
Monday, May 27, 2013

Active Recovery Week

This last week, I kept a pretty low profile and only ran at Farmgirlfit if running was thrown into the workout. My legs felt pretty heavy all week, but I wasn't that sore following Windermere. I was a little stiff on Monday & Tuesday, but I could have ran if I had really wanted to. The weather was nice all week, it was hard to not lace up my running shoes and head outside!

I enjoyed getting back into my routine and threw myself into Farmgirlfit. It was the first time since January that I have gone to three classes in one week. I loved it!



Squat thruster

I did level with 3 with 55 #s. My total workout time was 7:25

The extra was an 800 meter run, followed by some core work and then an additional 800 meter run. I really didn't want to run, but also didn't want to be the only one skipping out on the extra so I ran. The goal with the 800s were to run each within 5 seconds of each other. If we didn't then we had the punishment of 10 plate pushes with 45 #s. My first 800 was a 3:40 and my second was a 3:29/3:30. The plate pushes were not fun, but I was honest and did them.

30 min easy cycle for 7.30 miles
15 minutes of core


800 meter run for a warm up
Shoulder press 6x1 RM. My 1 RM was 65 #s. I almost had 70 #s, but couldn't quit get the bar up. I was so close too!
In between each should press we had a 30 second plank and 30 seconds max air squats. My max airs quat was 124.

4 rounds
6 medicine ball clean + wall ball
200 meter sprint
60 seconds russian KBS (counting each rep)
I kind of lost count of my russian KBS, but it was in the vicinity of 117 swings. It was the first time I had ever used the 45 # KB, but all of the 35s were gone. It was not easy!

1/2 mile run from my work to the gym
30 minute easy cycle for 8.13 miles
20 minutes of core
1/2 mile run back to my car


This workout could really be a post of it's own. It was one of the hardest workouts I have ever completed. I am two days post, and my rear still hurts. Yesterday (Sunday) I could barely get in and out of my car.

The Saturday workouts are typically a group or partner workout because a lot of women generally show up and there are only two class times offered.

My partner and I opted to do level 2 with 55 #s. For the ENTIRE workout the bar could not touch the ground (except for during the sit ups!). Even when transitioning the bar from partner to partner the bar couldn't touch the ground. IF the bar touched the ground, each partner had 5 burpees.
50 squat thrusters a piece

100 meter walking lunge with the bar on our backs + 20 push ups
50 sit ups (the only time the bar could touch the ground)
100 meter walking lunge with the bar on our backs + 20 push ups
25 leg raises with each partner holding the bar above our heads
100 meter walking lunge with the bar on our backs + 20 push ups
25 pull ups (I used the skinny green band)
400 meter run

My poor partner really struggled and we were last to complete the workout. I busted out my squat thrusters, but she took while to complete hers. On the last set of walking lunges I took one for the team and did about 150 meters to giver her a break.

We finished in 57:21, but our bar never touched the ground!


Questions for you:
Did you race over the weekend? I read about some PRs and some fun races that people participated in.
Have you ever had a workout be so hard that you were sore for multiple days?



  1. That's awesome that the gym is so close to work...that's like the perfect warmup distance! No race for me, but I definitely had a lot of multiple day sorenesses back in college swimming! Our cross training was intense!

    1. It is the perfect distance. All downhill there and all uphill on the way back. Wished it was a bit more flat, but I will take what I can get.

  2. No race, but lots and lots of reading and relaxing! :) I love to read your workout posts Tasha....they really do motivate me! :) I Will be back at it with Body Pump first thing in the morning. :)

    1. Thanks Brandi! I am glad I can motivate someone. Good luck with Body Pump!

  3. Um...yeah. If I did that kind of workout right now, by buns would be sore for a few days. Usually it hits me 24-48 hours after..but might last days. Depends on how out of shape I was and how hard I went. My hubby recommends lifting 2 days in a row because you can often sneak in the second workout before you are sore from the first..running can be that way too, I have learned.

    Well, you definitely stayed active in your recovery this week! Hope you are feeling better in the mind and body from windermere.

    1. I am still sore and this was 3 days post rear kicking. It probably didn't help that I went to FGF yesterday too. If I am not running, I have to do something or else I would go crazy. Plus, I am trying to go to FGF 3-4 days a week now.

      I am feeling a lot better. I actually created a short 4 week training plan that will begin on June 8th.

  4. KILLER workout on Saturday! Did you need a nap after??! Glad you are enjoying it and using your post-marathon time in ways you enjoy.

    1. It was KILLER!! I am still sore and everyone at FGF is saying that they are also still sore. Glad I am not the only one who felt like they got hit by a bus. I didn't take a nap afterwards, but I was completely worthless on Sunday. I could barely get out of my car!!!!

  5. I feel sore after almost all road races, not so much trail.

    Great active recovery week. I want to get into some strength work once I finish my races for the season.

    1. I might need to try a trail race this year. Hopefully I won't be as clumsy and can keep on my two feet.

  6. I am getting exhausted just reading your training schedule but it looks GREAT! :D

  7. Ouch!! Those ones where the bar can't tough the ground are horrible! Sometimes just holding the barbell for so long starts to kill!

    Amazing job!! that one looks evil!!

    1. Thank you Jennifer! I was cursing the workout under my breath and praying at the same time that my partner didn't drop the bar. IF I had to do burpees I wouldn't have been very happy.


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