
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 2: I want to move someplace warm

Monday- Threshold test. Ran about 4 miles. Later that night we went out and celebrated NYE at my favorite place in Spokane to ring in the new year- The Davenport Hotel. Every NYE we always go there and it never disappoints. This year we went to a party in one of the ballrooms. It was a lot of fun!

Sipping a gin martini in the Peacock Lounge

Photo booth fun 

Tuesday- Farmgirlfit. This was a good & really challenging Grind workout! It was a great workout to start the new year with!

15 minutes AMRAP:
5/side KB snatch + turkish get up 
15/side rope slams 
15 box jumps 
15 ring rows 
I completed 3 rounds + 28
Rest 1 minute & then:
5/side 1 arm sit up w/KB 
30 second plank with kick backs 
10 KB cleans w/ goblet squat 
30 second right side plank 
30 oblique twists with KB 
30 second left side plank

Wednesday- 6 miles at threshold pace w/ 6-10 pick ups ranging from 1-2:00 minutes each. Of course I completed 10 pick ups most of them being closer to 1:30-2:00 minutes in length.

I was really hoping to run this outside. I got home and it was fairly light, but by the time I had completed my stretching and running drills it was pitch black outside. If I am going to be running on the snow/ice I would much rather see it. Cannot wait for spring & summer!

Thursday- Farmgirlfit. I really liked this Grind workout because we got to run. I didn't like the squat thrusters and pull ups though!

Friday- Day off or recovery workout. Wasn’t sure what to do w/myself. I did do some stretching which felt good. My shins have been sore from overhead squats last week so I am trying to really keep myself stretched out.

Saturday- 13 miles!!!!!! Okay, I will admit it- I actually ran 13.1 miles. J I really debated whether or not to run outside and brave the ice/snow/freezing temps or run on my TM. At the last minute I decided to brave the outside. Kind of a mistake. The side roads were much worse than I was anticipating. I literally ice skated my way through the entire run. I have Yak Trax, but was I wearing them? NO. Am I dumb? YES. I am just thankful that I finished it one piece!

Ice skating anyone?

The highlight of my long run was using my RooSport that I had won in a giveaway a couple of weeks ago from Laura Lives Life. Like Laura, I forgot that I was even wearing The Roo Sport. It was the perfect size to store my peanut butter GU, license, debit card & car key. I will be using it more frequently and I recommend that if you are looking for a similar product, to check out The Roo Sport. The product is a good investment for only $19.99.

After my run I felt like crap. Couldn't decide if I was going to throw up or not. We did a quick trip to REI to get the peddles put on my bike and to get fitted. Turns out the bike is a touch too big for me so that have to order a part for the handle bars which will take about 2 weeks to come in. The sales person was really worried I wouldn't be able to ride my bike in the mean time and I just had to laugh. Has he seen the roads in Spokane? I just ice skated for 13 miles! After a quick trip to Costco I had to go home and nap for 3 hours. I felt much better when I woke up.

I felt like the world ended on Saturday too. Mr. Healthy Diva asked me to put together a running training plan for him. WHAT?! At first, I thought I should take his temperature! In the end I ended up putting together a 17 week plan for him. Today he is supposed to run 3 miles....we shall see if that happens!

Saturday night we did our Qdoba date and a Target run. While at Target I ran into Neiman Marcus clothing for 70% off! WHOA

You can never have too many sequins! I am loving my new top!

Sunday- Day off or recovery workout. Decided to do a really easy 30 min spin session followed by core work + stretching. I was pretty stiff when I woke up in the morning.

All in all it was a fantastic week!
Days till Windermere: 133
Miles ran: 23.8

Questions for you:
How was your week?
Are you already wishing that spring was here?


  1. Brrrr! Honestly, I love running in the cold (except when I'm not dressed right!). Way to crank it out!

    1. Maureen it was so freaking cold. I warmed up, but it wasn't a comfortable warm at all. :/

  2. Yes, I would like to move somewhere warm too! Although I know you have it worse than I do. No snow here yet. Hope it stays that way. Great week! Love the top:)

    1. I cannot wait to wear the top! Maybe the next date night I can wear it. I think it is super fun. I hope you don't get as much snow as us. We got 10 fresh inches yesterday. YUCK.

  3. If I could move somewhere where it was 60 degrees year round, I would be very happy! I am so over the temps being 7-25 degrees!

    1. 60 degrees would be the perfect temperature. Especially for running.

  4. hell no to that ice!! scary, scary for me! i got a target shirt at 50% off. can’t believe it’s 70 now! I need to go back :) if you lived here, you would hate the humidity and the summers. i promise.

    1. I am sure I would complain about the humidity you have during the summer. Even though our winters suck, are summers are fairly comfortable. It gets hot, but it is a dry hot w/ no humidity.

  5. Here I am freezing at 50!!! Love the photo and new top!!! Erica

    1. Haha, I know- it gets cold in Spokane! We got 10 fresh inches of snow yesterday. It looks even colder out today. :/

  6. 13.1 miles! You are awesome! :) So proud of how far you have come Tasha!
    Did Mr. Diva run?? :)

    1. Yes, he said he did. Of course I can't be 100% since I didn't go to the gym with him, but he complained all day how sore he was. :-)

  7. Sounds like a fun NYE and a crazy snowy run! :)

    1. I think I will be on the TM for a while now that we got 10 inches yesterday. I don't want to ice skate my way through long runs anymore. That is just asking for an injury. I don't like wearing yak trax for long runs because they hurt my feet.

  8. I swear that running in those conditions takes way more out of you than in dry. No wonder you needed a nap! Wear your yaktrax next time!

    I'm with you, I hate winter. And it's only January. I have always wanted to move somewhere warm and someday, I will!

    1. It really does Amanda. I was so exhausted when I got done. I felt like I had run a full marathon! I don't mind yak trax for shorter runs, but they always hurt my feet on the longer ones. It doesn't look like the roads are going to clear up anytime soon because we got 10 new inches of snow yesterday. I might hoof it on my TM this weekend.

  9. So exciting that Mr. Diva is wanting to run....I will be sending good vibes his way! Glad you are getting fitted properly on your bike as well. A bad fit can cause so many injuries.

    Way to go on your run, you crazy girl! So proud of you

    1. I know- who would have thought he wanted to run? So far he has been doing pretty good with his training plan, but I also don't have a gym membership so I can't spy on him. I don't know why he has to go to the gym to run when we have TM. Oh well! He has been complaining how sore he is so I am sure that he is doing something at least. :-)

  10. I hate ice so SO much. I am glad that they are really hardcore about keeping the 18 mile lakefront path clear and salted, but its the only place thats safe to run - all the sidewalks are skating rinks all winter long :( I tell myself it helps with balance, haha!

    1. You are lucky that the city keeps the lakefront path clear. People suck at clearing the running trails and sidewalks in Spokane. I personally think people who are able to clear their sidewalks and don't should get fined.

  11. I had to laugh when I read your post is SO hot here, so horribly, horribly hot! (think 104'F with humidity!), that I have been day dreaming about snow and ice :P I guess neither extreme is good, and ice is definitely not good for running.

    Amazing workouts!

    1. Yikes- that is hot! I would like a happy medium right now. 60-70 degrees would be perfect!

  12. I'm so jeally that you ran 13 miles! You're doing well, Tasha! Way to go!

    1. Thanks Becky- you will be back to that distance in no time!

  13. You look great girl, love it!!

  14. I skidded through a run this morning! I think it adds an extra challenge, I don't mind the temps, but I don't like the ice!

    1. I hate the ice. I always feel like I am going to fall in front of someone I know driving by or break something important.

  15. In Florida we never have ice...or snow...or a winter lol. Keep on rockin' it!

    1. But you have humidity. I wouldn't like that either.

  16. So, when is Mr. healthy Diva's marathon? :) How brave of him...and you to make his plan! Of course, he is going to do the 3 miles. Pressure is on!!

    Love the top...not so much the slippery skating run stuff. Great TM workout! That's a hard session!!

    1. Ha- a marathon for Mr. Healthy Diva? That really would be the end of the world! So far I think that he has been sticking to his plan, but it hasn't even been a week yet. He is usually good with things for a week or two weeks max and then he falls off of the bandwagon.

      I love the top too- can't wait to wear it out on Friday night!

  17. i love your title it made me laugh since I'm in florida.

    the sequins are so cute! I need to head out and find some more cute clothes that are umm not for running.

    1. We have the exact opposite weather patterns. I wouldn't mind visitng FL right now, but I don't think I would like your humid summers.

      I love dressing up when I get the chance because I live in my workout clothes. I wish I could wear my running clothes 24/7- they are so comfy!


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