
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 13: A fantastic long run

I sound like a broken record with how fatigued I have been feeling lately. This last week was a “recovery” week for me as well as this next week. Hopefully by taking two recovery weeks I can get some pep back into my step. If not, I might be screwed. Windermere is officially 36 days away…..

Easy shake out run in downtown San Francisco before we had to pack up. The weather was perfect! I fell in love with running along the pier. Ended up with around 5.38 miles before I ran out of time. 

Our plane was delayed on Monday so I was super tired after a full day of work. I decided to not go to FGF and go for an easy bike ride instead. I must have been really tired or just a total novice cyclist, but I fell off my bike and totally scraped my leg! It was also my first time out on the roads being clipped into the pedals. I obviously have some work to do!

Did 10 minutes of core and called it a day!

Easy 5 mile run
15 minutes of core

There were two things I didn’t want to have to do at FGF
#1 Timed mile
#2 Box jumps

It must have been my lucky day, because I got to do both of those! Yay me!!!! I stalked the website all day for the workout, but it was never posted. I didn’t want to show up, see the workout and leave so I stuck it out. The mile was awful. I should have been able to run it much faster than I did. UGH. The box jumps were super hard. Every time I jumped I thought I was going to biff it on my shaky legs.

Workout for time:
Ring rows
Box jumps
Wall balls

Total time 10:52

20 minutes of core when I got home

I ran an easy 3.55 miles downtown Spokane and ended up at Oz Fitness where I purchased a 4 month membership. I am looking forward to taking some core & pilates classes.

Did 15 minutes of core when I got back home.

I was supposed to run 13 miles at MP, but after 2.67 miles I bagged it and walked back to my car. I don't know what my friggin deal is.  I know that I feel fatigued, but I am starting to think that there is more of an underlying issue that has to do with my noggin.

Got up early and wanted to some redemption. Ran my 13 miles at slightly slower than what I needed, but was still in target range. I felt good, so I finished off another 9.05 miles to make 22.05 miles total. I averaged a 7:43 pace and felt pretty good!

Did 15 minutes of core to finish off the week!

Questions for you:
If you call it quits in a workout do you try again the following day or just bag it entirely?
Ever had a good redemption workout?



  1. Sorry to hear that you were so tired this week. Have you had your iron levels checked? Or perhaps your body is still recovering from the half marathon and vacation? Hopefully this week will be much better. Take it easy and don't run if you really don't want to/are too tired too. You'll snap out of this soon!

    1. I have been debating on whether to get my iron levels checked because I am taking a supplement. :/
      Long story, but my coach thinks that I have some "head issues" that might be the main culprit to my fatigue. UGH.

  2. When I read your times and paces, I feel tired just thinking about them. I know you're a running pro, but I figure you should get extra slack in your recovery weeks because your hard weeks are so hard! I am pretty good at following my schedules (because they aren't as hard as yours!) but think if I missed a long run I'd make it up; perhaps not shorter ones though. I hope this next week is better.

    1. Kari- I really enjoyed my two "recovery" weeks. I think that they worked wonders for me!

  3. Maybe you're doing too much? With the marathon coming up, I'd think that you don't want to reduce running, but maybe reducing strength and cycling? I don't know, I just know that sometimes I go through phases where work + exercise becomes overwhelming, and when that happens, giving myself a little grace seems to help out.

    1. I think that is always my main problem- doing too much. I have always been the go getter kinda person. I have been better about skipping out on crossfit if I am too tired. Last week I only went once.

  4. You're a runner but are scared of a mile run? That's amusing.. :)

    And box jumps I think are almost all about confidence. If you're not 100% committed to it, that's when the issues happen. Just line your hips up, use your arms and go!

    1. HA! I was only scared because my legs were still thrashed from my 1/2 marathon in San Francisco. Normally I am like bring it!!!!!!!

      Someday I will be as awesome as you on box jumps. Someday :-)

  5. Way to get out there and finish! You know I've had those days, but I have to remember that sometimes my body might need more rest than I think - on the go go go all of the time - so I recharge and do over - way to get after it girl!

    1. I definitely needed the recharge. My body thanked me a lot! :-)

  6. You're hanging tough, in my opinion. And you're already in very speedy shape--I dont' think there's much you can do to derail Windmere at this point. I have confidence in you!

    1. Thanks Amanda. I think after this last weekend and my workout last night I am ready. Game on Windermere!!!!

  7. Um, wow, that is one killer way to finish the week! Hope the extra week of cutting back does the trick and you feel more like yourself soon. But as Amanda said, I have confidence in you!!

    1. The cutting back really did do the trick. I feel fantastic this week. Less than 27 days until the big day!

  8. That is a pretty stellar "redemption" run there T! Travelling really threw me off my workout miojo and ever since then I've been struggling to get myself back on track mentally and physically. And then I got sick! Take a couple doses of Vit C and make sure you get a really nice rest day of NOTHING - and pick up where you left off. I know you're going to do awesome either way!

    1. Thanks Beka!!! I was so mad at myself for not finishing a long run. Those just feel really important for marathon training. I usually always get sick after travelling. I hope that you feel better now. Poor thing!

  9. I am confident that you are gonna rock Windermere. Box jumps scare me lol-im such a wuss.

    1. Thanks Tanya! Box jumps are so intimidating. I don't know why!

  10. Wow! Kick ass run on Sunday! In all honesty, I think it's good you didn't force yourself to run further on Sunday. Sometimes our body knows more than we do and we have to trust it. Hopefully, this week will feel better mentally and physically.

    1. Thanks Amy! Last week was an awesome week. I am super proud of myself for sticking to the revised plan that allowed me some extra recovery.

  11. You are a rock star, sorry you are feeling fatigued, maybe just one day of complete rest may getcha back on track? I hear ya on the box jumps, even on fresh legs after a few sets they can be tricky! So excited for your marathon.

    1. Thanks Marnee. It actually took two improvised recovery weeks to get me feeling normal again. I feel pretty good today so I guess that is a good sign. :-)

  12. Way to get back out there and bust out the 13 miles! And yeah, your easy week sounds like the worst week of my workout life. haha! You are a great runner and I'm sure you're going to be awesome at your next marathon!

    1. LOL. The training always intimidates me if I look at it in one piece. If I take it a day at a time it isn't so bad. :-)

  13. Nice work getting in the 13! I can go either way. Sometimes I bag it and sometimes I try to fit it in sometime later in the week:)


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