
Thursday, November 10, 2011


The big buzz around Spokane recently is the grand opening of our very first Trader Joe's store. TJ's is pure fabulous-ness! My bestie got me hooked on TJ's last year and I have been one of thousands of Spokanites anticipating the store opening. My hubby and I went Sunday of opening weekend and he had a mini melt down in the middle of the store so we had to leave. Apparently he wasn't too enthused about the cart to cart combat. I might be slightly more aggressive than he is. :-) 

I hadn't made another attempt to go back to TJ's until last night. My wonderful co-workers purchased me a TJ's giftcard for my birthday so I had a good excuse to go. My even better excuse to go was that I desperately needed pizza sauce for the tortilla pizza with turkey pepperoni I was about to make for my dinner. 

Lucikly I found the pizza sauce (fat free= double bonus points!) and several other goodies. These goodies included:

Chicken Asada
Pumpkin Bread
Apple Spice Bread
Pumpkin Pancake Mix (Oh, hello, I can't wait to make you for breakfast on Saturday!)
Pizza Sauce 

Tonight happened to be one of those nights when I really felt like baking. Baking is like therapy to me. There are days when I could bake allllll day (yes those days are not good to my waist line!). I decided to make apple spice muffins instead of bread. Muffins just seem like so much more fun and they take less time to bake.


Dang, wish I had the caramel sauce!

I baked mini muffins....

...and big muffins

Yes...they taste delish!

The muffins were easy to make- I only needed 3 additional ingredients and they only took about 12 minutes to bake. They tasted delish! I like making the mini muffins because they are the perfect bite sized snack. 



  1. Love tjs!!! Will have to look for that spice cake.

  2. Looks so yummy!! My mom waited in line at TJ's on opening day... Yes, you Spokanites are sure excited about your TJ's :)

  3. Julie- all of my muffins are gone! They were so good- I need to bake more.

    Meredith- Sometimes there isn't a lot to get excited about in Spokane. :-)
    I wondered if your mom had gone to TJ's yet because we were talking about it at brunch. She is really brave for waiting in line on opening day- I heard that it was insane.


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