
Monday, December 5, 2011

Race Recap #1: California International Marathon

CIM is done and I am feeling a little bittersweet about it. I honestly couldn't have ran this race without all of the support from my wonderful friends and family. Especially my hubby who dealt with my crazy training schedule like a champ and never complained when my weekends were spent running. So thank you to everyone for putting up with me.

I arrived to Sacramento about 12:30 on Saturday. By the time I got off the plane, found the shuttle, and got downtown to the hotel it was close to 2:00 pm. My parents were waiting for me in the lobby so we got checked into our room and headed to the expo that was across the street. I was thrilled that my parents were there. They have been to more races than I could ever keep track of and our truly my biggest fans.

I got a little worried when I turned on my cell phone at the airport to see that Sacramento had a high wind warning in effect with wind gusts expected between 45-60 MPH. Say what?! If my duffel bag hadn't have been so heavy I might have blown away when I stepped outside at the airport. The wind already added to the stress I had about flying into Sacramento the day before CIM. I had originally planned on flying down Friday night and then ended up changing my plans a couple of months ago when I thought I would just be by myself. No reason to pay $155 a night for a hotel room when you are by yourself. In the end, everything worked out perfectly. Packet pickup was easy and quick. I had lots of time to shop at the expo and sit in on the pace group presentation to find out more information on the course. It was wonderful to meet another Brook's runner, Katy, who was a pace group leader for the 4:55 runners.

I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at how well organized CIM was (more on this coming up in race recap #2). The expo was larger than I was anticipating and I was able to purchase lots of fun goodies as my reward for training so hard. I absolutely love expos- they are like my birthday & Christmas rolled into one. :-)

After packet pick up we went back to the hotel to relax before dinner. I made sure that I had everything laid out and ready to go for in the morning.  We enjoyed a nice dinner at PF Changs where I proceeded to stuff my face with crispy green beans, brown rice & honey chicken. Before I went to bed, I double & triple checked that I had everything ready for the morning. I went to bed around 8 PM, more excited than nervous.

Lucky # 4463

My outfit is ready

Race recap #2 is in progress :-)


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