
Monday, November 5, 2012

Featured Runner: Lora @ Crazy Running Girl

I asked Lora to be my first featured runner. I met Lora through the Fit Approach Sweet Pink Ambassador program. I immediately fell in love with her blog “Crazy Running Girl”. Lora and I seem to have a lot in common and I love reading about her adventures living in New York City. She is currently in training for the Brooklyn Marathon which will be held on November 18th. In 2013 she is signed up for some great marathons - Houston, Boston, & the Big Sur. 

Name: Lora… or you can call me Crazy (short for Crazy Running Girl)

Lora running the 2011 Chicago Marathon
Age: 27

Years running: 15

Favorite distance: Marathon – it’s a race that is unpredictable and so humbling.
PRs: 3:31.44 Marathon (2010 ING NYC Marathon); 1:41.24 Half Marathon (2012 Brooklyn Half Marathon); 46:59 10K (NYRR New York Mini 10K)

How did you get into running: When I was younger, I used to be overweight. My grandparents babysat me in the summer months and I would eat breakfast at home, and then go to their house and eat breakfast again (I couldn't say no to my grandma!) and of course munch on other goodies throughout the day. In middle school, I could barely fit into my sister’s clothes – even though she was 7 years older than me. I decided to spend the summer before high school getting in shape and started running 5 miles every day. It took me over an hour to go that far, but it helped – I dropped about 20 pounds. Since then, I’ve been hooked. I ran cross country in high school and got the marathon bug in 2006.

How many marathons have you run: 8 -- #9 is Brooklyn Marathon this November.

Have you ever completed a triathlon or IM? No, I can’t swim – otherwise I definitely would!

How do you find time/make time to train: I get up early in the morning to get my workout in, even on the weekends. I used to run after work but when we moved to NYC, that meant I wouldn’t run until I got home, which was like 7 or 8 p.m.! For me, running/training is my way to relax. It makes me a better person, so with that in mind, it’s definitely easy to find time to train.

Favorite cross training workout: I love doing CrossFit-like workouts at home. My husband is a physical therapist and comes up with some really awesome workouts to do right at home.

Favorite place to run: I absolutely love running in Prospect Park (which is good, because the Brooklyn Marathon is 8 or 9 loops around it). It’s only a few blocks from our place… of course, an early morning run across the Brooklyn Bridge with views of the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building isn’t too shabby either. Out of everywhere I've been, I still think Minneapolis has some of the best running around the lakes.

Lora & her husband after the 2012 Houston Marathon
Favorite/most memorable race: This is a tough one! I think the most memorable is the Run for the Pies 5K I did in 2009 in Jacksonville… it’s a race where if you finish under a certain time, you get a free pie at the finish line. The first year I did it I was about five or six people to slow for a pie, but in 2009 I did it! My favorite race? It’s hard to say – Boston is incredible because of the history and it’s such an honor to run there; NYC Marathon has such an amazing vibe and is a great way to get to know the city; and of course, Houston Marathon was awesome – it gave me a new appreciation for the city. I think I could tell you my favorite thing about every marathon I've run. :)

Favorite pre-race meal: A vegetarian burrito bowl from Chipotle (I've eaten in before every marathon except for my first one).

Favorite post-race treat: Burger and beer (or cider!) :)

Favorite quote: "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run." --John Bingham

Favorite running shoe: Asics Cumulus 13

Must have running accessory: My FuelBelt… I don’t even know how many miles I've gone with this, but it’s a staple for long runs.

Best running advice: Listen to your body and if it’s screaming to you that you need a rest day, take that rest day. And, don’t forget to have fun! I try to toe the start of every race focusing on having a good time (my training will take care of the rest) because after all, that’s what attracts us to this wonderful sport. :)

Lora & her best friend after finishing the 2012 Boston Marathon
Running accomplishment you are most proud of: Qualifying for Boston. I shaved 20 minutes off my time and the first time, qualified for the race with 12 seconds to spare!

Anything additional you would like to add? Thank you Tasha for the opportunity! :) And I’ll steal my last words from Nike: The roads are always open.

Be sure and check out Lora's blog "Crazy Runner Girl at:

Twitter: @loramarie03

I am hoping that someday Lora and I can meet up at a race. I was bummed to learn that we were both in Houston last year, but at that time we didn't know each other. 

Thanks for participating Lora and being my first featured runner. Good luck at Brooklyn!!!!!


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