
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bring it Christmas

I am officially ready for Christmas! I baked like a crazy person last night and made a gazillion cookies (chocolate chip, white chocolate macadamia, cranberry/walnut oatmeal, and snicker doodles). I am 90% packed for Oregon, presents are wrapped, car is serviced, the girls are ready...hope that I am not forgetting anything.

I am prepared for running in multiple weather conditions. After looking at the weather, the only sunny day forecasted is for today. Go figure. I will need to double check that I packed my rain coat! No huge mileage plans for over the weekend. It ultimately depends on how my knee feels. Last night it was a touch sore, but I was running around packing and going up and down the stairs which probably aggravated it. I went to class today, but modified most of the workout. I plan on hitting up spin at 5:30 tonight and hopefully go for a short/easy run in the morning.

Ideally, I would like to run 4-5 miles on Saturday and 10-12 on Sunday or vice versa. Obviously, I have nothing set in stone because of my knee.

Today Dec 22  Fri 23               Sat 24              Sun 25             Mon 26
Mostly SunnyFew ShowersFew ShowersShowersShowers
Mostly Sunny Few Showers Few Showers Showers Showers
50°FHigh 50°High 50°High 48°High 46°High
36°Low 41°Low 40°Low 40°Low 42°Low
Chance of Rain:
Chance of Rain:
Chance of Rain:
Chance of Rain:
Chance of Rain:

The most important thing about this weekend is getting to spend Christmas with my parents. It will be good to see them and get a chance to relax.  My parents actually got a tree and decorated the house so hopefully that will put me in a festive mood.

**Don't forget to enter my contest** (Click the link)


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