a huge fan of Taylor Swift and Meagan is a huge Taylor fan. She was convinced she could convert me so she sent me Taylor's new CD. The verdict: I actually like it! GASP! Meagan, thank you- you were right! :-)

I also WON the #FrostyFitnessChallenge from Michelle @ Push.Pump.Progress and Sarah @ My Mostly Healthy Life! I was so excited- I have never won a challenge before and I won a Sweat Pink Swag Bag!!! The challenge for the week was squats and I did a lot of them- I love squats! Thanks ladies for hosting such a fun challenge. :-)

Even though my week was tough emotionally and physically at least it ended on a high note....

Questions for you:
Ever had a bad week turn around before?
Are you a Taylor Swift fan?
Have you fallen on ice while on a run before?


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