
Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 12: Goal Questioning

This week didn’t pan out the way I had hoped, but its okay. I just needed the rest really bad. My little gas tank was on empty and need to be refueled by some “off” time. My last tumultuous week was during week 7 so I am not surprised that this week has been funky as well. It started with that not so great tearful 22 miler that I almost DNF. The rest of the week has been a struggle which I think is just my body trying to tell me something. I am really struggling with this training schedule which I think is odd because it is the exact same training plan I used when I was training for Eugene last year. Maybe I jumped into the marathon idea too soon????

At this point I am slightly nervous about my marathon and starting to second guess my love for the distance. Marathon training is HARD. Really hard. Add a career and other things to the mix and it is just exhausting! I have always had the plan in the back of my mind to run Boston ONE MORE TIME. My first experience at Boston, well it wasn’t the best. You can read about what I had to say about it here. Ideally I wanted to run Boston this year, but I was nervous to put the $$$$ up front back in September when I didn’t know where I would be at in the recovery phase from compartment syndrome. Now, part of me wishes that I would have just registered for it. Worst case scenario I can use my BQ time from Eugene and hopefully get in 2014. After I run Boston once more I think I will hang up the marathoning shoes and stick to shorter and more manageable distances. I love the half marathon. Can’t get enough of it!!!! I am also curious to see how much I can lower my 5K & 10K PRs. I think those are some great long term goals to stick with.

Here is a peek at my week:
3 x 3 mile repeats at 7:00- 7:05 pace. This did not happen. I ended up with 4 miles total and didn’t even complete my first set of 3 miles. After running 22 on Saturday, I just didn’t have it in me. There was no “fast” gear. It is what it is!

I got home and did 20 minutes of core plus some stretching and extra foam rolling.

Easy 3 mile run pre Farmgirlfit. It was warm and beautiful outside! I did an out & back run down to Gonzaga University.

Farmgirlfit had an awesome workout that I can add to my favorites list:
3 separate 5 min AMRAPs with 1 minute recovery in between each set. It was the awesome kind of insane if you know what I mean.

Round #1 (5 minutes)
Round #2 (5 minutes)
Round #3 (5 minutes)
Row for calories
5 medicine ball cleans + wall ball
(15# med ball, 10 feet)
5 deadlifts

5 hand release burpees over bar
76 calories
6 rounds + 7
5 rounds + 9

Did 10 minutes of core plus some additional stretching when I got home.

Another beautiful day in Spokane. I have a feeling that we are just going straight to warm weather, but I am not complaining. I love the sunshine!

1 mile E warm up + 8 x 400s @ 5:30-5:40 pace w/ 400 meter recovery + 1 mile E cool down

None of my 400s were on target pace. Just didn’t have it in me, I was frustrated, but I kept plugging away at them. I think my fastest pace was a 5:48. Ended up with 7 miles in total + 20 minutes of core when I got home from the track.

No FGF today because there wasn’t time in between work and getting ready to leave town. Probably best given my bodies lack of energy.  Did manage 4 quick easy miles on my TM before we left for the airport.

A short easy 4.4 mile run in downtown San Francisco. It was fun to explore and I didn't get lost! Also walked a million miles. 

Off, but a ton of walking around Napa & Sonoma.

Rock n Roll San Francisco! Half marathon #15....recap soon.

I hope everyone had a great week, I am so behind on blogs. :/



  1. What a week!
    Looks like you have done a lot of thinking about races and training. I have had similar thoughts about only sticking to the half and shorter, but now i am ready to give it one more shot. Might be a while til I can actually race though..
    I love San Francisco :) Saw some of your pics and can't wait to see the race report!

    1. It was a crazy week. I feel like each week gets crazier than the last. How is that possible??? Race report coming, promise!

  2. Way to go girl! I am happy I am training for a marathon, but I will be so unbelievable glad when it's over and I can give myself to shorter distances. You are such an inspiration--thanks for all your help and advice.

    1. You are very welcome Kate! I am excited for you to run your first marathon. The first is always such a fun experience!

  3. Can't wait to hear how San Fran went!

    1. It was a lot of fun Rachelle. Once I get caught up I will do some posting. :-)

  4. Your weeks are definitely jam packed with workouts! Can't wait to read about your SFO trip!

    Definitely listen and give yourself that break! I read a quote the other day by Ryan Hall - "I constantly remind myself that resting takes confidence. Anyone can train like a mad man but to embrace rest and to allow all the hard training to come out takes mental strength."


    1. SF was freaking awesome. Might need this entire week to recover from all of the fun! Love that Ryan Hall quote too, thanks for sharing. :-)

  5. Nice work listening to your body!! You are so right, training for a marathon IS really hard!! I may take a little retirement here one of these days too :)

    1. I am counting down the days until "retirement". I can't believe how each one seems harder- I must be getting old!

  6. Hey-- sometimes you just need a little break. Still seems like you're on track to have a killer marathon.

  7. Sometimes us busy-bodies tend to take on a ton because we know we can handle it-but our bodies tend to fight that. That's how I feel anyway. I know you can do it and will kick butt, but also know you're probably just tired - what the heck ever happened to nap time?!

    1. I want nap time back! Seriously!!!! Why can't adults have nap time everyday?

  8. I hope you had a great time at RnRSF!!!

    I know you've been questioning your plan for awhile and I think I would be in the same boat as you. For me the most important thing is to HAVE FUN. Life is crazy, marathon training takes up a lot of time, and if I'm not enjoying it and cursing it the entire way... it's just not the same.

    You are definitely on track to have a great marathon, so if you need to take an extra rest day or easy run day here or there, do it! It won't kill your training and it will make you much happier (and less overwhelmed) in the process. :)

    1. SF was awesome Lora. So much fun! I don't even know where to begin with my recaps!

      I decided with a lot of consideration to go back to RLRF at least for a couple of weeks and see how that goes. I can't imagine continuing with my plan the way it is. Not every coach and/or training plan can be compatible. I have my marathon PR from RLRF so I know that it works for me. We shall see if it helps. I just want to love the training again and right now I don't.

  9. We all have those down weeks, but you made it through! In fact, I think those down weeks are necessary in order to prevent injury. You are doing great with your training. Hopefully this week feels better for you!

    1. The down weeks are necessary even though they are lame at the same time. They are character builders for sure!

  10. Can't wait to hear about the half and how your loved San Fran!!

  11. I think you definitely need some 'down time' weeks scheduled in Tasha! It does sound like it's hard to fit everything in, and I can imagine that with the extra training for a marathon, it would takes its toll. I often feel like I'm barely managing and I'm not training anywhere near as much as you!

    I'll look forward to your half marathon recap too :)

    1. 1/2 recap is in the works if I could just figure out how to write it first. The trip was amazing, much needed to recharge myself. Down time seems scary at first, but really is a necessary part of training. Those are the character building weeks.

  12. I would definitely be exhausted on your training program! I'm pretty sure that Eugene will go great, and will be really fun!

    1. I get exhausted by reading my training plan too Becky. :-)

  13. You have a lot on your plate! No wonder you are tired. Plus you didn't do FGF before. I bet that has something to do with the tired feeling. Just a few more weeks. Hang in there....
    -Angie H

    1. I didn't go to FGF before, but I did a similar style of personal training. The training I had before was so similar that I didn't think FGF would make much of a difference. I only went once last week and will go once this week so I will see if that helps. Also reverting back to an old training plan so hopefully that will help too. At least maybe help me build some confidence.

  14. Great job with the workouts and runs you go in - going on empty is the hardest thing to do - I hope this week turns out better for you!! Can't wait to hear when you rock this marathon ;)

    1. Empty on marathon training is the worst feeling ever. Hopefully my vacation and sleeping in helped. :-)


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