
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Prehab/Rehab Stretching (#3)

Here is my last post with my prehab/rehab stretches. I do these stretches every other day following my cross training workout. I do each stretch twice, holding it for 15 seconds. I found that it works great to set my HITT interval timer on my cell phone to 17 seconds. This ensures I do each stretch for the required time and it gives me a chance to move from one position to the other.

If you missed my first two posts on my prehab/rehab routine here are the links:

Prehab/Rehab warm up

Running form drills

Please keep in mind that I am not a fitness professional. These stretches were put together by my coach after consulting with my physical therapist and sports medicine physician.

Straddle Complex

Lunge Complex

Hip Rotator

Hamstring Complex

Following these stretches I also foam roll my hips and legs for about 10 minutes.

Questions for you:

Do you do any of these stretches following a workout?
What are your favorite stretches?



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