
Sunday, September 9, 2012

20 miles & a random thought

On Friday after work I decided to see if I could get my bike to fit in the backseat of my car so that I could go for a long bike ride on the Centennial Trail. I knew that Mr. Healthy Diva wouldn't be home until after 6:00 and I didn't want to wait that long (I get off at 4:00).  On my GarminConnect account I figured I could get in at least 18 miles if I rode from Spokane Valley to Liberty Lake. It seemed completely obtainable to me and I was excited. It would be my longest bike ride to date! Before I left I filled up Nuun in my water bottle and grabbed a package of Honey Stingers. I assumed riding your bike for a long (er) distance requires some type of fueling. Right?

My bike barely fit in the backseat of Allie. I don't think that Allie was thrilled about this...

I got to the trail head off of Upriver Drive just a touch before 5:00 pm. I wasn't sure how long it would take me to bike 18 miles, but I figured I would be home just after Mr. Healthy Diva. 

Riding my bike, makes me want a road bike so bad. I love biking and the Centennial Trail is perfect for it. I am amazed at how many people DON'T use the trail for exercise. It is awesome and I am so thankful that we have it. 

Picture break on my way back


The trail follows the Spokane river- making for great photos

Sunset in Spokane

Just as I was getting to Liberty Lake I noticed that I was almost at 10 miles so I decided to keep going to finish with an even 20 miles. Once I got back to my car my legs felt like jelly, but I was excited and proud of myself. I rode the 20 miles in an average pace of 4:18 and finished in 1:26:11. Not too shabby for a mountain bike. 

My time got me thinking on a completely random tangent. I ride my bike as fast as professional runners run. Is that crazy or what? I can't imagine running that fast on my two feet when it is hard just biking that fast! Has anyone else thought about that before? Meb ran a 2:11:06 is London and that is about a 5:00 min per/mile pace. My slowest mile on my ride was 4:54. I was barely "beating" Meb pedaling.....

With the random thought aside, I truly love riding my bike. It is something I want to get better at someday. I am looking forward to more long (er) rides because now I know that I can do it.

Questions for you:

Do you have a road bike? If so what kind? 
Any suggestions for a newbie?


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