
Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Favorites: Hood to Coast edition

I woke up feeling a little depressed this morning because technically I should be in Oregon running Hood to Coast this weekend. Words can't describe how freaking awesome HTC is. If you have never run HTC before, you must!!!! It should be on every runner's bucket list. There are a million reasons why HTC is awesome, but you have to run to find out why. Seriously. Who would think getting no sleep for 24 hours, running through the middle of the night, being stinky, living off of Cliff Bars, and being crammed into a van would be so much fun?! Well it is FUN!

Last year I was fortunate to join team Lolly Gaggers at the last minute because one of their runners was injured. The team was mostly from Spokane, but I didn't know any of them prior to HTC. I was the weird complete stranger that nobody knew, but runners are pretty cool peeps and we were all great friends by the end of the weekend.

The highlight of my weekend was meeting Bart Yasso. I am such a running geek that I instantly spotted and recognized him. How none of my teammates knew him or who he was dumb founded me. How can you not know who the Chief Running Officer of Runner's World magazine is OR the what Yasso 800s are??!!??!!

Lolly Gaggers getting ready to rock it

Team photo op @ Mt. Hood

Getting ready to represent Brooks on my 1st leg (#9)

We made it to Seaside


I arrived back to Spokane Sunday afternoon exhausted, sore, stinky, but grinning like crazy and already looking forward to the next relay adventure. I am hoping that next year someone will ask me to be on their team so that I can part of this epic craziness again. I promise to be 150% by then. :-)

Questions for you:

Is Hood to Coast on your "bucket" list?
What relays have you participated in?


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