
Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekend away!

It’s Friday, hooray!!!! Today I was up bright and early at 4:30 am to get my workout done. On the agenda was 6 X 400 meter repeats. I don’t like 400s, actually I hate them. However, this morning they felt effortless at a 6:00/mile pace. Absolutely effortless. I could have run 20 of them at that pace. The joys of tapering. 

After my 400s I focused on stretching as my PT had instructed me to do so and then I knocked out some abs. Of course I would have liked to get an extra hour of sleep, but today after work I am driving to Seattle for the weekend. YAHOO!!!! I am going to visit my college best friend, Adrienne. She is AWESOME and I seriously miss the good ole days with her in “CheneyVille”.  She made college even more fun then it probably should be. I won’t get into details, BUT….WE HAD A LOT OF FUN!

I am looking forward to seeing her pretty little face, catching up, drinking good wine, and indulging in what Seattle is known for- THE BEST SUSHI!!!!!

Questions for you:

Do you still keep in contact with your best friend from college?
Have any fun weekend plans?



  1. Have fun this weekend and enjoy your sushi and girl time!

  2. Amen to the weekend being here!!! I am so pumped about just relaxing and keeping it low-key!

  3. Hoorah for the great workout and easy repeats! :) Sounds like you'll have a blast in Seattle, have a safe drive over and back. :) My best friend in college was also my best friend and high school and we still keep in touch :) I'm actually going to go have coffee with her at noon today. Going to Coeur'd Alene tomorrow to pick up the race packet for Sundays race and probably going to walk around and do a little shopping and then go to eat at the Grille of Impanema :)

  4. Have fun! :)
    Answer questions: Yes, I still keep in contact with my best friend from college; no real plans, just relaxing and getting some boring stuff done.

  5. Have a wonderful time with your girlfriend!! I actually keep in touch with more high school friends than college.

  6. I really only stay in regular contact with one person from my undergrad years, but I think I'll stay in contact with many more from my Master's program! Have a wonderful sushi-filled weekend!

  7. Keeping in touch is super difficult for me, but the internets help! PLEASE eat lots of sushi for me!! It's my FAVORITE!

    1. I had a sushi food baby on Saturday night! I am sure I ate enough for me AND you!

  8. Hope you're having a wonderfully fun weekend :)

    My weekend consists of four nights in a row of nightshift....NOT fun.

  9. Nice job getting up early and getting the workout done! My college friends mean the world to me. We try to get together at least once a year in one of our cities.

  10. Hey Tasha! Hope you had a great time with your friend! :)

  11. How in the world do you get up so early? :) I wish I could!!! Hope you had a great weekend :)

    1. I am an old lady and go to bed before 10 pm every night. Maybe that is why? LOL :-)

  12. I seriously had one of the best weekends EVER!!!! Post coming tomorrow. :-)


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