
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Where in the heck have I been all week?!

I have been working on my Nuun Hood to Coast application every spare second for the last week. I finally called it good at 11:30 pm last night and uploaded it youtube. I went to bed thinking about things to change and woke up groggily at 5 am to make the changes I fell asleep thinking about. In the end, I left my video as it was. I like it. I am not a creative person, but I think that my application portrays me, my uniqueness, and why I really want to run Hood to Coast with Nuun. I mean, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to run Hood to Coast with Nuun. I can’t say enough how badly I want this opportunity to represent one of my favorite companies at the “mother of all relays”.

I learned a lot by making this video. Mostly that I probably shouldn’t change professions… I don’t think a career as a video editor is something I would be good at. I also learned that listening to the same song over, and over, and over again makes you never want to hear that song again. I still have it stuck in my head. It won’t go away…..

I won’t be posting my video publicly until after the deadline, but since I will be in San Francisco, you might not get to see it until after I get back. Sorry to leave you in suspense.

Nuun, if you are reading this….please pick me!

Questions for you:
Have you run Hood to Coast?
What do you think makes a good relay team runner?
Are you applying to be on Nuun’s Hood to Coast teams this year?



  1. These things are always around tax deadlines!! Good luck!!! You'll be awesome!

    1. Darn tax deadlines! Seriously doesn't the government know that there are races to run in the spring???? :-)

  2. How awesome! I wish I could do it this year! I haven't run a relay but 2014 is in my plan to do one!

    1. Relays are so much fun!!!!! You will have a blast when you get the chance to be on a team. I hope that 2014 is your lucky year. :-)

  3. can schedule your post through hootsuite OR schedule the date time you want it to post on blogspot...don't leave us hanging longer than we need to!!! I can't wait to see your video!

    1. I won't leave people hanging too long. I can't wait to see what you can come up with. Love your idea! :-)

  4. I thought about it but it just wouldn't fit into my crazy runcation schedule for 2013! I'm totally doing a relay here next year and possibly that one - if I can use your stellar video editor teachings ;)

    1. I might rearrange my schedule if I get selected. I probably won't run SeaWheeze in Vancouver if Nuun picks me. :-)

      SeaWheeze is two weeks before and it would just seem like a lot of things going on at the same time.

  5. Ahhh...I wanted to see it! I go back and forth on whether or not I want to apply. Part of me really does (there are some fun bloggers like you applying that I'd love to hang out with) and part of me doesn't. And I am NOT creative, so that's a problem. Anyhow, I really hope you make it (and can't see why you wouldn't!)

    1. I'm with you on the not creative. I asked MILFRunner to script my video. She's not biting. ;)

    2. I really hope that you apply Amanda! It would be fun to get the chance to hang out with you IRL as well some other bloggers that I know are applying. I was worried about the not creative aspect, but I think what I was trying to portray came across perfectly. I let a couple of my good friends watch it and they liked it. Keeping my fingers crossed until 4/17! Let me know if you decide to apply too!

  6. Ooh, I'm so excited for you! I really hope you get it! I might do it someday... I don't think this is the year, with everything else going on. But I hope you can!

    1. You are going to be really busy over the next couple of months. Lots of exciting things in store for you and your family. :-)

  7. Can't wait to see the video! I hope you get to do it :) You definitely deserve it!

    1. Thanks Nikki! I will put my video up when I get back from San Francisco...or maybe on the 6th after the deadline. :-)

  8. Never second guess yourself! I remember I got tested in 5th grade to see if I needed more time on standardized tests... NOPE: They said that the more time I have with the test, the more likely I am to think too much about my answers and want to change them! This should be applied to you and videos (I do it too)... I cut it up, watch it two or three times. Close up shop. Watch it one more time a day or two later and then upload that puppy to youtube! ;)

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

    1. I am learning to not second guess myself so much. I am definitely my own worst critic. I am glad that I just went ahead and hit submit. It was a HUGE relief. Now I can get some rest and just wait for the big reveal day on 4/17.

  9. Yes on running HTC
    And a good relay runner...I think a good personality ...patience...being able to go with the flow and BE in the moment.

    My money is on you for a spot on the team.

    1. HTC is probably one of my favorite races to run! I am usually on teams where I don't know anybody. The first year I did that and didn't know anybody I was really nervous. It ended up being the best weekend ever and I made lots of new friends.

      I really hope that Nuun picks me. Definitely keeping my fingers and toes crossed! What did you think when you learned that you had been selected????

  10. I want to see the video! A good relayer is funny in the van. That's all. Unless you're on a team of scary people, then I suppose you should be a good runner, but I don't care if you're slow or fast. I just want to laugh a lot! Oh, but I do think it's good to properly estimate your's kind of annoying when you time yourselves to be at various spots according to the runner's pace...and then they're late every time!

    1. Being funny in a van is important. You are in tight quarters for a long time! A couple of years ago when I ran Hood to Coast it was really hot during my leg. Like really hot. Like I thought I was going to faint hot. I got finished and found my van and they didn't bring me anything to drink AND the van was parked over a mile away. I was pissed! I was reluctant to share my Nuun with them from that point on. :-)

  11. I totally think you'll get a spot. Fingers crossed I get one too and then we can be IRL friends too!!

    1. That would be so much fun Meagan. I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!

  12. I will be uber surprised if you don't get in. I am stillllllllll debating. I've seen the tweets/posts from people applying and you. are. all. fast. I have a half the weekend before, and doing Dumbo Double Dare the weekend after, so it doesn't seem like a smart route to go. But I really want to. Hmm...

    1. I am keeping my fingers crossed because I want to get selected so bad. Like really, really, really bad.

      I don't think you should be concerned about how fast of a runner you are. Nuun doesn't take that into consideration so don't let people think you shouldn't apply!!!!

  13. GOOD LUCK! I think you have it in the bag... can't wait to see your video!! I really wanted to apply for it this year but I already have a vacation planned for that weekend, bummer! Next year :)

    1. Thank you Lora! I will post my video as soon as the deadline passes. Hopefully you can apply next year. :-)

  14. Good Luck to you. Hope you get on a team. You are like me and keeping your video a little incognito for now.:) I would love to meet you and hope we both get to run. I have applied before and for ambassador for Nuun here in NC, but no luck. So I am crossing my fingers and toes.

    1. Good luck to you as well!!!!! I have a feeling lots of people are keeping their videos incognito for now. I have seen some really good ones, the competition will be HUGE.

  15. I definitely wanted to apply but it's a major weekend for work so even if the heavens opened up and I was chosen, getting the time off would probably alienate me from all of my coworkers! Can't wait to see your video! Sending "Pick Tasha" vibes your way!

    1. Oh bummer Amy! At least their is always next year. Thanks for your good vibes too chica. The videos I have seen so far are pretty spectacular...the competition is going to be fierce. :-)

  16. I have done HTC the last 2 years. I am also applying for Nuun's team this year. I am hopeing to get on like you. What an experience it would be!!

    Good qualities for teammates are: be fun, enthusiastic, helpful, ready to have a kick-ass-sleepless 30 hours in a van!!

    1. I love HTC, I have done it several years. Each time I have been on a team where I have known nobody. It always makes it exciting and I have gotten to meet fantastic people that have become close friends. Good luck!!!!!

  17. Best of luck with the application! I made up my video this weekend. I keep second guessing myself and wondering if it is good enough...but it is done and I think it shows me.

    Have a great trip to San Francisco!!


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