
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 1: Smiling

I had a great week! I think that it helped that Christmas was on Tuesday, but I also feel like I can consider this my first "official" marathon training week. The Windermere Marathon is 141 days away (not that I am counting or anything).

On Monday FGF was closed so for the first time in months I had to do a workout on my own at home. It was weird!!!!

A quick Healthy Diva "booty kicker"

I had made a goal for myself at the beginning of December to complete a 5 minute plank by the end of the month. I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it, but when I set a goal I will try my hardest to beat it. On Thursday I did just that! With a few days left in the month I completed a plank for 5:15!!!! Now my new goal is beat 8 minutes because I heard that was the FGF record. It might take a while, but I know that I can do it!

On Friday I registered for the Hot Chocolate 15K in Seattle. This race has been on my radar for a couple of months, but since I didn't want to jinx myself I waited to register. I have been feeling awesome running wise and much more confident so with Matt's approval, I registered. I can't wait to see my #NuunKOTB peeps and some of my other favorite Seattle peeps! Mark your calendars for the weekend of March 1st-3rd.

2012 started out with a bang, sort of fizzled, but is now ending on a positive note. Yesterday I ran 12 glorious miles and felt fantastic every step. I ended the week with my highest mileage since Eugene with 25.20 miles. One of my goals for 2012 was to run 2000 miles during the year. That didn't happen, but I am very proud of 1,205 miles that I did run. Proud of every step. 

Why couldn't Matt have 7 more miles scheduled for December? So close to 100 for the month!

Scenes from my last run of 2012- what a great way to end an emotional year!

Questions for you:
How was your week? 
Any training milestones for the year?
Would you rather run outside in the snow/ice or on the TM?



  1. wow great job with the 5 min plank!!!thats amazing!

    my training milestones, completing tough mudder, and getting a new 8km PB (my best post injury race)

    id rather run on the treadmill but force myself outside from time to time. happy new year!! xox

    1. Thanks Michelle! It wasn't easy, to do 5 minutes. Planks are boring, but good for you too.

      I would rather run outside, but not during the winter. Makes me thankful that I have my own TM at home.

      Happy New year to you too! XXX

  2. I did a hot chocolate race before, and the location sucked/it started 90 minutes late on a 30 degree morning! The race would ave been so much better if more planning were involved! I've heard that they got their stuff together for other locations, though, so you should definitely not run into the same problems!

    1. I think I remember you writing about it Nikki. I sure hope that the one in Seattle is better planned. I think that this is the first year the race will be there.

  3. You freaking killed that plank. I have no doubt that you'll eventually get to that 8 minute one. I know it's been an emotional year for you, but I'm so glad it's ended on a positive note. Hopefully 2013 starts with a bang and just keeps getting better. Jealous of all the fun you gals will have doing hot chocolate! Wish I was closer!

    1. I wished that you lived closer too! I am really excited to see everyone in Seattle. I don't make it ever there enough, but I am planning on changing that this next year.

      My goal by March is do an 8 min plank- we will see how that goes. They are hard!

      Happy New Year to you Ryan and Gizmo!

  4. I can't believe everyone is in official training mod again- and you too! I can imagine how well you are going to do at Windermere as you build your base under this coach :) BIG things in store!!

    We will forget about the 7 little miles. It is a huge accomplishment that you are even on the road after the whole compartment syndrome fiasco.

    An 8 minute plank. Can't even imagine.. I will shoot for 2 tonight :)

    Have a great new year!!

    1. I hope so Raina. I am doing a threshold test today. It will be interesting to compare my results from the test I had done in February to the one today. I know fitness wise I am not in awful shape so I am excited to see what happens. Matt has been really smart with my training. I am lucky to have such a great coach to work with. I know that he was being smart by having me build up mileage slowly. It will all pay off in the end. I was telling Amanda in an email earlier today that last night it finally hit me- I haven't experienced any symptoms of compartment syndrome since June. My left leg doesn't hurt and it doesn't feel like I am dragging it either when I run. I need to start self doubting myself and just run!

  5. 5 minute plank is amazing! Wow. Congratulations on a great last week for 2012 :)

    1. Thanks Kari- I am looking forward to starting with a bang for 2013 and hopefully continuing through the year on a positive note.

  6. amazing on the 5 minute plank-and 8 minutes?? i must admit, i think i would get bored or need entertainment for holding that position that long. :) glad the year is ending on such a high note for you!

    1. I was just thinking to myself how boring the 5 minutes was. Maybe I will need to watch youtube next time. I love catching up on Jenna Marbles. Haha.

  7. A 5 minute plank?! WOW you are incredible!!! I can barely do 1 minute, I guess I have room for improvement haha :)

    1. You could do it Katherine! I have been practicing for about 2 months so it didn't come super easy. Planks are tough, but so great for your abs.

  8. Wow, great job on that 5-minute plank!! I held one for as long as I could the other day and only managed two minutes. Good luck on getting to 8, I'm sure you can do it. :D

    Personally I hate running on treadmills, so I put up with the snow outside. I do my best to find residential areas with clear roads where I can run in the street. I seriously admire anyone who has the mental strength to run more than 3mi on a treadmill!!

    1. I hope that I can- my goal is to be able to do 8 minutes by March. Last night I did 10 minutes, but not in a row. I had to take some 15 second breaks w/me knees on the ground.

      I used to be more brave running outside, but now I am petrified of getting injured. My husband bought me a TM last year so I love using it. It is the one time I can actually listen to music when I run since I love it at home if I go outside. It is super boring though. I usually put a towel over the the top so I can't see how many more miles I have.

  9. Windmere should be such a cool race! And I have a feeling you'll be in great shape for it, too.

    As to your question on inside vs. outside--I will go out no matter what! I really loathe the treadmill!

    Happy new year!

    1. Happy New Year to you too Amanda! I am really looking forward to Windermere. I officially registered for it this morning. It just got REAL!

  10. A 5 minute plank- rockstar! That's impressive. I dropped the ball on planking, but really need to get back at it. Happy new year, Tasha!

    1. Happy New Year to you too Laura! So excited for you to run Houston in a couple of weeks. You are going to have a great 2013. I am looking forward to reading about your new adventures. :-)

  11. I am so impressed with your 5 minute plank! Great job getting your workout done at home. I haven't planked in a while. .. I probably could do a minute :)

    Good luck, I can't wait for you to have your comeback marathon.


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