
Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend in review

I really wish that weekends were at least three days. It always seems like there is so many errands and things to do that I just run out of time. Anyone else ever feel like that?

Friday night after my awesome 20 mile bike ride I made (read about it here!) a quick dinner at home and then headed to Target. I haven't been to Target in a while and I needed to stock up on some items for our upcoming trip to Palm Springs. It also never hurts to browse the clothing and shoes when I am there. J I was in bed fairly early since I knew I had to be up early the next day. 

My day started early on Saturday- 6:45 am to be exact. I sat and enjoyed my pumpkin coffee and caught up on a few blogs before heading out the door for my first day being a running mentor at the new Fleet Feet store.

After my duties at Fleet Feet I went home and decided to try and run. My doctor said I could so I wanted to test it out to see how I felt. The run went good and I got in 4.5 pain free miles. 

Saturday afternoon Mr. Healthy Diva and I participated in our first bicycle pub crawl! It was a lot of fun and definitely something I am glad that we did. This event really deserves a post of it's own so I am working on it. 

Sunday I tried to sleep in, but when you are used to getting up at the crack of dawn five days a week, even sleeping in can be a challenge. I got up and made my coffee and breakfast and just sat outside and enjoyed my peaceful morning. After eating my breakfast and having some quiet “me” time I tried to finish a DIY skirt from Pinterest. It ended up being an epic fail because my sewing machine needle broke. ARGH. My skirt was almost finished too and now it will probably have to wait until next week to get done. 

Mr. Healthy Diva had his first flag football game of the fall season at 1:30 pm. His games are always fun to watch and a lot of the other wives/girlfriends go too. Thankfully they won which is a good thing. When they lose it pretty much ruins the rest of the day. I was brave this time around and brought two little cheerleaders with me- Tia & Maisy. They both had a lot of fun and passed out as soon as we got to the car. I treated them to sbux on the way home to cap off a perfect afternoon.

Sunday night I created another amazing dinner thanks to Pinterest. I made a chicken curry soup chocked full of veggies with rice. It was really, really, really yummy. I am working on some recipe posts since I have been cooking a lot from Pinterest lately. 

All in all my weekend was a success!

Questions for you:

Did you have a fun weekend? What did you do?
Have you ever been to Palm Springs? Any suggestions of fun things to do? (I will only be there Friday-Saturday)


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