
Monday, May 7, 2012

An exciting announcement

I didn't do a lot of public posting on this topic, but I had submitted an application to run on Nuun's Hood to Coast team this summer. I was apprehensive about publicly posting on this topic because I spent 1/2 day you tube stalking tons of amazing video applications. I figured that there was no way I would ever get selected. I don't consider myself to be a creative person, but figured I would give it a shot. Couldn't hurt, right?

I was anxiously awaiting April 24th when Nuun would announce who had made the team. I wasn't selected, but I wasn't surprised and I wasn't disappointed. Like I said, there were thousands of applications and a lot of them were really good. I was slightly bummed, but really I was only thinking about the Eugene Marathon that was in 5 days.

Fast forward another week to May 3rd. I am leaving work and see that I have an email with the subject: want to run Ragnar with us? At first glance I thought it was an email from Lora at Crazy Running Girl who had been talking about forming a Ragnar Adirondacks team. I noticed that the email wasn't from her so I opened it. My heart literally stopped beating. It was an email from Mason Reay the President & CEO of Nuun. Huh?!

In short he had been in Eugene over the weekend and congratulated me on my marathon (why thank you!) and went on to say that there were literally hundreds of HTC applications from the Pac NW and that they couldn't pick all of their favorites. With that being said, Nuun had decided to form a team for the Ragnar Northwest Passage Relay and he wanted to know if I wanted to run with them this July. Say what? OF COURSE!!!! I emailed Mason back and may have said that he had just made my year. Literally, I think that he did!

I couldn't wait to tell Mr. Healthy Diva because he spent a lot of time working on my video that I had submitted. He promptly told me that I had to post the video on my blog. He actually badgered me about posting it all weekend and I purposely put it off. It's a cute video, but by no means artistic so keep that in mind.

Summer and July can't come soon enough- I am really looking forward to the weekend of July 20th & 21st. I can't wait to meet all of my teammates in person and run from Blaine, WA to Whidby Island. YAHOO!

Here are some of my fabulous teammates!

Dawn - @TriCoachDawn
Stacie - @skippinginsea
Becky - @RunFunDone
Lauren - @marathonlar
Megan - @dailysweat
Alanna - @lovemyrunners
Jenny - @jennypennysue
Holly - @hroberts123

Thank you Nuun for selecting me. I feel so incredibly honored and ecstatic! :-)



  1. That's amazing and CONGRATS!!!! What a cool opportunity!!

    1. Thanks Lora! I seriously thought at first the email was from you, but obviously your name isn't Mason. LOL. :D

  2. I am SO excited to be one of your the video too!!! July can't come soon enough!!!

    1. Hi Holly!! I am so excited to be one of your teammates too! Ragnar is going to be a BLAST!

  3. That is totally awesome!!! So excited for you, Tasha!!!

  4. Congratulations!! That is really some awesome and exciting news! Those are some lucky teammates you have :)

    (and i think the video is AWESOME!)

    1. Haha, thank you! I seriously think that Tia & Maisy stole the show though. They are much better actresses then me. :D

  5. Woohoo! Thanks for making a list of all the fabulous ladies running this...I was just about to do that and you saved me some work :)

    1. Haha, you are welcome. I looked to see if anyone else had made a list and didn't see one. Glad I saved you a couple of minutes. :)

  6. That's fantastic!! Congratulations!! :)

  7. Wow, how exciting! Congratulations!

  8. that is great! congratulations! hope you will have a great time!
    It is great that they are doing this!

    1. Thank you Caroline. I was so shocked when I got the email. It was a very nice surprise!

  9. Fantastic, such an awesome opportunity!

    1. Thank you, I am VERY excited to run with these talented women and represent Nuun.

  10. That is so awesome! Congrats:)

  11. Have fun! Sounds like it will be a great time!

    1. Thanks Meggie!!! I am not excited or anything :D

  12. that's soooo awesome! I was thinking that by next year I might be able to think up something cool for an HTC video; nice to know that maaaaybe they'd take a local yokel like me up to Northwest Passage :) Congrats!

    1. Andrea you totally should do a video for next year. Keep a look at on the Nuun website around the end of March. That is when they announced the contest this year.

  13. Tasha! I can't leave a post on your running story tab, but your story is super inspiring! I'm so glad that you wrote it so that people like me who are trying to get back in shape after getting out of shape can be inspired!

    AND I'm so happy about running Ragnar with you and all the other Nuunie bloggers! :)

    1. Thank you so much Becky. Let me know if you need any advice or some tips & tricks. I know sometimes it can be hard to get motivated again. You can do it! Anyone can do it, if I did. I am really looking forward to getting to meet you and the rest of our awesome team! July can't come soon enough.

  14. How cool is that!!! Congrats Tasha! :)

    1. Thanks Brandi! I am still so excited about this awesome opportunity!

  15. watched your whole video....LOVE all the pictures!!! how many marathons have you run?
    congrats on the relay! you will kick BUTT!!!!

    1. Thanks Nicole- you are so sweet! Eugene was my 4th marathon. I ran Portland in 2008, Boston 2010, CIM 2011, and then Eugene. :-)

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks- I am still grinning from ear to ear :D

  17. Oh that's fabulous news Tasha! Nuun had such a difficult decision deciding on H2C runners I'm so glad you get this opportunity for Ragnar!!

  18. Just found your blog girl and wow that is exciting, Congrats!!! I look forward to reading more and about this of course :)

  19. Wow - congratulations! Great news :)

  20. That is so exciting for you!!!!! You are so cool!

  21. Just saw this on your sidebar! How cute are you guys?!


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