
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 5: Running on EPIC

Remember how I mentioned last week that I was really nervous for my training schedule this week? I got myself worked up over nothing. Pretty typical of me……

Monday: No more “easy” 6 mile runs. This workout had me gasping for air and feeling like I was going to lose my peach chobani yogurt.

1 mile easy warm up
4 X 1200 meter repeats @ 6:00 min pace followed by a 4 min recovery jog
1 mile easy cool down

Tuesday: Combination of running drills + FGF
I was supposed to incorporate the running drill sooner, but honestly I forgot about them. Sorry Matt!
My running drills are supposed to help me focus on my form. 10 rounds: 40 second run, followed by 20 second walk.

Wednesday: 30 minute threshold run. This was the workout I was absolutely terrified about. When we tested my LT on 12/31 it was determined that my current LT pace was right around an 8:00 min mile. Because my LT was slower than we were anticipating Matt switched up my training schedule for the next three weeks, taking out all of the workouts. Essentially I just had “easy” runs for that time where he hoped that I would build up my aerobic fitness. He believed that in 3 weeks my LT would be at a faster pace, but probably only 15-20 seconds faster.

The goal for the workout was to not let my HR go over 172. I started out at my current LT pace (7.5 mph) and kept a close watch on my HR. Matt instructed me to increase my pace as long as my HR stayed below 172. Since I am new to HR training I wasn’t sure how much or how fast my HR would spike when I increased the speed. I gradually increased speed and my HR still stayed in the 150 range going into the 15 minute mark. I finally hit 172 within the last minute of my run at a speed of 8.7 on the TM. During the entire 30 minutes I felt fantastic. 

My average HR was 154 (including warm up)
Max HR 172

I was really excited (insert happy dance!) how well the run went. Especially since I dreaded it for several days. Matt seemed to be pleased how well it went and asked me a boatload of questions on how I felt, etc. With that I got a new REVISED training plan with updated target paces. My new LT pace is a 7:00 min mile. In three weeks I was able to drop my LT pace by an entire minute! Woohoo!!!!!

I know that I am not allowed to compare my previous workouts, but I think I am getting close to being where I was at when I was training for Eugene…….

Thursday: FGF
Pull ups
Clean squats
Back squats
V sit ups
Total time- 14:39
1 minute rest
Row to 50 calories FAST. Total rowing time- 3:27. BOOM.

I skipped out on extra core work again because my back was still a little sore from Tuesday. It is much better, but I don’t want to push it.

Friday: Ah- the cherished recovery day.

Saturday: Easy 16 mile run. My “easy” pace has been upgraded from 8:30 to 8:00-8:15 min miles. I felt really sluggish in the beginning of this run, but around mile 6 I started to warm up and felt pretty good. Finished 16.28 miles in 2:11:50. Right on target pace.

Long run fuel! 

I think my headband was fitting....

After my run Mr. Healthy Diva and I went on a snowshoeing adventure to Mt. Spokane. Not sure if I would recommend snowshoeing directly after a long run, but it was a lot of fun. We cut our hike short because we could hear coyotes or wolves and they sounded kind of hungry and kept getting louder. I didn't feel like being a snack so we decided to call it a day and head back to the car. 

Sunday: Active recovery day! 72 minute easy spin workout + 15 minutes of core + TONS of stretching and foam rolling.

Total miles ran: 29.368

Questions for you:
What is your typical long run fuel?
Did you have a fun weekend?
Ever been snowshoeing before?



  1. What a week Tasha! I can't believe how fast your easy pace is! It sounds like you are zooming along at full speed ahead. I'm glad it is all going well :)

    1. Thanks Kari! I am feeling pretty lucky and happy with my running right now.

  2. I love that headband! Sounds like an awesome week, girlie! You are killing it on all fitness levels. I haven't been snowshoeing, but I'm sure it's not joke.I have no idea how your legs didn't fall off ;)

    1. The headband is pretty cute and to be honest I don't think I have ever worn it before. It just seemed fitting for the moment.

      I am embarrassed to admit that I am still sore from snowshoeing. My calves have never been so tight before in my life. YUCK!

  3. Great week! Your long run pace is so amazing fast, you are going to rock your marathon.
    I went snowshoeing once and had a lot of fun except the people I went with were so slow! I did see a big moose and had to turn around early.

    1. Thanks Christy. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Windermere, but I don't want to get my hopes up. :-)

      Seeing a moose would probably freak me out too! My husband and I are talking about going snowshoeing again in the next couple of weeks.

  4. Good night lady! You are one speedy gal! I'm trying to work more lactate threshold runs and cruise intervals into my weekly running. It's hard to run fast! ;)

    1. Thanks Kate. It is hard to run fast, lol. BUT it makes you stronger and faster. :-)

  5. You are SO impressive! Girl, I love it! You are inspiring. and I'm in awe. My half time is two minutes faster than 16 miles of your easy run. I love it! You're my idol haha

    1. Thanks Nikki! Your swimming workouts inspire me. I don't know how swim so far and fast. You are incredible!

  6. Yay, such incredible progress in such a short amount of time. You're so inspiring! I agree with Christy- your long run pace is fast, you'll be so ready for that marathon!

    1. Thank you Laura! My race is still pretty far out so hopefully I can continue to progress and then have the perfect race day.

  7. Great week Tasha! Snowshoeing looks like so much fun! I just need to get some snowshoes and someone to go with me:)

    1. Nice week!!! You got some great workouts in!! Congrats on the LT threshold run!!!

    2. Rachelle- you can rent them for REI! It was really inexpensive. For two people + tax it was less than $32.

  8. I loved reading about your HR training run. GReat job getting down to 7- and so fast!!! Keep up the great work woman!

    1. Thanks Christie!!!! I was pretty shocked I was able to lower my LT time that much in less than a month. I think that extra aerobic activity from Farmgirlfit is helping me. I was honestly thinking I would have lowered it 15-20 seconds and I would have been happy with that.

  9. Your runs are so much more technical than mine! But, I'm learning. I think I really need to try those Honey Stingers; I've heard so many good things about them.

    1. Most of my runs aren't that technical. The LT run was pretty specific because my coach wanted to gauge my progress to see what he needed to revise for my training schedule. Usually I just have to run a certain pace. I am trying to incorporate more HR training, but I have a lot of learning to do first.

    2. The fruit smoothie honey stingers are my FAV!

  10. wow you had some awesome workouts!!! i am seriously considering training for another half marathon! i think i need to just suck it up and start training, i just need to register for a race and commit! lol keep working hard xox

    1. You should Michelle!!!! Sign up and then you have to run, right? :-)

  11. wow!! awesome work!! my weekend was so fun- the bf and i went to wine country in GA, definitely not cali-but still great to get away.i've never been snow shoeing-or skiing for that matter!

    1. I love going wine tasting! Are there a lot of wineries in GA? We live pretty close to wine country in WA, but we haven't been tasting yet. I was supposed to go a couple of months ago, but then I couldn't go at the last minute.

  12. I never get into my long run until mile 6 or so as well.

    Great training week!

    I haven't snowshoed yet but it's on the to do list eventually haha

    1. It takes me forever to warm up on the long runs. Glad I am not the only one. :-)

      You really need to go snowshoeing- it is so much fun! You would love it!

  13. Love, Love, Love your visor!!!

    Go girl! You rock!!

    I'm hoping to get in 6miles on my first long run this weekend! :)


  14. I just found your blog and really enjoy it. Looking forward to reading all the new posts! I have a question, how do you schedule your runs with FGF? I recently started crossfit and have been doing more strength an power training before that. This past month of more strength/power has caused a lot of fatigue in my legs and my runs are suffering from it. Do you find you had an adaptation phase before you got used to all of it? Do you schedule speed workouts same day as FGF or the day after? I'm trying hard days hard, easy days easy so maybe intervals in the am and lifting or CF later in the day.. Curious on your thoughts or if you have a post addressing that. Thanks Tasha!

    1. Hi Chelle! I tried to see if I could email you back, but could see your email anywhere. Hope that you see this reply. :-)

      I was actually working on a post that details what my weekly training looks like because I have had a lot of questions

      My coach has a pretty strict training schedule in place for me. As long as I follow it, he has incorporated plenty of rest time in between my hard running workouts and CF.
      This is what my typical week looks like:
      Mon- Hard intervals
      Tues- CF
      Wed- Easy Run
      Thurs- CF
      Fri- OFF
      Sat- Long run
      Sun- Active recovery: spinning, walking, etc. No lifting or running

      If anything my Wed easy run is the hardest workout for me. My legs usually feel like bricks the day after a CF workout. A lot of it is my fault because I usually lift pretty hard. I need to learn how to scale back sometimes, but it is hard to do! By the end of the week I am usually exhausted so it is nice having Friday as my rest day going into my long run on Saturday. I usually wake up on Saturday still a little sore and fatigued. I allow myself a couple of hours before I head out the door so that my muscles can loosen up. If I wake up around 8, I am usually good for a run by around 10-11 am.

      I have only been going to CF since the end of October so I am still getting used to having it as part of training. However, I absolutely love it and feel like it has already helped my marathon training. Having the extra aerobic workouts in the week has been positive for me. I did always usually lift 2-3 days a week so starting CF wasn't a complete shock to my body.

      I hope that my answer helps you. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask!


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