
Monday, January 14, 2013

Featured Runner: Raina

I am honored to have Raina from Small Town Runner be my January featured runner! Raina and I are both Brooks ID athletes I feel lucky to have actually meet her IRL at the Eugene Marathon. Raina's blogs is one of my favorite ones to follow. I love reading about her training because she bases a lot of her workouts off of her heart rate. I am hoping that in the future I can more from her on this topic since I have a heart rate monitor now. 

Raina & I at the 2012 Eugene Marathon

Raina currently has her sites on a 50K this spring. After seeing her turn in an amazing performance at Eugene, I have no doubt in my mind that she is going to be incredible at the longer distance. Recently she completed an impressive "streaking" challenge running a 5k a day for the month of December. She is a very talented runner and I am excited to see what 2013 has in store for her!

Name: Raina

Age: 38

Years running: 4 ½

Favorite distance: To be determined! Probably not the marathon (Until I bring that time closer to the others on the calculator).

PRs: 1mile- 5:41, 5k-19:13, 10k 40:14, half marathon 1:29:30, marathon 3:17:49

How did you get into running: First, as conditioning for soccer in college and high school. It helped me be more competitive on the field. Later, to lose weight (and as an outlet), after my second son was a year old.

How many marathons have you run: Three

Have you ever completed a triathlon or IM? No. I have spent some time water jogging and on the bike, though. haha.

How do you find time/make time to train: I have been known to run at odd hours, in the dark, rain, snow, etc... I am blessed to be a stay-home mom. Recently we moved closer to family and it has helped a lot to have others care for the boys while I go out for a quick run.

Favorite cross training workout: Weight lifting

Favorite place to run: So far, Forest Park in Portland, Oregon! I had a magical run with a friend there. The North Umpqua trails in SW Oregon are calling me too, though. Pretty much any trail or race with a buddy is a favorite!

Favorite/most memorable race: Eugene 2010 was my first marathon. My whole family came- husband, kids, mom, dad, sister...Friends and former students of mine made a big hooplah out of it. That was special. I can remember the point in which I realized I would finish with a BQ time. I was so nervous and didn’t think I could!

Favorite pre-race meal: I just eat like I normally do, but make sure not to have any fiber after dinner (That can be problematic on race day). Then, in the morning, a little oatmeal or a bagel and some banana and coffee w/sugar a few hours before the race. Hydration is what I focus on- plenty of electrolyte/carb drink the last few days before a marathon or summer race.

Favorite post-race treat: Hot mocha. Later, fish and chips.

Favorite quote: Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 1Corinthians 9:25

Favorite running shoe: Brooks Ghost5!!! If I could only choose one shoe to do it all (easy, speed, racing, trails) in, it would be this shoe. My favorite road racing shoe for short races is the Brooks PureConnect.

Must have running accessory: I’m kind of attached to my GPS/heart rate monitor.

Best running advice: Have a purpose for each run. Let your easy runs be easy, your hard runs be hard; and, if it’s simply to vent, make sure you get it all out.

Running accomplishment you are most proud of: Helping a friend learn how to train by heart rate. She returned from a serious ankle injury and surprised herself with a fantastic race. Helping motivated runners reach their goals.

Anything additional you would like to add? Injuries happen, even to the elite. They can be devastating, but we learn valuable things from them. The body reacts to stress in a positive way, given it has a chance to recover.  If you don’t push the envelope, you will never get faster. If you push too hard, you end up sidelined. Racing is all about risk and reward. Everyone has to find a risk level he or she can be happy with.

Be sure to check out Raina's blog at Small Town Runner and follow her on twitter @raina_runs



  1. I have followed her for quite a while, love her blog. Great runner to feature. She is so fast and talented!

    1. She is VERY fast. I can't wait for her to run the 50K. She is going to be awesome!!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I think that Raina is so inspiring and talented. Her blog always makes me feel motiviated to try harder.

  3. Wowza she is speedy! :) So cool to read about other's accomplishments!

  4. Thanks for the spotlight, Tasha! I really enjoyed meeting you at Eugene Marathon 2012. Hope we can meet up again very soon, Brooks sister! :)

    1. I hope that we can meet up sooner than later sweet friend! Thanks for letting me feature you. I can tell from all of these comments how much you have inspired other people.

  5. Great feature, motivating for sure!

    1. Raina has inspired me more times than I can keep track of. She is also one of the sweetest runners I have met IRL.

  6. I look forward to following Raina's 50K training! Great post!

    1. I am looking forward to following Raina's training too. She is pretty incredible and very diligent with her training.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks! I like to feature people who have made an impact on me as a person and on my running. I can see that Raina has also motivated and inspired other people too!

  8. I really enjoy reading Raina's blog too... and the fact that she lives semi close to me. Always fun to follow local runners. I would love to do some HR training someday.

    1. Lauren you are lucky that you live so close to Raina! I think eventually I will get more into HR training. I am already using it a little bit now. I just don't know much about it yet.

    2. One of these days we are going to have to run Ridgeline or Pisgah together, Lauren!

  9. I love Raina, too! She is so talented and always so positive. Great feature!

    1. I especially loved her comment on how injuries happen to even the elite and how racing is about the risk & reward. So true!

  10. Raina! You chose a great woman to be your featured runner. :) She is such an encouraging inspiration.
    -Angie H.

    1. She is a true inspiration. A great runner to feature for the beginning of the new year.

  11. Super! I love Raina and her great values. She is certainly one of my favorite bloggers.n I'm glad I found your blog via her today. :)

    1. Thank you Johann! Raina is one of my favorite bloggers too!

  12. wow, such impressive times!! I keep hearing great things about running by heart rate - i know if i focus on it my races with improve based on past experiences!

    1. I am really excited to learn more about HR training. I think that it will be beneficial to my training and hopefully lower my race times. I know it would do the same for you too!

  13. Ah...I love Raina; "met" her years ago in RW Loop. So fun to read about her amazing accomplishments and what she loves most with running. Thanks for featuring her! :)

    1. I couldn't think of a better person to feature for the new year. She is very talented and accomplished!


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