
Monday, June 24, 2013

A crazy week!

Last week was pretty hectic. I was hoping to get some rest over the weekend, but that didn't happen. Here is to hoping I survive Monday!

It was another hot afternoon, but I decided to sweat my way through 4 miles before FGF. I need to run on hills more and my neighborhood has plenty of them. Finished in time to have about an hour break before FGF which was good because the workout was a killer!

0-5:00 min
25 DUs + MAX box jumps
5:00- 7:00 min
Sprint 200

7:00- 10:00 min
MAX Bears
10:00- 12:00 min
Sprint 200

12:00- 17:00 min
12 KBS + MAX pull ups
17:00- 19:00 min
Sprint 200

19:00- 22:00 min
MAX Bears
22:00- 24:00 min
Sprint 200

24:00- 29:00 min
8 SDHP + MAX push ups on bar
29:00- 31:00 min
Sprint 200

31:00- 32:00 min
1 min plank

32:00- 33:00 min
MAX V- ups

*used 35 # KB for KBS and 55 # bar for Bears & SDHP
*Completed level 3

I only went to FGF because I had run the day before. I thought about riding my bike to FGF, but there is a lot of construction and crazy traffic to get there. Getting hit by a crazy driver isn’t something I want to happen.

I was really excited about the workout because it was a 3 RM (rep max) for deadlifts. The deadlift is my FAVORITE lift!  The last time I completed a 3 RM I lifted 185# and that was back at the beginning of May. I was pretty confident that eventually I would be able to lift 200#, but hadn’t had the opportunity to try.

I started out with a somewhat conservative 95#, but in the end I PR’d by 20# and lifted 205#. I was excited that I broke 200# and I felt strong while doing it. If it hadn’t have been my last lift I might have been able to reach 210 or even 215#.

Now I am wondering what my 1 RM for the deadlift would be…..
15 minutes of core when I got home.

Running RX
WU: 10-20 minutes
2 * 3200 meters @6:30 pace w/ 400 meter recovery
CD: 10 minutes

What I did--
WU: 2 miles in about 16:17
3200 meters in 6:42 & 6:35
400 meter recovery in 3:52
3200 meters in 6:38 & 6:34
400 meter recovery in 3:33
CD: 1.28 miles in 10:00

I think I need to go back and revisit the paces in RLRF. This felt hard, especially the last set. Am I just not recovered enough from Windermere training + race to be doing speed work now????

10 minutes of core work. 

FGF--in the pouring down rain.
We started off with back squats to our 1 RM
5-5-3-3-2-2-1. I ended up lifting 165#s which I think is a PR, but I couldn't tell from skimming workouts in my old DailyMile account.

Total grind time was 12:22. I killed it!

I had a 5 mi tempo run on my schedule so I decided to sign up for a 10K to run after work. I figured it would be a little hot, but something new for me to try. I haven’t participated in a 10K in ages and I have never run a race that started at 7:00 pm before. My schedule said to run my tempo at about a 7:18 pace so that was my plan to follow. I decided Friday morning to make the day my ling run so I wouldn't have to run on Sunday during IM. This is what I ended up doing:

3.5 miles @ home + 10 min of core.
Then I drove downtown and ran 1.75 miles to the race start. Arrived just in time for a quick stretch and race start.
Ran the race which my Garmin said was 6.21 miles.
Ran 1 mile back to my car.
Total miles ended up being 12.46.

Working on a race recap....

Ran an easy 8.10 miles on a hilly route. Trying to get in some hillier long (ish) runs before my summer relays. Never glanced at my pace once and just ran on feel. Felt pretty good and was thankful it wasn't too hot.

Did 10 minutes of core.

Rode my bike for about 2.48 miles while IM spectating in CDA. It was fun, but I don't think I will bring my bike next time. It was kind of a hassle. It has been a couple of years since I have had the opportunity to watch IM because it usually falls on Hoopfest weekend. I was excited that this year they fell on different weekends. There is nothing like watching IM in person. It is one of the most incredible athletic events to witness. Completing an IM is on my bucket list so someday I hope to be able to do CDA. Someday...not anytime soon. :-)

Let's chat:
Did you race over the weekend?
Did you watch IM CDA or have friends that competed yesterday?



  1. Sounds like you're having fun with your workouts these days! :)

    1. Yes for the first time in a long time I am loving my switch ups in training. Tomorrow is the pool for swimming though. EEEEEK. I WILL DO a triathlon this summer.

  2. So cool that you could spectate at IM!! So fun! I should come over and do that next year. I love CDA:) Your workouts were awesome too BTW:)

    1. Thanks Rachelle! I bet your boot camp workouts are super tough like FGF.

      IM is my favorite sporting event to watch. So inspiring and motivating. Usually it falls on Hoopfest weekend so most years I miss out on IM because the hubby plays in Hoopfest. Stupid basketball. :-)

  3. What a week of workouts! Love it. I need a friend like you here in Houston. So fun to tag team runs/workouts with an equal....makes it easier to get it done...and to push hard.

    1. Thanks Crystal! I am inspired by all of the workouts you have been doing while being pregnant. That is awesome. Wish we did love closer. It would be fun to have a motivating workout partner.

  4. My friend did the IM in CDA! It was his first and I think it's simply so amazing! Nice job on your work outs. How do you push through and run in the heat?

    1. Super cool that your friend did IM. What did he think of CDA? I heard it is one of the more scenic IM courses. I think we are spoiled having an IM in our backyard. Guess that gives me no excuse to not cross it off of my bucket list someday. :-)

      How do I push through in the heat? I stay really hydrated and usually try to pick areas that have more shade. Other than that I don't look at my watch much to freak out over my pace and just run.

  5. I would love to spectate one of those. One of the guys from my Hood to Coast relay team did it this year.

    Great job with you deadlifts! Your are getting awesome strong. Hope your week goes great!

    1. You should come watch IM next year. You could stay at my place and I could take you to FGF. IM is my favorite event to watch because it is so inspiring and motivating.

      Thanks BTW. I had another 20# PR in a different lift tonight. The hubby better watch out. LOL.

  6. awesome that you ran before the race! I'm always too competitive to just run for fun. not sure who I'm competitive with but someone!

    No races this weekend. Resting up and trying to figure out how to not drown.

    1. I would love to be more competitive in running right now, but I just feel like I don't have that drive right now. I was going to try for a half marathon PR in a couple of weeks, but I know that isn't in the cards. I think my old training plans really just put me through the ringer. I am just trying to focus on maintaining my running fitness and having running while doing other things I love. Like cycling and crossfit.

      I am going to the pool tomorrow night. EEEEK. I will have to let you know how it goes!

  7. On our recent trip, we ended up timing our visit to Cairns (on the east coast of Australia) with the annual Cairns ironman. It was amazing - so inspiring! I can't imagine doing one but would love to be able to.

    1. Very cool Kari! I always get even more excited about crossing an IM off of my bucket list when I watch it. Who knows if I actually will, but it would be such an accomplishment if I could.

  8. No race for me! I think I'd be exhausted for an after work race! haha Can't wait for the recap!


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