
Friday, October 28, 2011

Being Creative & Inspired

I have never considered myself to be a creative or crafty person. I can sew, bake/cook, knit, and I like photography, but I am by no means artistic in any way, shape or form. I can barely draw a stick figure! I am looking forward to seeing where my inspiration takes me this winter. There are so many projects that I would like to take up, now I just need to find the time to start and complete them.

My attempt at being creative...a work in progress :-)

Some goals & training aspirations

Part of me being creative was making some running skirts this week. I think that they turned out pretty cool!

Wouldn't this be perfect for the Las Vegas Rock n' Roll marathon?!

A sparkly skirt

This one is my FAVORITE (it still needs elastic)

My next "do it" myself project is going to be a pea coat or similar style. I looked at patterns last, but I didn't see any fabric that I loved. My hubby didn't realize that there are patterns to make in the heck does he think his clothing gets made? Haha. Men....they are SOOOOO funny sometimes. :-)

I am not sure if my sense of being inspired has helped my training this week, but I have definitely redeemed myself from last week. I totally kicked some major booty on my interval workout and my tempo run. I felt AWESOME!!!! I watched a CIM course video on YouTube last night. It totally gave me goose bumps! I am so ready for this...bring it CIM. :-)



  1. Keep up the great work! <3 I want you to make me thr "las Vegas" skirt for the eugene marathon. <3

  2. You are very crafty my friend! I really like the Las Vegas skirt, super cute and the others are adorable as well. I like your collage; I enjoy making collages, especially in cups, the starbucks to go coffee mugs to be exact, too much fun! Thanks for sharing; you are going to rock the CIM. I just know it!

  3. I'm so behind on here! Wow, I have some catching up to do!! Love your goals and vision collage here! So cool! And your skirts. You're so creative! And I just noticed your 5:49 mile in the post above. AMAZING!!

  4. Amanda- I am so behind too! My to do list is insane. I feel like I need to take a week off from work just to feel caught up sometimes. I will be glad when CIM is over because it has consumed all of my spare time. I can't wait to be able to relax and then read all of your Boston training blogs. :-)


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