
Monday, October 17, 2011

Marathon Training: Week 5

This was a busy week, lots of stuff going on every night. My life will slow down for the most part after this weekend. This will be my last weekend away until either Thanksgiving or CIM. We are still undecided if he will go to my parent's house in Oregon this year for Thanksgiving....We usually end up going. Actually, in my 27 years I have never missed a turkey day with my parents.

So my husband took a few photos at the Spokane half that I never posted on my recap. Apparently I was quick, because he got one good photo of my backside. HMMMMM.....At least I ROCKED my pink Team Sparkle skirt. That is really all that matters....Angie had heard that I was wearing a pink tutu, WTH?! I would never run a half marathon in a pink tutu! She figured that she was being misinformed- so glad that she really knows me!

Good shot Mr. Malcolm! Um, does this skirt make my butt look fast?????
Okay, now on to the important stuff- CIM training!!!!!!!

Monday: OFF. I was a lazy bum, slept in, did lazy bum stuff after work.....

Tuesday: Skinny Jeans class. I got home from work and took the girlies for a walk. I can tell that fall is here since I had to wear my coat and it was still chilly.

Um....They weren't cooperating for the photo

Wednesday: Intervals! Um, they went okay. I didn't hit my target times, BUT I felt good and FLAB told me not to freak out if I don't hit my new target I am not going to freak out.
My warm up was 15 min (1.5miles) and my workout consisted of 1 X 1600 @ 5:50, 1 X 3200 @ 12:10, and 2 x 800 @ 2:40. I cooled down with 10 an easy 10 minute run (1.10miles)

1600- Actual time was 6:06...This is a slight improvement from week 1, but 16 seconds off of target pace (dang that doesn't sound good, but I am not going to freak out!)
3200- Actual time was 12:24.1....My pace was 6:14 so I was only 7 seconds off my target pace of 6:07 (Better!)
800- Actual time was 2:53.4....Both of my 800s were faster than week 3
800- Actual time was 2.54.2

I wouldn't say this workout was a dud, even though I hate that feeling of "what if I just pushed myself a bit more"......My last 8 weeks of training for CIM is designed to push myself to see how far I can go without getting injured. I am excited about the challenge, but know that I am going to have to make some adjustments to get there. I am already finding how exhausted I am. I am not sore, I am just tired. I need to work on getting more shut eye and maybe I won't be so tired....

When I got home from work I had a special request from FLAB to make my famous red velvet angel food cake for her is good it is bad! Click here for the recipe!!!!!

Just mixing away with Tia Bean as my assistant

All ready to go in the oven!

Thursday: Skinny Jeans! I was feeling my interval workout from the day before, I wasn't body just felt fatigued. We had to do 6 sets of stairs with our kettle bells and it was HOT! I was remembering how hard the first set of stairs were that we ran back in January and how stairs never really get easy. I wonder how come? I didn't go running when I got home from work because my training plan stated OFF. Instead I took my girls for a wonderful walk through the neighborhood AND relaxed in the hot tub with a glass of vino. To make the night more perfect (since it was chilly outside), I made homemade chicken noodle soup. What a perfect night!

Vino + hot tub = a great night of relaxation!

Friday: Tempo day! WU 14:19 (1.5miles). Ran 4 miles in 26:32 (6:38 pace). CD 13:12 (1.5miles). My target pace for this workout was 6:30/mile so I was pretty darn close! I felt good, but wished I would have hit that target time. Oh well.....Followed my tempo with 20 minutes of abs & stretching.

Saturday: OFF. Spent the most wonderful day with my best friend trying on bridesmaid dresses. I got to see her in her beautiful wedding dress for the first time. I am so excited for her big day August 11, 2012!!!! Trying on the bridesmaid dresses was fun- I love what she picked out and the color is simply perfect. We topped off the night having dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory with a very good friend of mine and his wife. I met Garth for the first time when I was in high school and has been a great inspiration and mentor to me. I haven't seen him since my wedding so it was great to have the opportunity to catch up with him.

Sunday: Girlfriend's Half Marathon!!!!! I will post more on this later in the week. It was my 11th half marathon and officially my favorite race EVER!!!!! I can't wait to write my was the perfect race for me. :-)

Total Weekly Mileage: 30ish.....(I haven't uploaded my Garmin from Girlfriends)


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