
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Liebster Award

Thanks to Lora at Crazy Running Girl for nominating me. I got back from vacation and it made my Monday! I forgot to mention previously, but not only is Lora a fellow Sweat Pink Ambassador with me, but we also were on a virtual relay team together where we took first place and received Lululemon giftcards!

Here are the rules:
1. Tell 11 random things about yourself. 
2. Answer the questions that the person who tagged you asks. 
3. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag.
4. Tag 11 blogs and link them to your post.
5. Contact them and let them know they have been tagged.

My 11 randoms (I think I am running out of random facts about myself- I am boring!)

**Side note- after reading these facts please note that I really did grow up in a loving & caring family and that I am perfectly normal. I swear. :-)

1. To add to other traumatizing childhood events I endured (you can read about them here) I rode my bicycle through an electrical fence behind my dad's barn when I was in the 2nd grade. It left a nice burn mark across my neck.

2. I was "helping" my dad at the barn when he was putting tires on the tarp to protect the silage. One of them rolled over the top of me.

3. I made my homecoming dress my senior year of high school.

4. I took Grand Champion at the Tillamook County Fair off of a photo I took at running camp on my disposable camera.

5. I used to have a black and white Holland Lop bunny named Fantasia

6. My cousins used to spend a lot of time during school breaks with us on the farm. One year we decided to try and walk across the top of the "crusty" end of the manure pile. That didn't work out so well. We sunk to our knees in cow poop. Not only did we smell like sh*t, but we actually could have died.

7. I tore my ACL falling over a hurdle in the 8th grade. To this day I cringe whenever I see a hurdle race.

8. The thought of eating a mushroom or a fresh tomato makes me want to vomit. However, I love pico de gallo, salsa, ketchup, & marinara.

9. I once baked a pan of banana bread and couldn't figure out why it wasn't baking- I had forgotten the flour.

10. I met Desi Davila in Houston the night before the Olympic Marathon Trials. She told me good luck. I had to tell her I wasn't quite to her caliber, but it still made my year.

11. I broke my mom's nose at Disneyland on Splash Mountain when I flung my arms back on the waterfall drop. Ooops.

Questions that Lora asked me: 

1. City or country?
Country. I grew up in the country and miss it. I love the fresh air and how peaceful it is. However, I do love the convenience of living in the city.

2. What is your favorite memory?
This is a tough question! I would have to say my favorite memory are the summers when I was growing up. I was always really busy with my 4-H projects and looking forward to competing at the county and state fair. My cousins would usually come and stay with us and we always had a lot of fun. For lunch we would always have a bagel w/cream cheese and a Ruby Red Squirt. We were also quite adventurous playing capture the flag, going for bike rides, hiking, picking fresh black berries, & jumping waves at the beach.

3. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I think this changed yearly when I was growing up! You name it & I wanted to be it! Lawyer, doctor, librarian, & veterinarian. As I got older I really wanted to be a physical therapist, but somehow ended up with a communications degree.

4. Who is your favorite person that you know?
I have two favorite people- My parents!!!! They are the greatest people I know and I am so lucky to have them as my parents. I hope that someday I can be just like them. :-)

5. If you could go out to dinner with any celebrity, who would it be?
Athlete: Kara Goucher because she seems to talented, yet down to earth. I think that she would be easy to have a conversation with.
Actress: Reese Witherspoon because I love every single one of her movies and I am obsessed with her classy style.

6. Chocolate or Vanilla?

7. Favorite blog?
I am going to have to say Will Run for Margaritas because it was one of the first blogs that I ever followed. Melody is such a talented and sincere runner. I am glad that I got to meet her in Seattle back in June. It made my month!

8. What is your favorite color?

9. What is your favorite vacation?
Growing up I would have to say it was going to Hawaii with my parents. My more recent favorite trip as an adult was Puerto Rico for my honeymoon. We had so much fun and want to go back someday. I highly recommend PR for a vacation!

10. If you won a million dollars, what would you do?
Pay off all of my debt & my parents debt. I would buy a new house for myself and one for my parents. Take my family on a really nice vacation, invest some $$$, and donate some $$$$ to a local charity.

11. What is your favorite recipe? 
I love food & I love to cook so this is a hard question. I will have to say that my current favorite recipe to make is my turkey tacos. They taste amazing, are simple to make, and last for a couple of meals.

My questions for my nominees:

1. What is your favorite season & why?
2. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
3. If you were a car what would you be?
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
5. Your dream job would be.....?
6. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
7. If you could be an actor in any movie what would it be?
8. Do you prefer running or strength training?
9. What are three food items you can't live without?
10. What is your biggest fear?
11. What is your biggest accomplishment that you are proud of?

My nominees:

Kim @ (Just) Trying is for Little Girls
Maureen @ Buttoning my Jeans
Kris @ Fight Hard, Finish the Race
Kate @ Kate Moving Forward
Lindsay @ Lindsay On The Go
Meghan @ Meghan's Wanderings
Nicole @ Ricole Runs (Sometimes)
Angela @ SF Road Warrior
Sara @ Run Gingerfoxxx Run!
Holly @ Leaps of Faith
Lauren @ Marathon Lar


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