
Friday, August 2, 2013

My first OWS & mini triathlon attempt

I wrote this post weeks ago and then it got lost in the shuffle of races etc. My first triathlon will be in the morning (Saturday). I feel pretty prepared, but I am still anxious about the swim. I never got in a 2nd OWS practice session and my pool sessions have been hit and miss. The last two weeks I only made it to the pool twice.

Several weeks ago I did complete a mini triathlon on the same course that I will be on tomorrow. Essentially we did the entire course, but it was broken up. It was a lot of fun and definitely got me more excited for race day. Most of the women there thought I was a veteran triathlete- I definitely fooled them! Without further ado here is the recap of my first triathlon practice session:


I did it. I completed a mini triathlon with some other members & trainers of Farmgirlfit. This included my VERY FIRST OWS!!!!! Let me break it down for you and tell you how it went, what I learned, what went right, and what still needs some improvement.

The swim:
Definitely had an “oh sh*t” moment when I first stepped into the water. Everything I had been working on in the pool the last two weeks was tossed aside and major nerves took over. I hit the water and it was surprisingly warm (it as 95 degrees outside), but there was seaweed stuff everywhere. YUCK. I started swimming and the panic commenced. I could not put my face in the water. I got a short distance out and still couldn’t put my face in the water. I made the mistake of thinking I could put my feet down, but I was already in deep water. Stupid silly me. Not sure why I thought I was in shallow enough water to do that?! I turned around and swam back to the shore so that I could regroup and make another attempt. I seriously needed to pull my sh*t together. Once I got back to the shore I practiced putting my face in the water and blowing bubbles. For some odd reason that helped calm my nerves immensely. I put my big girl panties on and attempted to swim out into the lake once more. This time with my face in the water. My second attempt was much more successful. I felt so much more comfortable and was actually able to swim. I did a couple of short out and backs and each time I felt more at ease.

What I learned:
I need to practice a couple more OWS before my race on 8/3. (This did not happen) 
Swimming will probably never be my strong suit, but I can swim.
I need to be able to get into the water pre race to calm my nerves, blow some bubbles in the water, etc.

I definitely will not need a wetsuit for the race. I can use my Brooks Infiniti Short Tights and just a sports bra and be fine. 

Women of Farmgirlfit

The bike:
The biking portion was AWESOME. I felt like I was flying. I know that I really wasn’t, but I just felt that good. I am feeling stronger on each ride I do. I know that running is my strongest area, but I really think that the bike is a close second.

We did a huge loop that ended up being 9.89 miles from Medical Lake around Clear Lake and back. I think that this will also be the same biking course for my race. If that is the case I am going to love it! Nice rolling hills and really scenic. I wish I was talented enough to ride AND take pictures. Maybe next time I will have some photos to share with you.

What I learned:
I need to check my tire pressure everyday. (Since then I have purchased a pump with a gauge on it)

Ready to bike!

The run:
We ran around Medical Lake which was just a touch shy of an actual 5K distance. I mapped it out and it ended up being 2.96 miles. I am a dumb dumb and left my Garmin at home. Probably a good thing because it makes me more competitive and I am trying to run more on feel.

Again, the first ½ mile felt a bit awkward, but then once I was in my running groove I felt great. The run is going to be the least of my worries.

What I learned:
Not to forget my Garmin on race day!

Ready for my favorite- the run!

In conclusion:

I had so much fun with this mini triathlon that Farmgirlfit hosted. It was a great learning experience for me and showed me that I can finish a triathlon with what training I have done. It was great to have some veterans there who gave me some good tips/tricks. I am learning so much about this new sport and I know that there is even more that I need to learn.

I am looking forward to tomorrow and checking off a 2013 goal and hopefully learning something about myself in the process. I have learned a lot since deciding to register, but kind of winged the training part. Next time I will actually get a training plan to have something to follow.

Let's chat:
What triathlon training plans have you used in the past?
Own a wetsuit? What brand?
Are you racing this weekend? If so, good luck!!!!!



  1. YAY for breaking out into the open water world! Awesome job! It's definitely an adjustment :) Love that group picture :)

    1. It is a HUGE adjustment. Not like the safety of a swimming pool at all.

  2. Have fun Tasha!!! I am so excited for you to race in your first triathlon. Speakin my love language baby!!!

    Definitely make sure you have time to acclimate yourself to the water on race day and you will be just fine. Looking forward to the recap!

    1. It was more fun than I could have imagined. How have I not done a triathlon before now?!

      I did get in the water beforehand to get acclimated. That was good for me, thanks for the tip!

  3. I would freak with the OWS! But so glad you're enjoying this change of pace!

    1. It really wasn't that bad. You just can't let your nerves get to you. Being relaxed is key. :-)

  4. You will have a blast!

    I pumped up my tires the night before and loaded up the car with almost eveything but what I was wearing so I wouldn't forget.

    Break flipflops.

    Also I did everything in a sports bra and shorts and was fine.

    1. You were right- I did have a blast. I am currently looking up to see if there is another race I can do this summer with my crazy schedule.

      I also had everything ready, including my tire pressure checked, the night before. I was really worried I would forget something, but I didn't. WHEW!

      Sports bra and the shorts were perfect. Lots of women wore the same thing.

  5. I have been SO tempted to sign up for an OWS tri, but still haven't. I was thinking this coming year might be the year. We'll see... I just hate the idea of swimming that far in a lake, even though I'm a strong swimmer. Good luck this weekend! Have fun!

    1. Lauren you should sign up for one! You are like me- good on the bike (you are probably even better than me!) and good on the run. You even have swimming in your favor (which I DO NOT) so you would be awesome. I think that you would be a really good triathlete!!!!!

  6. I love your farmgirl fit family-seems like yall have lots of fun-and I love that yall had a mini training. Good luck tomorrow!

    1. The women of FGF seriously are the best. Very fun and incredibly supportive in everything. I am lucky! The training session that they put on was really fun and I am glad that I got to do it because it gave me a good idea of what to expect on race day. Of course anything can happen on race day, but yesterday was a good day for me.

  7. It's great you did a full practice like this before the actual event - I know a lot of people who did training sessions with two events (bike + run or swim + bike) but never managed a full mini triathlon before their first event. You'll be really well prepared and good luck for it now!

    1. The practice session probably saved me yesterday at the actual race. I loved at least having a small idea of how the race would go. I felt very prepared which is something that calms my nerves down.

  8. This is great Tasha :) I feel the same way about running as you do about swimming. I love it, but can't do it very well. But, I can run! :)
    Congrats on your mini-triathlon!

    1. Thanks Brandi! Swimming is still something I need to work on. I am awful it at, but that means I can only get better with practice. Right?

  9. What a great way to get ready for your tri! Looks like a fun group of women:) Good luck today!! I can't wait to hear all about it!

    1. The women at FGF are super fun and very supportive. I am lucky. :-)

      Couldn't have asked for a better first triathlon yesterday. I am excited to write the race recap!

  10. You'll get there! Doing awesome. And seriously, there is so much to remember. I have to put my stuff out JUST SO in transition so that I don't forget shiz, like my bike glasses, or my race number....or my helmet. Ha

    1. There is a lot to remember, I learned that yesterday. I did have a fabulous friend there who I basically just copied from. I didn't forget anything so I figured that was a great start!

  11. Hope the tri went well! I had a similar OWS experience at my first tri... not my strong suit at all!

    1. The tri was beyond awesome. I am working on my recap now. Might get it posted tomorrow....

  12. Replies
    1. It was awesome Lora. I hope to post about it tomorrow. We shall see how much time I have tonight to finish it up. :-)

  13. I know I already wrote on your real tri but this was such a good idea! Does it make you nervous to go that fast on a bike? Also, one of my friends from college goes to the same Farmgirl Fit gym you do. Small world!

    1. Nope, I love the speed! I am such an adrenaline junkie! I do know Sarah- she is super sweet! It is a small world :-)


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